Voting in White vs Black neighborhoods

Systemic issues actually do deprive them of liberties that you take for granted.

Many are unaware of their state's laws and early voting, simply because they do not have information access at their fingertips like you do.

Who is “them”?
If only these people had other options for voting. Perhaps voting early or voting by mail.

Oh, well. Maybe someday…

Republicans seem to be against early voting and voting by mail. I wonder why?
It used to be generally understood, that for voting to be secure there has to be some limitations on the process,... Recently though, it's become common to immediately tag limitations of any kind as voter suppression...
It used to be generally understood, that for voting to be secure there has to be some limitations on the process

There ARE limitations on the process.

You have to register, and assert under penalty of perjury that you are eligible. And that becomes a permanent record, so if you lie, it's info sitting there waiting for someone to show up and arrest you.

And actual votes cast are checked off against that registry.

Despite your (and GOP's) claims that there is "massive voter fraud", no one can find any of it. And most who are arrested have been Republicans and MAGAs, inclusive of the Colorado Republican Committee chair, who blamed a "diabetic episode" for forging a signature on his GF's absentee ballot, and did NOT get a felony charge or lose his voting rights for 10 yrs, because he's rich, and white.

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