He's on mute because meaningful dialogue isn’t exactly his forte. He thrives on hurling insults and doubling down on the same tired rhetoric instead of engaging rationally with those who might disagree. It’s no surprise he’s all-in for a President whose blueprint for authoritarianism is painfully transparent. Let’s count the ways: weaponizing the Justice Department to silence opponents, undermining trust in elections by refusing to accept legitimate losses, fawning over dictators while alienating democratic allies, demonizing the free press, and pushing a cult of personality over substantive policy.
What’s ironic is that many of us here hold conservative values—socially, fiscally, or both—but unlike H4aD, we understand that one is meant for personal practice, while the other might warrant broader application. Which is which? Well, I’m sure Ryan can spend a few moments of self-reflection figuring that out—assuming, of course, he can manage to think beyond his usual one-dimensional rants.