Wait... (Tim Scott)

You apparently don't understand the studies and terminology. That's such a shock. Please post your study.
Google it yourself. There are several articles on it. Yea, I am too stupid to do it myself. Is it still a shock?
Liberals are so much more intelligent than I am. I am just lucky to be able to post on this liberal site.
Google it yourself. There are several articles on it. Yea, I am too stupid to do it myself. Is it still a shock?
Liberals are so much more intelligent than I am. I am just lucky to be able to post on this liberal site.
Not a liberal. I just happen to know that you can't back it up. It's not 1914 anymore. I guess Google is too difficult for you?
I didn't put words in his mouth. This is what he said. And as others here have pointed out, almost all other developed nations have more socioeconomic mobility than the United States. Liberals, including some Democrats, advocate for policies more like those in nations with higher mobility, while Republicans are staunchly opposed. A warped perspective would be thinking that we will be successful by doing the opposite of what works for everyone else.
Sadly, it seems to be working for the Republicans.
This post, right here. sums up the lack of thinking by the American rightwing voting bloc. Selfish as hell and the wealthy LOVE the way you think. Other countries laugh at us, because they take care of their citizens. We take care of the well off. Always.
Your response is exactly what's wrong with the left. You want everything handed to you and don't want to work for shit. You're lazy. I'm all for helping the handicapped/disabled and I'm all for equality, we all have the same access and the same freedoms. What you do with them is up to you. You want equity, the same outcome despite the fact you're not willing to put in the work or admit there are people who have god given gifts and talent and intellect you simply won't ever have or be able to acquire.
Your response is exactly what's wrong with the left. You want everything handed to you and don't want to work for shit. You're lazy. I'm all for helping the handicapped/disabled and I'm all for equality, we all have the same access and the same freedoms. What you do with them is up to you. You want equity, the same outcome despite the fact you're not willing to put in the work or admit there are people who have god given gifts and talent and intellect you simply won't ever have or be able to acquire.
False. I want a system that isn't rigged for the top 1%. Your lazy and want stuff given to me comment is complete nonsense. This just shows you don't listen and learn, and try to push everything into your little narrative. You just don't pay attention. It's laughable that you think the people born on 3rd base put in the same amount of work that you or I do. Some do. Many do not. You live in our society but don't understand it at all.
False. I want a system that isn't rigged for the top 1%. Your lazy and want stuff given to me comment is complete nonsense. This just shows you don't listen and learn, and try to push everything into your little narrative. You just don't pay attention. It's laughable that you think the people born on 3rd base put in the same amount of work that you or I do. Some do. Many do not. You live in our society but don't understand it at all.
This whole thread exposes your canard of whiny liberal excuses. Sure having generational wealth makes things better, but the whole point of this thread proves that you can come from nothing and still be among a select few candidates for President of the freaking country. You don't have to grow up in the best neighborhoods, go to the best schools, drive a BMW to be successful.
Free? Sure we just pull all that right out of our asses.. when you say "free" what you really mean is Robin Hood... Wealth redistrubution
Wealth redistribution has been happening on a massive scale for the past 40+ years now. Maybe we could spend the next 40 years with more progressive tax rates like we had until the 80s and put supply-side economics on the trash heap where it belongs. Maybe even tax capital at the same rate as labor.
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This whole thread exposes your canard of whiny liberal excuses. Sure having generational wealth makes things better, but the whole point of this thread proves that you can come from nothing and still be among a select few candidates for President of the freaking country. You don't have to grow up in the best neighborhoods, go to the best schools, drive a BMW to be successful.
Again, you're flat out wrong. I have watched the middle class get shit on for over 40 years ago. You just aren't smart enough to realize it. For whatever your last sentence, though some truth to it, shows you truly don't see the big picture in this country. You're a "bootstraps" guy.
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