We listed our house on the market yesterday with showings to start today. Going into today we had 2 showings for tonight. Woke up and soon had a showing for noon and the other showings rescheduled to tomorrow. The showing apparently went well because they left the house at 1. Our realtor calls at 2:15 with an offer. $5k over asking, waiving inspection, and over 50% down so no appraisal issues. They wanted to close end of May and we were hoping for mid to late June so we negotiated for more money for the inconvenience. We got what we wanted and more so I was super excited.
As we are finishing negotiations I get a call from my middle son’s best friend. He had another major seizure at work. Went from the excitement of the day to one of the worst nightmares. He’s in the ICU, on sedation and a ventilator, not yet responding to commands but is moving extremities when they turn down sedation. Mostly due to agitation. CT scan showed sub arachnoid hemorrhage so they are doing an MRI and MRV. 26 years old and spending his second stay in the neuro ICU. He was on anti seizure medication but stopped taking it about a week or so ago because he didn’t get it filled. I’m guessing he didn’t have the money but didn’t want to ask. Ugh. Anyway, any healing vibes sent his way are appreciated. Really hoping for answers as to why this keeps happening. Tox screen was negative this time if anyone was wondering.
As a side note, it was more than a little concerning that almost no one knew of his history before we told them considering it was just 5 months ago he was at that same hospital. Not because I would expect them to remember him but they have all his records. I guess I thought it’d jump out at them.