Visualization of Kirk Ferentz' career record vs. Big 10 & ISU

Aug 12, 2016
Kirk Ferentz career record vs. Big Ten & ISU

Teams ordered from left to right by ranking score (average weekly AP ranking from 1999-2017/No. of weeks in top 25, decimals removed. The lower the score the better.)

Wins = Yellow
Losses = Gray

Nothing groundbreaking but I think this definitely shows that KF has had very good success against the upper-echelon B10 teams including PSU, Wisc, and Mich. He owns Minnesota and Ill. Mixed results vs MSU, ISU, NU. Our ranking score places us pretty much dead-middle of the Big Ten.

I'm thinking about doing one for Hayden Fry also, as well as something showing year-by-year total record, depending on how much time my wife let's me spend on this stuff. Cheers!
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Interesting graph. Crazy that no team has really dominated or gotten the better of Ferentz except for Oh St. Although last year’s beatdown of them feels like 3 wins.

Btw. We lost to Mich St last year.