Walmart parking lot brawl -- insane!


HR Heisman
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2006
Sorry if this has already been posted. Just saw it for the first time this morning.

Quick summary: Family of "End Timers" was living out of their Suburban in a Walmart parking lot in Arizona. The mom was using the Walmart restroom when a female employee attempted to walk in. Two of the mom's sons were "standing guard" outside the restroom door and wouldn't let the employee in. They allegedly got physical with the employee. Cops were called, and this is what happened....

I gave up after about 2 minutes. Why were the two fat dudes fighting each other?
Originally posted by TJ8869:
I gave up after about 2 minutes. Why were the two fat dudes fighting each other?
I believe he was a Walmart security guard helping the cops. At the 3:21 mark one of the family members was gaining an upper hand on an officer, attempting to get the officer's gun. Another officer stepped in and shot and killed the family member.

Not sure what this family was on, but man they took a beating and kept coming. Meth?

I know I could never be a cop. I would've shot first and asked questions later.
I saw this yesterday and I shut it off maybe half way through. I've watched a lot of view of losers, but that one was the topper. Didn't have the heart to share it with you folks.
What's with the guy falling at the 1:45 mark? I don't see him get hit and he just falls over. Bad time to try a trust fall.

From the article linked on youtube.

it not been for the Walmart employee (Eric Fields) helping the original
four officers, they would have been overwhelmed," Fanning said. "The
weapons and tactics that we deployed, they didn't work. When we shoot
them with Tasers, they have been taught to roll on the ground and break
the wires so the electricity stops.

"When they try the ASP
police batons, it doesn't bother them. They take multiple hits from the
ASPs. They get pepper spayed, they don't care. When they get punched,
they don't care. They just continue to go and go."

Fanning also
said, "Their mode to fight is to grab the officers' eyes, ears and mouth
and pull as hard as they can. That is where most of the officers'
injuries came from, ripping at their faces. They don't do very much
punching because that doesn't work because of our vests, but ripping at
our faces does.

Originally posted by gusto79:
What's with the guy falling at the 1:45 mark? I don't see him get hit and he just falls over.
I just figured he got tasered.
Originally posted by TJ8869:
Originally posted by gusto79:
What's with the guy falling at the 1:45 mark?  I don't see him get hit and he just falls over.
I just figured he got tasered.

That's what I thought too.

Did they find any drugs with them or a meth lab in that suburban? Hard to believe they were not on something.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Never seen a dude get punched so many time and still be standing.

Side note: This might resemble the Kinnick lot in late November after another 7 win season.
Originally posted by hexumhawk:
Never seen a dude get punched so many time and still be standing.

Side note: This might resemble the Kinnick lot in late November after another 7 win season.
Gasser repeatedly punching swag after swag says, "I feel as though our coaches didn't fully utilize our players' talents today. It's a shame!"

And obviously, swag being unfazed by it all.

Cops shouldn't 'mix it up' with perps. One of them is eventually going to reach for a gun and either get shot or do some shooting themselves.

The 2 cops who showed up first were outnumbered and should have stayed back with tasers ready until the more help showed up.

Sadly, this will end up being a training tape.

It was a no win situation for the cops.

I agree, that family must have been on something to keep coming back for more.

If this had been a family of blacks, Al, Jessie and Holder would be in a race to see who could get there and get on CNN the fastest.
Originally posted by INXS83:


Cops shouldn't 'mix it up' with perps. One of them is eventually going to reach for a gun and either get shot or do some shooting themselves.

The 2 cops who showed up first were outnumbered and should have stayed back with tasers ready until the more help showed up.

Sadly, this will end up being a training tape.

It was a no win situation for the cops.

I agree, that family must have been on something to keep coming back for more.

If this had been a family of blacks, Al, Jessie and Holder would be in a race to see who could get there and get on CNN the fastest.
Yes, it will end up being a training tape on what could have been done to better defuse a situation like this. Though I'm not sure what that would be. In most instances, the cops would've walked up and announced they were going to separate everyone to sort out the facts (as they tried to do here), and the family would've complied. But in this case, the family had other plans, and the cops were likely stunned by the family's aggressiveness ... and before the cops knew it they were in the middle of a brawl fighting for their lives.

The family is lucky only 1 was killed.
Originally posted by INXS83:


Cops shouldn't 'mix it up' with perps. One of them is eventually going to reach for a gun and either get shot or do some shooting themselves.

The 2 cops who showed up first were outnumbered and should have stayed back with tasers ready until the more help showed up.

Sadly, this will end up being a training tape.

It was a no win situation for the cops.

I agree, that family must have been on something to keep coming back for more.

If this had been a family of blacks, Al, Jessie and Holder would be in a race to see who could get there and get on CNN the fastest.
The cops should have simply backed off and pulled their guns. I'm not sure why they kept the brawl going for so long. That's a crazy arse family right there.
Gasser repeatedly punching swag after swag says, "I feel as though our coaches didn't fully utilize our players' talents today. It's a shame!"

And obviously, swag being unfazed by it all.

I laughed
This video and people like this are the reason cops error on the side of pulling their weapon. These cops were stupid. Back up, shoot them in both legs and wait for the ambulance. If they bleed out, call the morge.
What a surprise...people living their entire existence looking for conflict and they manage to find it.

I guess at least one of them was accurate that it's the "end of times"..
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by jpphawk:
This video and people like this are the reason cops error on the side of pulling their weapon. These cops were stupid. Back up, shoot them in both legs and wait for the ambulance. If they bleed out, call the morge.

Reminds me of the line from Reservoir Dogs when they say one way or another you are getting out of my way.
Looked like it started when an officer jumps in and grabs one of them from behind. Then all hell breaks loose. Why didn't they surround them and tell them to separate and then tase or whatever if they started coming after them? I can't believe that once the brawl began that only one was shot. At one point the officer who was shot was pulled away and an officer was treating his wound when family member approached and they both had guns on him... still can't believe only one was shot. They just kept coming for more. Crazy stuff.
That is crazy...Those hillbillies were tough sonsabishes. At the 3:25 mark it looks like a cop walks up and boots another cop right in the face.
Hillbillies from outer space. Too fat for meth. Definately aliens.