What I heard in church yesterday—a question for Christians

I have one account, you simple SOB, but you keep believing I don't...since you believe in nothing else but marxism and perversion.
Yep, you’re definitely a Christian and follow Jesus. 😂

Let us know when you leave your mother’s basement.

Simple SOB? Ha. It doesn’t get simpler and more bitchy than you. Did you survive trans day yesterday, snowflake? 😂😝
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Yep, you’re definitely a Christian and follow Jesus. 😂

Let us know when you leave your mother’s basement.

Simple SOB? Ha. It doesn’t get simpler and more bitchy than you. Did you survive trans day yesterday, snowflake? 😂😝 got me there, daddy! 🤡
There is only one factor; Fear

1. **Lack of Critical Thinking Skills**: Low-educated individuals may have limited critical thinking skills or information literacy, which can make them more vulnerable to manipulation by fear-based messaging. They may be less equipped to critically evaluate political claims or to discern between fact and fiction, leading them to be swayed by fear-mongering rhetoric.

2. **Religious Authority**: In some cases, religious leaders or institutions may exert significant influence over the beliefs and behaviors of their followers, including their political views. When religious leaders use fear-based tactics to promote a particular political agenda, their followers may feel compelled to vote in accordance with these directives, even if it goes against their own best interests or values.

3. **Cultural and Social Factors**: Religion often plays a central role in shaping individuals' cultural identities and social networks. Low-educated voters who are deeply entrenched in religious communities may feel pressure to conform to the beliefs and attitudes prevalent within those communities, including those that are based on fear or distrust of certain political ideologies or groups.

4. **Socioeconomic Insecurity**: Low-educated voters may be more likely to experience socioeconomic insecurity, including economic hardship, unemployment, or lack of access to healthcare and education. Fear-based messaging that exploits these insecurities, such as portraying certain political candidates or policies as threats to their way of life or well-being, may resonate strongly with these voters, leading them to vote based on fear of potential negative outcomes.

5. **Cognitive Biases and Heuristics**: Research in psychology has shown that individuals often rely on cognitive shortcuts or heuristics, such as emotional responses or gut instincts, when making decisions, particularly in complex or uncertain situations. Fear appeals can tap into these cognitive biases, triggering emotional responses that override rational decision-making processes and lead individuals to vote based on fear rather than reasoned analysis.

Overall, low-educated voters who base their voting decisions on religion may be particularly susceptible to voting based on fear due to a combination of limited critical thinking skills, influence from religious authority figures, cultural and social pressures, socioeconomic insecurity, and cognitive biases. Addressing these underlying factors requires efforts to improve education, promote critical thinking skills, foster inclusive and tolerant religious communities, and provide support for socioeconomic well-being.
I particularly like #5 in the current context. The Rs have been very clever on this front.
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Answer the question Boy?
Oh Boy Dog GIF
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So, besides all the typical Easter pageantry and “He is Risen” stuff, the preacher talked about how the message of Easter is that everyone in the world is forgiven, no one has to do anything but “believe and receive,” and then you are free to go to heaven.

My question is this: What about all the people who were alive before the time of Jesus? Were all of them just screwed?
This "believe and receive" idea is a joke. God got tired of 99.999% of his flock failing the test and going to hell, so he created jesus to allow everyone to get an A. Basically God was the inventor of the participation trophy. Religion, it's a funny thing.
Yep, you’re definitely a Christian and follow Jesus. 😂

Let us know when you leave your mother’s basement.

Simple SOB? Ha. It doesn’t get simpler and more bitchy than you. Did you survive trans day yesterday, snowflake? 😂😝

If this is an Audrey Hale joke it isn't funny.
What question is that, Rico Stupid?

Does it get exhausting switching accounts like this, Ryan? Are you still in the pre-contemplation stage of choosing to address your mental health issues through cognitive-behavioral therapy?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can potentially benefit individuals like Rico, who engage in trolling behavior on message boards, by addressing underlying cognitive distortions and maladaptive beliefs that contribute to their negative behavior. Here's how CBT could help:

1. **Identifying Negative Thought Patterns**: CBT involves identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and cognitive distortions that contribute to problematic behavior. Rico may hold distorted beliefs about himself, others, and the world, such as feelings of inadequacy, anger, or a need for attention. Through therapy, Rico can learn to recognize these negative thought patterns and develop more realistic and adaptive ways of thinking.

2. **Developing Coping Strategies**: CBT teaches individuals coping strategies to manage stress, frustration, and other negative emotions in healthier ways. Rico may engage in trolling behavior as a maladaptive coping mechanism for dealing with his own insecurities or frustrations. Therapy can help Rico learn alternative coping strategies, such as relaxation techniques, problem-solving skills, or assertiveness training, to address underlying issues and manage his emotions more effectively.

3. **Improving Interpersonal Skills**: CBT can help individuals like Rico develop better interpersonal skills and communication techniques. Rico may struggle with empathy, boundaries, or conflict resolution, leading to inappropriate or aggressive behavior online. Therapy can provide Rico with opportunities to practice effective communication skills, assertiveness, and empathy, which can improve his interactions with others and reduce the likelihood of engaging in trolling behavior.

4. **Increasing Self-awareness and Accountability**: CBT encourages individuals to become more self-aware and take responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Rico may benefit from exploring the motivations behind his trolling behavior and understanding the impact it has on himself and others. Through therapy, Rico can develop a greater sense of self-awareness and accountability, which may lead to more thoughtful and responsible behavior online.

5. **Setting Realistic Goals**: CBT involves setting realistic and achievable goals for behavior change. Rico may have entrenched habits or patterns of behavior that are difficult to break without support. Therapy can help Rico set specific, measurable, and attainable goals for reducing or eliminating trolling behavior and work towards positive changes over time.

Overall, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can provide individuals like Rico with the tools, skills, and insights needed to address underlying issues, change negative behavior patterns, and improve their mental health and well-being. By challenging distorted thinking, learning effective coping strategies, improving interpersonal skills, increasing self-awareness, and setting realistic goals, individuals can make meaningful progress towards healthier and more fulfilling lives, both online and offline.
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No, it’s not.

I’m genuinely concerned about his emotional wellbeing.

Not to get all stats and facts on you but you and he are both heterosexual, white, males, unless he finds you sleeping with his wife the chances of him committing a crime against you are minimal.

He may hurt himself however.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can potentially benefit individuals like Rico, who engage in trolling behavior on message boards, by addressing underlying cognitive distortions and maladaptive beliefs that contribute to their negative behavior. Here's how CBT could help:

1. **Identifying Negative Thought Patterns**: CBT involves identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and cognitive distortions that contribute to problematic behavior. Rico may hold distorted beliefs about himself, others, and the world, such as feelings of inadequacy, anger, or a need for attention. Through therapy, Rico can learn to recognize these negative thought patterns and develop more realistic and adaptive ways of thinking.

2. **Developing Coping Strategies**: CBT teaches individuals coping strategies to manage stress, frustration, and other negative emotions in healthier ways. Rico may engage in trolling behavior as a maladaptive coping mechanism for dealing with his own insecurities or frustrations. Therapy can help Rico learn alternative coping strategies, such as relaxation techniques, problem-solving skills, or assertiveness training, to address underlying issues and manage his emotions more effectively.

3. **Improving Interpersonal Skills**: CBT can help individuals like Rico develop better interpersonal skills and communication techniques. Rico may struggle with empathy, boundaries, or conflict resolution, leading to inappropriate or aggressive behavior online. Therapy can provide Rico with opportunities to practice effective communication skills, assertiveness, and empathy, which can improve his interactions with others and reduce the likelihood of engaging in trolling behavior.

4. **Increasing Self-awareness and Accountability**: CBT encourages individuals to become more self-aware and take responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Rico may benefit from exploring the motivations behind his trolling behavior and understanding the impact it has on himself and others. Through therapy, Rico can develop a greater sense of self-awareness and accountability, which may lead to more thoughtful and responsible behavior online.

5. **Setting Realistic Goals**: CBT involves setting realistic and achievable goals for behavior change. Rico may have entrenched habits or patterns of behavior that are difficult to break without support. Therapy can help Rico set specific, measurable, and attainable goals for reducing or eliminating trolling behavior and work towards positive changes over time.

Overall, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can provide individuals like Rico with the tools, skills, and insights needed to address underlying issues, change negative behavior patterns, and improve their mental health and well-being. By challenging distorted thinking, learning effective coping strategies, improving interpersonal skills, increasing self-awareness, and setting realistic goals, individuals can make meaningful progress towards healthier and more fulfilling lives, both online and offline.
Somehow you became even more annoying with AI.
6’6 250

Secure in my masculinity and straight my whole life.


There is some evidence to suggest that larger body size, particularly in terms of excess body weight or obesity, is associated with an increased risk of certain health problems and a shorter lifespan. However, it's important to note that body size alone is not necessarily the sole determinant of lifespan, and many other factors, including genetics, lifestyle choices, socioeconomic status, and access to healthcare, also play significant roles.

Here are some points to consider regarding the relationship between body size and lifespan:

1. **Obesity and Health Risks**: Numerous studies have shown that obesity is linked to a higher risk of developing chronic health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, certain cancers, and other obesity-related diseases. These conditions can increase mortality risk and potentially shorten lifespan.

2. **Metabolic Syndrome**: Excess body weight, particularly abdominal obesity, is associated with metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions that includes high blood pressure, high blood sugar, abnormal cholesterol levels, and excess body fat around the waist. Metabolic syndrome is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease and mortality.

3. **Inflammation and Immune Function**: Obesity is characterized by chronic low-grade inflammation, which can impair immune function and increase susceptibility to infections and other illnesses. Chronic inflammation is also implicated in the development of various chronic diseases and may contribute to premature aging.

4. **Joint Problems and Mobility Issues**: Carrying excess body weight can put additional strain on the joints, leading to musculoskeletal problems such as osteoarthritis and reduced mobility. These issues can affect quality of life and contribute to functional limitations as individuals age.

5. **Quality of Life Factors**: Obesity and larger body size may impact quality of life in terms of physical discomfort, mobility limitations, social stigma, and psychological well-being. Poor mental health and reduced quality of life can indirectly affect lifespan through their influence on behaviors such as physical activity, dietary habits, and healthcare utilization.

It's important to recognize that body size is just one of many factors that contribute to overall health and lifespan. While there is evidence to suggest that obesity and excess body weight are associated with increased health risks and mortality, individual outcomes can vary widely based on a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and routine healthcare, is key to promoting longevity regardless of body size.
To answer the op since I don't think anyone has:

I believe the answer lies in the story of Jonah. God asked him to go to the middle of a city and tell them about God. Until he did that, their blood was on his hands. After he did it they were responsible for themselves.

So, before they heard the Word they were not condemned.
So, besides all the typical Easter pageantry and “He is Risen” stuff, the preacher talked about how the message of Easter is that everyone in the world is forgiven, no one has to do anything but “believe and receive,” and then you are free to go to heaven.

My question is this: What about all the people who were alive before the time of Jesus? Were all of them just screwed?
They are the free players who never paid for upgrades to advance to this part of the simulation. Just be grateful that your player picked the Christian born in US upgrade package.
To answer the op since I don't think anyone has:

I believe the answer lies in the story of Jonah. God asked him to go to the middle of a city and tell them about God. Until he did that, their blood was on his hands. After he did it they were responsible for themselves.

So, before they heard the Word they were not condemned.
Thank you, good sir!

I appreciate the explanation. I figured there had to be one.
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So, you’re a Christian and follow Jesus, right, Ryan?He/they wont ad wer.


Btw, I am amazed how fast you switch accounts from Rico Stupid to Here_4_A_Dump.
He/they wont answer the question... he/they think Christians are also "losers and suckers". Sad...
WTF? Hasn't anyone else figured the bullshit you hear Sunday after Sunday is pure gobbelbedygoop. Nonsense repeated over and over.

Maybe some Aztek or Egyptian figure beat him to it and saved my soul. What's the difference? It's spiritualism. You're talking to the air.
the short answer is the prophets believed in an earthly resurrection .
Job prayed to go to the grave(Hades,or Sheol) and to wait until God called him back to life.
Job 14:14,15
Jesus talked about the resurrection many times and his followers understood what he meant. (John 5:28,29) Paul also said there would be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. (Acts 24:15)
There will be some who receive a heavenly reward, but Jesus indicated it would be a relatively small number, calling them a “little flock” at Luke 12:32.
the vast majority of faithful mankind would have the prospect of eternal life on earth. This would be “other sheep “ that Jesus referred to at John 10:16.
So back to your original question , since the prophets of old did not live during Jesus day the prospect of heavenly life had not been opened yet, it’s simple . The prophets will awakened from death in the earthly resurrection and have the prospect of living forever on earth under gods kingdom.
So, besides all the typical Easter pageantry and “He is Risen” stuff, the preacher talked about how the message of Easter is that everyone in the world is forgiven, no one has to do anything but “believe and receive,” and then you are free to go to heaven.

My question is this: What about all the people who were alive before the time of Jesus? Were all of them just screwed?

Just saw a video on that. I’ll try to find a link
So, besides all the typical Easter pageantry and “He is Risen” stuff, the preacher talked about how the message of Easter is that everyone in the world is forgiven, no one has to do anything but “believe and receive,” and then you are free to go to heaven.

My question is this: What about all the people who were alive before the time of Jesus? Were all of them just screwed?
Long lines to get into heaven? Doesn't sound too blissful. Place I thought the scriptures said at the rapture, everyone leaves at the same time.
i mean of course it's a long line. it's a global block party to which everyone's invited. or at least a taylor swift concert merchandise kiosk.

Except that I don't think that the people in line or running it reckon time quite the same way we do here
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To answer the op since I don't think anyone has:

I believe the answer lies in the story of Jonah. God asked him to go to the middle of a city and tell them about God. Until he did that, their blood was on his hands. After he did it they were responsible for themselves.

So, before they heard the Word they were not condemned.
The "don't look up" defense, I also like that one. I use that one a lot with my wife, "I didn't see the dishes were clean in the dishwasher". The problem is, my wife isn't as forgiving as god.

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