What are you and your S/O's policy on major changes to your appearance?

I started wearing a ponytail... w/o her permission. She liked it. If she didn't I wouldn't use it. She was already getting used to longer hair on me. She objected at first and now likes it. If she was really upset, like @Hoosierhawkeye we are close and have achieved a marriage that few dare to dream about... we really are close to being one. 6 kids and we managed that...
I started wearing a ponytail... w/o her permission. She liked it. If she didn't I wouldn't use it. She was already getting used to longer hair on me. She objected at first and now likes it. If she was really upset, like @Hoosierhawkeye we are close and have achieved a marriage that few dare to dream about... we really are close to being one. 6 kids and we managed that...
I think it's because the two of you are drastically outnumbered!
End of the summer is a long time to be married.
We ask or mention out of respect, but have never told each other no. Something would be off if either of us decided to get a tattoo one day.

Except, when I shave my periodic beard down to a Magnum PI style mustache. She makes it clear the likelihood of sex is low and the probability of mocking me is high.
I did not shave for about a month (We were moving, and it was really intense.) and then I shaved but kept the mustache. I asked her if she liked it and she said she did not. I was kind of relieved.

The next day she said she had changed her mind and that I should keep my new mustache.

I guess I will give it a go ... for a bit anyway.
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I did not shave for about a month (We were moving, and it was really intense.) and then I shaved but kept the mustache. I asked her if she liked it and she said she did not. I was kind of relieved.

The next day she said she had changed her mind and that I should keep my new mustache.

I guess I will give it a go ... for a bit anyway.
you awoken something deep inside her that she didn't know was sleeping.
So I saw something while scrolling today and basically some person changed their hair color and their spouse got upset about it and everyone thought that was a giant red flag and it ment he was controlling or abusive.

For me I just thought it was common for people in committed relationships, especially a marriage to not make major changes to their appearance without getting the clearance from their spouse. Obviously I'm not talking about medically necessary changes like glasses or something like that. But just vanity changes.

Like I wouldn't grow out facial hair without getting the ok from my spouse, I wouldn't change my hairstyle without getting the ok from my spouse. I wouldn't even get a tan without getting my spouse's ok. Same goes for her.

Are we strange? Because I always felt it was very normal that you don't change your appearance without your spouse being ok with it.
My wife will lord her body over me when she has had enough of my beard. I’m not bitch-made, so I don’t ask her permission to have the beard. I grow it for 2 months, shave my neck only, and wait for her to deny me sex until I shave it off.

My wife would never ask for my blessing on matters of her looks. I grope her early and often, so she knows I’m a fan. In 20 years, there has never been a day where I didn’t want to have sex with her.
I think over the years my wife has informed me on occasion that she’s going to do something different with her hair, different cut, tint, lengthen, shorten, etc. then eventually she finally decided to stop fighting the gray. I don’t think she was asking for permission, maybe just trying to gauge my reaction perhaps. I really don’t care as long as she’s happy about it, I love her regardless of her appearance. I think she feels the same way about me because I’m the type of person that doesn’t care about my appearance or how others might perceive me. Never have and never will. I started dating her 43 years ago and married her 36 years ago. It works for us.
So I saw something while scrolling today and basically some person changed their hair color and their spouse got upset about it and everyone thought that was a giant red flag and it ment he was controlling or abusive.

For me I just thought it was common for people in committed relationships, especially a marriage to not make major changes to their appearance without getting the clearance from their spouse. Obviously I'm not talking about medically necessary changes like glasses or something like that. But just vanity changes.

Like I wouldn't grow out facial hair without getting the ok from my spouse, I wouldn't change my hairstyle without getting the ok from my spouse. I wouldn't even get a tan without getting my spouse's ok. Same goes for her.

Are we strange? Because I always felt it was very normal that you don't change your appearance without your spouse being ok with it.
I don’t think one needs to seek permission, but I would also think if a couple has a good relationship those topics would come up in daily conversations.
The only big appearance change we've ever talked about is she has to sign off if I ever get an arm sleeve. Although, she has given pre-approval to two...

Clan MacTavish tartan and crest

The exploding TARDIS from the Dr Who episode The Pandorica Opens
It's not asking permission for us but we would both ask each other our opinion before we would make a major change. I wouldn't need my wife's permission for anything but I would want her to like whatever I did. And vice versa I think.
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My wife will lord her body over me when she has had enough of my beard. I’m not bitch-made, so I don’t ask her permission to have the beard. I grow it for 2 months, shave my neck only, and wait for her to deny me sex until I shave it off.

My wife would never ask for my blessing on matters of her looks. I grope her early and often, so she knows I’m a fan. In 20 years, there has never been a day where I didn’t want to have sex with her.
Interesting relationship. I've heard about the sex-beard hair trade for years but didn't know it existed. I always thought it would remain underground.

My girlfriend (no pics) is a tattoo artist and she will get tattoos from apprentices training at the shop, other artists, or just tattoo herself and sometimes she will have 3 new tattoos between us seeing each other and I would never expect her to run that by me nor do I care.
My body, my choice, her body, her choice,.. OP is strange.

1 Cor 7:4

For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does.

Anyway that's our reasoning. . . thought it was more common. But I'm also not a big fan of individualism either. Some is of course necessary but we culturally have too much of it. Probably why our divorce rate is so high. You learn your whole life to only think of yourself, hard to change that suddenly when you get married.
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I think it is common courtesy to discuss major changes in appearance in advance. We don’t have a “policy” on the matter, but I believe a)your spouse is in the best position to give appropriate feedback on ideas you might have, and b)assuming you love and care for your spouse you are a team and don’t make decisions like that unilaterally.

Now, the tan subject is extreme. And even hair choices are temporary if you decide them to be. Even facial hair is something you can try, then make a mutual decision about whether or not the look works for you.

But a face tattoo or shaved head ought to be discussed.
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That would depend whether she unlocked the door and let me out of the basement. :)

At some point I would, but I wouldn't say anything about it for at least a couple hours. It would take that long for her to stop telling how her day went and I try not to make eye contact during this time.

Yeah, the first hour after Mrs Radley gets home is dedicated to all the ways she was wronged during the day. Then we can get around to “Why did you add a tear drop another tattoo on your face?”
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It's not asking permission for us but we would both ask each other our opinion before we would make a major change. I wouldn't need my wife's permission for anything but I would want her to like whatever I did. And vice versa I think.
This take is the normal take.