Walmart Raises Minimum Wage, Then Cuts Hours of Employees

You think you're being clever, but that has nothing to do with "same store sales".
Actually it kind of does. Same store refers to existing stores, not newly built ones. And even if you wanted to stretch things to include internet sales, it still doesn't change the fact the actual physical stores are struggling.
Walmart still hasn't figured out that their problem is the lousy f'n service they provide. They had no problem paying CEO Mike Duke $21M in 2012 even as Walmart stock lagged. He "retired" in 2013 with an account worth $140M.
How much did Hillary make last year? Those throwing out numbers on how much ceo x makes vs employee b don't give out the same comparison with their salary.

I bet Hillary makes quite a bit more than a staffer she hired...
They raised wages to get better public perception which they hoped would lead to increased sales. Plus if their employees would earn more they hoped they would become more productive and get more done
Makes sense. Sales are struggling so you make a big-to-do about wages to get people excited about your company again.
You can pay someone 100% more money, it does not equate to 100% more productivity.