Va. bill would require schools to verify children’s genitals before using restroom

I hate to say it because it sounds like something a good liberal shouldn't even think, but I think these transgender identity issues are a mental disease.

I feel like a man. I feel like a woman. What do those statements even mean outside of a culture that makes extra-rational distinctions about gender?

Imagine kids raised in a culture that makes zero comment about gender....

You either have a dick or you don't. If you do, you belong to the group that does. If you don't, you belong to the group that doesn't. Other than being in the group with more peeing options, so what?

You are either sexually attracted to people with dick, or to people without, or to both, or to neither. Other than that, so what?

Where does this "feel like a man" or "feel like a woman" come from? It comes from artificial constructs imposed by culture. We learn that "man" is associated with a set of attributes; "woman" with a different set of attributes. We learn that we should share those attributes if we are one or the other. We learn that something is wrong with us if we don't share the proper attributes that go with having a dick or not. And for some people, we are willing to change our physiology to match the learned attributes that we associate ourselves with - not because there's actually anything wrong with us, but because we have been taught that there is something wrong with us.

These people, at any age, have been scarred by the irrational brainwashing of their irrational cultures. Their culture - OUR culture - has made them sick.

OK, beat me up. What did I get wrong?
I've stood over a female floor urinal in Korea. Hung around for 4 hours but never got to see a female use one. I was probably creeping out the entire elementary school, huh?
That reminds me of a story. I was on a soju binge up on hooker hill and had to do #2. It was my first week there and I had no idea how to use those little bathtubs in the floor. Let me just say skill in acrobatics would come in handy in that country.
So in your scenario a boy pretends he's trans in order to use the girls bathroom. He goes in there and discovers that it's a bunch of stalls and that he can't see the girls taking a dump inside them and leaves. Where is the problem that needs to be solved with a new law that requires children to show their genitals to adults at school?
You can't think of any acceptable way to determine whether a boy is a boy or a girl is a girl that doesn't involve adults at school checking out kids genitals? really? Keep in mind, the proposed legislation doesn't say that, the activist does.
Then why did you recommend waiting until adulthood to make a decision in response to this:

Why shouldn't I? There are lots of things we don't want children to do until they're mature enough to make a wise decision. Smoking. Drinking. Gambling. Driving. Joining the military. Dropping out of school. Voting.

Are you seriously suggesting that kids who are too young to vote are not too young to transition (including hormone therapy, surgery, counseling, etc.)?

My understanding is that mental health experts recommend "living as the other person" for some time before doing anything dramatic.... seems to me that requires a bit of maturity and judgment.
How did native American women handle their periods? Did they have an absorbent material? How many bunnies had to die per month for the average woman? Just curious if any of you historians know.
Mainly absorbent plant material like cotton or moss.
Why shouldn't I? There are lots of things we don't want children to do until they're mature enough to make a wise decision. Smoking. Drinking. Gambling. Driving. Joining the military. Dropping out of school. Voting.

Are you seriously suggesting that kids who are too young to vote are not too young to transition (including hormone therapy, surgery, counseling, etc.)?

My understanding is that mental health experts recommend "living as the other person" for some time before doing anything dramatic.... seems to me that requires a bit of maturity and judgment.

You're too young to have sex, but not too young to change your sex?

How does that make any sense?
Well, no. That was determined when I was a collection of cells in my mother's uterus.
Yes and no.

That you are a critter with a Y chromosome got determined at conception.

If "man" merely meant "a human with Y chromosomes" then you would have been determined to be a man in your mother's uterus, as you say.

But that's where it goes off the rails. In our culture, being a man means so much more than having Y chromosomes or a penis. A man is a human who behaves in certain ways and not in other ways, feels certain things and not other things; has certain interests and not other interests; and so on.

Some of those manly attributes are genetically enhanced for those with Y chromosomes. So that men, on average, are generally somewhat stronger and bigger and so on. Which leads, in turn, to activities that emphasize those attributes - some sports, for example - being more often considered "manly." Aggression and competitiveness, while certainly not bound to a particular physiological gender, are nevertheless overwhelmingly attributed to or OK for males rather than females from a cultural perspective. Being aggressive or competitive is considered manly and unfeminine. A good trait for men in our culture, an undesirable trait for women. Being gentle and conciliatory is a cultural good for women, less so for men.

And so on.

So, while you were genetically male in the simplest sense while still in the womb, whether you grew up to be a "real man" had to wait until later.
You may be right, depending on how you define "full" support. There are those, like John Kasich, who don't agree with gay marriage personally, but also don't see it as the state's responsibility to hold up his own religious (I assume it's religious for him) belief, and therefore won't stand in the way of it being legal. He'll also support his friends in their choices, because he loves them, whether he agrees or not. IMO, that stance is a ok.

Those who believe the state should conform to their religious belief...well, they're not going to get their way on gay marriage or many other issues. Nor should they.
So . . . Kasich is sort of a "reasonable Taliban"?

A reasonable Taliban is one who doesn't agree that women should be educated but if the law provides for it he won't fight it.

Rubio and several others are worse. They not only don't think women should receive an education but promise to work to end schooling for girls if they get in power.

Some, I assume, will go so far as to send their daughters to school (to comply with the law) - but only to one that promises not to teach them anything. Hurrah for private enterprise and vouchers.
So . . . Kasich is sort of a "reasonable Taliban"?

A reasonable Taliban is one who doesn't agree that women should be educated but if the law provides for it he won't fight it.

Rubio and several others are worse. They not only don't think women should receive an education but promise to work to end schooling for girls if they get in power.

Some, I assume, will go so far as to send their daughters to school (to comply with the law) - but only to one that promises not to teach them anything. Hurrah for private enterprise and vouchers.
You can't think of any acceptable way to determine whether a boy is a boy or a girl is a girl that doesn't involve adults at school checking out kids genitals? really? Keep in mind, the proposed legislation doesn't say that, the activist does.
I think one of his points if not his main point was that there is no need.

OTOH, he doesn't protect guys from the girl coming in to check out their genitalia. But most guys would probably appreciate girls demonstrating their interest in sex, so I'm not sure how much of a problem that is, either.
Why shouldn't I? There are lots of things we don't want children to do until they're mature enough to make a wise decision. Smoking. Drinking. Gambling. Driving. Joining the military. Dropping out of school. Voting.

Are you seriously suggesting that kids who are too young to vote are not too young to transition (including hormone therapy, surgery, counseling, etc.)?

My understanding is that mental health experts recommend "living as the other person" for some time before doing anything dramatic.... seems to me that requires a bit of maturity and judgment.

Ummm...ok. totally off topic but whatever.

Trying to get back on track -

gender is between the ears and in the heart, not between the legs.

THAT was the comment. Nothing about transitioning or living as the other sex. So did you identify as male or female before you became an adult? It seems like a simple question...quit trying to make it difficult.
So you decided you were male because you had a dick? Odd.

There's nothing odd at all about that.

Me at 3 years old: Mom, am I a boy or a girl?

Mom: You're a boy, honey.

Me: But what makes me a boy?

Mom: Because you have a penis.

Me: Okay... thanks, Mom!
Hey, does that mean I can go all Elizabeth Warren and declare that I'm a Native American for tax and education purposes?

Have at it.

When your mother told you that you can grow up to be anything you want in America, who knew how right she was!
Hey, does that mean I can go all Elizabeth Warren and declare that I'm a Native American for tax and education purposes?

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So you decided you were male because you had a dick? Odd.
One can choose their gender identity, but one's gender is decided at conception. On can later in life change their physical traits to match their identity in opposition to their gender.

So, you are both kinda right.

I'm curious as to how y'all would feel is someone chooses to be black or Native American and then takes a scholarship or other advantage given to that ethnicity.

(I see you Soup, I was typing this while you posted)
There's nothing odd at all about that.

Me at 3 years old: Mom, am I a boy or a girl?

Mom: You're a boy, honey.

Me: But what makes me a boy?

Mom: Because you have a penis.

Me: Okay... thanks, Mom!

oookkkkaaayyyy. So you liked girls when you were 12ish because mommy told you that you have a penis. And that's your "normal".
oookkkkaaayyyy. So you liked girls when you were 12ish because mommy told you that you have a penis. And that's your "normal".

Caitlyn Jenner still likes girls and is not attracted to men, according to his.. er, I mean, her interview with Diane Sawyer. Being a transsexual does not imply homosexuality.

Speaking of Bruce, when did he decide he was a woman? He surely wasn't acting like one back in the 70s.
oookkkkaaayyyy. So you liked girls when you were 12ish because mommy told you that you have a penis. And that's your "normal".
That's not what makes boys like girls. my mom would have kept me away from girls till I Was 21 if she could have.
We aren't talking about being gay, dude. We're talking about what sex you are. Who you like is personally subjective, what sex you are born is not.

Point still thought you were a male at 12 because mommy told you that you had a penis. Are you seriously suggesting that this is all there is to feeling like a male?
Caitlyn Jenner still likes girls and is not attracted to men, according to his.. er, I mean, her interview with Diane Sawyer. Being a transsexual does not imply homosexuality.

Speaking of Bruce, when did he decide he was a woman? He surely wasn't acting like one back in the 70s.

No idea...many talk about feeling like they're in the wrong body from an early age. You ever feel like that?