VOTE based not on who you are actually voting for but for WHO YOU THINK WILL WIN the Presidency in November

Who do you think WILL WIN the Presidency in November?

  • Joe Biden

  • Donald Trump

Results are only viewable after voting.
I'm picking Biden in an unnervingly close EC contest. I think turnout is down considerably, and RFK Jr draws more significantly from Trump than Biden in some key states. The felon status and abortion issue will move enough moderates away from Trump, especially suburban women. Not looking forward to any of it though.
I think there could be a situation if RFK Jr. pulls the inflicted with brain-worms vote away from Trump.
I'm picking Biden in an unnervingly close EC contest. I think turnout is down considerably, and RFK Jr draws more significantly from Trump than Biden in some key states. The felon status and abortion issue will move enough moderates away from Trump, especially suburban women. Not looking forward to any of it though.
I don’t see Joe flipping any red states either. He has to hold what he won last time or it’s going to be agonizingly close and not decided for weeks.
I don’t see Joe flipping any red states either. He has to hold what he won last time or it’s going to be agonizingly close and not decided for weeks.
Agreed. Maybe, maybe North Carolina, but I wouldn't pick it. I think this will come down to PA, GA, MI, and AZ. WI is too confusing and Trump curious to predict, and NV only matters if it's razor thin. No one is getting to 300 electoral votes if I had to bet on it.
I have trouble believing people who voted for Biden last time are going to change their cote to a felon this year. Independents can’t vote for Trump, right. Biden absolutely wins the popular vote.
I voted for biden last time, I feel betrayed by the way he has run this country. I am all in on trump this time. I think others feel the same way I do.
just curious why you think Trump will win.

IMO, I just don't think people want 4 more years of the chaos and drama that they saw from Jan 2017-Jan 2021
I think we have seen way more chaos and drama under Biden. He is getting us in lots of wars that Americans don't want to be in, he supports open borders, he is all in on the transing of our kids and the far left social agenda, he is going too far with climate change. And the guy is so old he can't make coherent speeches. Not a lot to really support with biden.
I think we have seen way more chaos and drama under Biden. He is getting us in lots of wars that Americans don't want to be in, he supports open borders, he is all in on the transing of our kids and the far left social agenda, he is going too far with climate change. And the guy is so old he can't make coherent speeches. Not a lot to really support with biden.

do you think Trump will pull it off and win?
Sure you voted Biden.
Yup, the secrets out now. He claimed he was going to unite the country and he went the total opposite way. Now I realize I fell for the lefts lies, but I won't be fooled again.

BTW, I have also voted for obama once.

I am a moderate, and I don't have allegiance to either party, but the left has gone insane. Covid and the trans stuff got me to understand how the 3 letter agencies play into the lefts global agenda. I also realize now that Trump was right about a lot while the left continue to feed us propaganda. Other people are waking up to this too.
Yup, the secrets out now. He claimed he was going to unite the country and he went the total opposite way. Now I realize I fell for the lefts lies, but I won't be fooled again.

BTW, I have also voted for obama once.

I am a moderate, and I don't have allegiance to either party, but the left has gone insane. Covid and the trans stuff got me to understand how the 3 letter agencies play into the lefts global agenda. I also realize now that Trump was right about a lot while the left continue to feed us propaganda. Other people are waking up to this too.
Dude everything you claim are nutbag right-wing talking points. Nothing in your posts come across as moderate at all. But sure. Pretend that you voted Biden and he forced you to the felon rapists arms.
do you think Trump will pull it off and win?
I hope so. I think more people realize that Trump is not full of crap like the left claim. Countries all across the world are waking up to the globalist agenda and are voting against it.

The globalist agenda is not good for anyone except the elite, so I hope normal people like you and @HawkeyeShawn are able to look into the globalist agenda and see that it is not good for Americans and take the plunge and vote for Trump.

But at this point it's probably 50/50 though.
Dude everything you claim are nutbag right-wing talking points. Nothing in your posts come across as moderate at all. But sure. Pretend that you voted Biden and he forced you to the felon rapists arms.
I speak the truth and have backed it up with sources directly from the globalists. I realize nothing I say will make you change your mind, so you do you. You have a right to vote for whoever you want.
I speak the truth and have backed it up with sources directly from the globalists. I realize nothing I say will make you change your mind, so you do you. You have a right to vote for whoever you want.
How does one go from voting Biden. Then watch Trump attempt a coup. Lose a rape case. Lose a $400 million financial fraud case. Become a convicted felon. And promise to become a dictator. And decide that all of these crimes are worthy of a vote? Because of trans people? Give me a break.
I hope so. I think more people realize that Trump is not full of crap like the left claim. Countries all across the world are waking up to the globalist agenda and are voting against it.

The globalist agenda is not good for anyone except the elite, so I hope normal people like you and @HawkeyeShawn are able to look into the globalist agenda and see that it is not good for Americans and take the plunge and vote for Trump.

But at this point it's probably 50/50 though.
If you liked Trump's border, his economy, his foreign policy, his treatment of trans people, and his handling of COVID then what compelled you to vote for his opponent?
How does one go from voting Biden. Then watch Trump attempt a coup. Lose a rape case. Lose a $400 million financial fraud case. Become a convicted felon. And promise to become a dictator. And decide that all of these crimes are worthy of a vote? Because of trans people? Give me a break.
Hillary paid for the steele dossier, the fbi colluded to say trump was a Russian asset, Biden had documents in his garage, the left covering up the hunter laptop, lies about the covid origins, yet that all gets over looked by you.

I have reviewed the hush money case and this only strengthened by support for Trump. It was a bogus case that should not have happened. Then a biden doj prosecutor steps down so he can take the case to get trump. Fani has proven to be a pos, Bragg ran for election on the premise of getting trump, he just kept looking for a crime and all he could find was a book keeping error.
Hillary paid for the steele dossier, the fbi colluded to say trump was a Russian asset, Biden had documents in his garage, the left covering up the hunter laptop, lies about the covid origins, yet that all gets over looked by you.

I have reviewed the hush money case and this only strengthened by support for Trump. It was a bogus case that should not have happened. Then a biden doj prosecutor steps down so he can take the case to get trump. Fani has proven to be a pos, Bragg ran for election on the premise of getting trump, he just kept looking for a crime and all he could find was a book keeping error.
Thank you for proving my point that you never voted Biden or are moderate. Everything in this post is a MAGAt wet dream.
If you liked Trump's border, his economy, his foreign policy, his treatment of trans people, and his handling of COVID then what compelled you to vote for his opponent?
I didn't think Trump was very presidential with the way he talked, tweeted and acted. I didn't have much concern about the border at that time because Obama decent job with it, but I was not tuned in to the globalist agenda at that time either.

I thought since Biden had been in office for like 50 years he would act like a traditional democrat. I agree with a lot of traditional dem policies so I figured he could unite the country and then we move forward.

Instead, Biden went all in on the covid propaganda while trump has now turned out to be right on a lot of what he said. He helped cover up the origins of covid. Biden has made diversity and immigration more of a priority than actual American needs. Biden is getting us in more wars than we have the ability to fight and he has us funding both sides of them too.

Biden has made it a priority to normalize trans and especially for our kids. This is going to go down as one of the worst medical scandals in history. I am in medicine and I realize how wrong this is.

The left went too far with Covid and transgender stuff and normal people started to question their real motives. Well it turns out the United nations, world economic forum, who, etc have all their plans pretty well laid out. They want a globalist stakeholder government. This is not what I want for America.

I have heard Trump speaking all the way back to 1988 and he is pretty consistent with his message. He wants a free capitalist country. So I support him.
I didn't think Trump was very presidential with the way he talked, tweeted and acted. I didn't have much concern about the border at that time because Obama decent job with it, but I was not tuned in to the globalist agenda at that time either.

I thought since Biden had been in office for like 50 years he would act like a traditional democrat. I agree with a lot of traditional dem policies so I figured he could unite the country and then we move forward.

Instead, Biden went all in on the covid propaganda while trump has now turned out to be right on a lot of what he said. He helped cover up the origins of covid. Biden has made diversity and immigration more of a priority than actual American needs. Biden is getting us in more wars than we have the ability to fight and he has us funding both sides of them too.

Biden has made it a priority to normalize trans and especially for our kids. This is going to go down as one of the worst medical scandals in history. I am in medicine and I realize how wrong this is.

The left went too far with Covid and transgender stuff and normal people started to question their real motives. Well it turns out the United nations, world economic forum, who, etc have all their plans pretty well laid out. They want a globalist stakeholder government. This is not what I want for America.

I have heard Trump speaking all the way back to 1988 and he is pretty consistent with his message. He wants a free capitalist country. So I support him.
Talk Wow GIF by Ryn Dean
Hillary paid for the steele dossier, the fbi colluded to say trump was a Russian asset, Biden had documents in his garage, the left covering up the hunter laptop, lies about the covid origins, yet that all gets over looked by you.

I have reviewed the hush money case and this only strengthened by support for Trump. It was a bogus case that should not have happened. Then a biden doj prosecutor steps down so he can take the case to get trump. Fani has proven to be a pos, Bragg ran for election on the premise of getting trump, he just kept looking for a crime and all he could find was a book keeping error.
Everybody Loves Raymond Romano GIF by TV Land
I hope so. I think more people realize that Trump is not full of crap like the left claim. Countries all across the world are waking up to the globalist agenda and are voting against it.

The globalist agenda is not good for anyone except the elite, so I hope normal people like you and @HawkeyeShawn are able to look into the globalist agenda and see that it is not good for Americans and take the plunge and vote for Trump.

But at this point it's probably 50/50 though.

This dude has to be a troll
How does one go from voting Biden. Then watch Trump attempt a coup. Lose a rape case. Lose a $400 million financial fraud case. Become a convicted felon. And promise to become a dictator. And decide that all of these crimes are worthy of a vote? Because of trans people? Give me a break.
This would be phenomenal. Florida or Ohio would be huge, like they used to be 15-20 years ago.
Biden won’t win Florida.

I have trouble believing people who voted for Biden last time are going to change their cote to a felon this year. Independents can’t vote for Trump, right. Biden absolutely wins the popular vote.
I think a lot of Dems just won’t vote at all as they don’t really want Biden for another 4 years and they sure as heck aren’t voting for Trump.
I don’t care, and I don’t think I’ve ever felt that way before, though it never really mattered much to me anyway.
Neither affected my lifestyle and both are mocked internationally. Neither has earned my vote, so while I’ll vote for other offices, I believe I’ll just pass for president.
All those who feel like it’s a matter of life and death, enjoy.
I dont see any way Trump can win. Especially after Roe went down. It's going to be a landslide.