What are you and your S/O's policy on major changes to your appearance?

is that the guy from sevendust?
Just went clean shaven on my face for the first time in over 10 years (always have had some sort of beard, goatee, mustache), now granted we have been married for 13 years, but I did it without asking.

The kids were freaked out as they are not old enough to remember me without any facial hair.

The no pic wasn't mad, but did make the comment she liked me better with some facial hair

(probably for the mustache rides of course)
See I disagree. . . maybe it's due to my faith and scripture but I don't believe that my body belongs entirely to myself but also to my wife and vice versa. We share a home, a bed, DNA, saliva, children, and a bank account. Morally speaking I believe that extends to our bodies as well.
I don't know what faith and scripture have to do with this answer but I'll sign on to the rest.
As long as the changes have no impact on her running form, then I'm ok with them.

On a serious note, no, neither one of us ask the other about anything that we do appearance wise. She might ask my thoughts about something and then doesn't actually go through with anything but that's it. She got her hair done a bit differently before we got married last weekend, and did not ask for my permission and I'm totally fine w/ that. No pics of wife. If she wants to change something with her appearance, she's a free woman to do so. Same goes for me.
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You are very strange. I wouldn't ever ask my wife if I could trim my beard or get a hair cut, neither would she. When she goes to get her hair done I never know what she'll look like when she gets home, nor would I care. Been together since 2000 and married since 2005. I've never even thought about it.
It's a haircut not a skin graft. I don't think that's really the question.
I got married last weekend.

I cannot help but notice a sever lack of bachelor party stories ragarding said event. First?

We just assume we are responsible adults who are who we are if she were the come home with a Mohawk type I would know that. She goes shorter some times, she goes longer, she tans sometimes and she doesnt others. I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do respectfully. I'm not going to go get a face tat and she knows that.
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So I saw something while scrolling today and basically some person changed their hair color and their spouse got upset about it and everyone thought that was a giant red flag and it ment he was controlling or abusive.

For me I just thought it was common for people in committed relationships, especially a marriage to not make major changes to their appearance without getting the clearance from their spouse. Obviously I'm not talking about medically necessary changes like glasses or something like that. But just vanity changes.

Like I wouldn't grow out facial hair without getting the ok from my spouse, I wouldn't change my hairstyle without getting the ok from my spouse. I wouldn't even get a tan without getting my spouse's ok. Same goes for her.

Are we strange? Because I always felt it was very normal that you don't change your appearance without your spouse being ok with it.
Also, this thread f*cks.
If I tried to give my approval/disapproval to the no pic for some change she wanted it would be bad. How bad? Like thermonuclear war bad. Like New Coke bad. Like Brian Ferentz and Todd Lickliter had a love child with special needs and that child grew up in Ames eating nothing but chef boyardee and pez while learning how to coach offense from the two of them and Iowa hired that child to be the offensive coordinator bad.

Safe to say I have never tried to give my approval for her choices.
You are very strange. I wouldn't ever ask my wife if I could trim my beard or get a hair cut, neither would she. When she goes to get her hair done I never know what she'll look like when she gets home, nor would I care. Been together since 2000 and married since 2005. I've never even thought about it.

I don't ask her permission to get a hair cut but I would if I was planning on changing the general style of my hair. Same as I would ask if I for some reason wanted to not get my hair cut and grow it long.
I don't think the OP is really asking about barbershop haircuts or shaving a goatee. But maybe he is.
Not sure what major change your going to make to your appearance with out it being something along those lines. I guess you could get a big old face tattoo but both my wife and I hate tattoo's so that's not happening.
Bottom line is neither one of us has ever thought about telling the other about a change in our appearances in almost 25 years.
I don't ask her permission to get a hair cut but I would if I was planning on changing the general style of my hair. Same as I would ask if I for some reason wanted to not get my hair cut and grow it long.
Yeah we would not, it's never even crossed my mind in almost 25 years to ask permission to do anything to my appearance or for her to.
I don't think the OP is really asking about barbershop haircuts or shaving a goatee. But maybe he is.
Haircut to maintain the same style as I have, no. That is just maintenence, same as getting a shower and washing my hair. Changing the style yes.

Growing a goatee yes. If I had a goatee and wanted to get rid of it than yes.

But maintaining current appearance??? That would just be micromanagement.