Well, it looks like men beating the hell out of women is now an Olympic sport thanks to the leftists globalist IOC! What liberal garbage!


HB All-State
Feb 15, 2015
Liberalism is a mental disorder. The Alphabet Mafia made a mockery of Christ in the Olympic opening celebration and now they want men to beat up women. Where are the feminists???? You figure they would want to protect women. But, of course all they care about is abortion, not women.

There's hope for these drunk guys on COPS who beat the hell out of their girlfriends. Well, if it's an Olympic sport, I definitely shouldn't have to go to jail.
Liberalism is a mental disorder. The Alphabet Mafia made a mockery of Christ in the Olympic opening celebration and now they want men to beat up women. Where are the feminists???? You figure they would want to protect women. But, of course all they care about is abortion, not women.

There's hope for these drunk guys on COPS who beat the hell out of their girlfriends. Well, if it's an Olympic sport, I definitely shouldn't have to go to jail.
1950 is calling. They want you back.
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There's an incredible amount of factually incorrect statements in that first post.

I would think that men beating the crap out of women would be MAGAt’s favorite sport
That's why Dana White was invited to the RNC.
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