Voter ID - Why do Democrats oppose the will of the people?

You mean the 61 percent that oppose all abortions on demand? or the 2/3 that are opposed to 2nd trimester and 78 percent opposed to 3rd?

The majority of Americans favor abortion in all or most cases.

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The majority of Americans favor abortion in all or most cases.

You missed what I said. Most Americans favor restrictions as opposed to complete access in all circumstances and stages.
Sorry you can't read and understand stats and polls.

Sorry you're incapable of looking up Kansas' latest election where abortion was actually on the ballot. And they voted 60% in favor of retaining abortion rights.

Do you need a Big Person to link that for you?
Sorry you're incapable of looking up Kansas' latest election where abortion was actually on the ballot. And they voted 60% in favor of retaining abortion rights.

Do you need a Big Person to link that for you?
Again, you missed what I said and you can look it up yourself. Most Americans favor some restrictions. Which isn't what the Dems generally want. Critical thinking really isn't that hard unless one has bias'

There are about 258 million Americans 18 or older. About 91% of them are already licensed drivers and wouldn’t need a separate ID card.

That leaves about 23.2 million people who would be eligible for a free ID. At your price point of $30 each, it would cost about $700 million every four years to provide those IDs even if absolutely every single one of them requested one. That’s about $175 million per year.

Is cost your primary objection to this plan? Because a lot of posters here adamantly insist that we should send a mail-in ballot to every single registered voter, whether they want one or not, for every primary election and every general election. How many hundreds of millions of dollars would that cost?
We have mail in ballots in CA and it works swimmingly. Ballots are printed for all registered voters regardless if they're mailed or available at the voting station. And yes, I'm very much in favor of this process. It encourages more people to vote, rather than discouraging.
We have mail in ballots in CA and it works swimmingly. Ballots are printed for all registered voters regardless if they're mailed or available at the voting station. And yes, I'm very much in favor of this process. It encourages more people to vote, rather than discouraging.
So millions of ballots are getting printed just to be thrown away. And you’re concerned that free IDs are wasteful?
You only get a ballot mailed, if you are a registered voter, Cletus.
And millions of registered voters do not vote by mail, or even vote at all. Which is why I said millions of ballots are being printed and mailed just to be thrown away. That’s a concept so self-explanatory that even you should be able to comprehend it.
No, but a typical adult should be well capable of being able to prove that he is who he says he is.

That's what voter registration is for.
And why permanent records of those who register, along with who votes under those registrations are maintained.

And, despite decades of those records, you're unable to identify more than a handful of "illegal" or "improper" votes.
So, again: Voter ID is a solution, looking for a problem.
Where did I say that?

I simply asked if those in favor of Voter ID would be in favor of giving out free IDs.
You claimed it would cost “billions” of dollars to provide free IDs and asked if conservatives were willing to spend thet amount. I simply pointed out that liberals generally are not averse to wasting large sums of money with regard to elections.
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You claimed it would cost “billions” of dollars to provide free IDs and asked if conservatives were willing to spend thet amount. I simply pointed out that liberals generally are not averse to wasting large sums of money with regard to elections.

One side is spending millions of dollars to PREVENT voting.
The other side might spend millions of dollars PROMOTING voting.

Which one should be the norm in a democracy? In your opinion.
That's what voter registration is for.
And why permanent records of those who register, along with who votes under those registrations are maintained.

And, despite decades of those records, you're unable to identify more than a handful of "illegal" or "improper" votes.
So, again: Voter ID is a solution, looking for a problem.
I voted this weekend. Showed my DL. No bid deal. Seems like it’s only a big deal for crooked “voters”.
I voted this weekend. Showed my DL.
I'm dropping off my mailed ballot over lunch.

No ID needed. Able to review all the ballot measures in detail yesterday to make informed decisions rather than be rushed at a polling site and making guesses.

I expect I'll have a text message by late tonight or tomorrow AM that they received it.
Another one by early next week that it was vetted and "accepted" for counting.

Easy Peasy.
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You claimed it would cost “billions” of dollars to provide free IDs and asked if conservatives were willing to spend thet amount. I simply pointed out that liberals generally are not averse to wasting large sums of money with regard to elections.
You inferred that I consider free IDs to be wasteful spending. And I never said that.
Non citizens can abuse motor voter laws in some states.

No; they cannot.

If they falsely register or vote, they've left a permanent record of that crime.
And over the course of decades, we've found a handful of those errors, and MOST did not ever vote.
Or the 85% that want better gun laws and to outlaw assault weapons? See how easy that is. PEW Research says 62% Americans believe it should be ligal and 35% say i shouldn't. So your post was more bullshit.
So throw out gun issues when you don’t want to talk about showing an ID to vote…🤔
Got it.
That's what voter registration is for.
And why permanent records of those who register, along with who votes under those registrations are maintained.

And, despite decades of those records, you're unable to identify more than a handful of "illegal" or "improper" votes.
So, again: Voter ID is a solution, looking for a problem.

And to your point, a Voter Registration Card is acceptable to establish identity when applying for a job. It's among the List B Documents on the I9 Form.
You inferred that I consider free IDs to be wasteful spending. And I never said that.
So you’re now saying I should disregard the posts where you balked at the multi-billion dollar price tag of free IDs for all? Duly noted.

If you don’t consider it to be wasteful spending then please articulate for me exactly what your objection is.
The majority of Americans favor abortion in all or most cases.

Good thing trump allowed the people to vote on it in each state then :) trump w
So you’re now saying I should disregard the posts where you balked at the multi-billion dollar price tag of free IDs for all? Duly noted.

If you don’t consider it to be wasteful spending then please articulate for me exactly what your objection is.
Honestly, I don't really have an issue with it. If we have voter ID laws, then the IDs should be free. I just think it's a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

As I mentioned in another post, a voter registration card is accepted by the government to establish identity as part of the I-9 form. If it's good enough for the U.S. Government, a voter registration card should be good enough for state elections, but whatever.
Again, you missed what I said and you can look it up yourself. Most Americans favor some restrictions. Which isn't what the Dems generally want. Critical thinking really isn't that hard unless one has bias'
Bulkshit in what you say “Dems want” regarding abortion rights. I believe most Democrats…in fact most Americans believe this is a decision for the mother and get doctor to make. Period. Be that up to delivery day…there are always circumstances that occur that cannot be considered in passing any regulatory rules in anything. Abortion is no exception.
My position Ilowa Farm is no one is being forced to abort their fetus…. No one is being grabbed off the street or taken from their home and being aborted against their will. I fully support the idea that if you do not want your fetus aborted, you have the right to carry that fetus to birth. I will defend yo my death your right to bear a child if you wish. Of course you ( being a male, presumably) don’t have to worry about being aborted…yet.

Th we “restriction” you seek here I believe is best the implied restriction made between the mother and her doctor. That is the restriction the cast majority of Americans support. Why is it so damn necessary to put a “date” on limiting the procedure? Why do you feel it necessary to impress your morality on folks you don’t even know? Dies it make you feel superior? Do you go out of your way to feed and cloth people you don’t know? Do you actively engage unknown folks to get them healthcare? Do you knowingly pay folks you don’t know, heating bills in the dead of winter?
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Honestly, I don't really have an issue with it. If we have voter ID laws, then the IDs should be free. I just think it's a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

As I mentioned in another post, a voter registration card is accepted by the government to establish identity as part of the I-9 form. If it's good enough for the U.S. Government, a voter registration card should be good enough for state elections, but whatever.

Voting precincts in the US require a signature when you sign in to vote, to be compared with your signature on file when you registered.

That is completely sufficient, and has been for years. Most of the "voter fraud" cases have not been "voter impersonation".
In fact, you could easily have a requirement to recite your date of birth that you filled out on a registration card. So, when you show up to vote at your designated precinct, you DO have to check in, have them verify your name against their registration rolls, compare your signature against the signature on file and adding on, correctly recite your date of birth that was on your registration.

That's absolutely as good as having to carry any ID around. Has been for decades, because folks at the Heritage Foundation have been trying to root out illegal voters for years and cannot find any.
I still haven't seen one valid explanation for why any individual would be unable to prove their identity and citizenship in order to vote.
Because they got robbed the day before or on election day and do not have the ID with them

Meanwhile, no one can explain why voter registration rolls at specific precincts you are assigned to, with signature verification, is "not adequate". Because it has been for generations.

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