What impact does the President of the United States have on your life?

What level of impact does the President have on YOUR life specifically?

  • A great deal

    Votes: 9 14.3%
  • A decent amount

    Votes: 16 25.4%
  • Not much at all

    Votes: 28 44.4%
  • None whatsoever

    Votes: 10 15.9%

  • Total voters
Oh darn they had to change doctors what a horrible horrible thing. That is totally comparable to someone not being able to see a doctor at all.

And didn't they find that very very few people actually had to change doctors?

Also have the death panels killed your grandma?
LOL. I see your empathy is attached to your politics. Yeah...having Hodgkin's and and being forced to go to a new doctor after years with the one who has taken care of you is indeed a big deal. But hey, at least those 26 year old male bachelors now had the pediatric dental coverage they so desperately needed.
Straight white male, higher end of income. So none at all. But not oblivious to how POTUS can affect others.
LOL. I see your empathy is attached to your politics. Yeah...having Hodgkin's and and being forced to go to a new doctor after years with the one who has taken care of you is indeed a big deal. But hey, at least those 26 year old male bachelors now had the pediatric dental coverage they so desperately needed.

So don't. Pay for your old doctor as if you didn't have insurance since not having insurance is clearly an easier issue to tackle than changing doctors.

My empathy to people who can't see A doctor at all is far greater than it is for people who might have to change doctors.

I like my doctor but changing doctors is an inconvenience at best. I'd change doctors in a heartbeat if it got another 45 million people health insurance.
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I like my doctor but changing doctors is an inconvenience at best. I'd change doctors in a heartbeat if it got another 45 million people health insurance.
The point is you could have insured those 45 million without doing it at the expense of people heavily relying on their current healthcare. You know, like he said was the reality that he knowingly lied about.

You act as if the only way to do it was forcing 20 year old men to have pediatric dental in their coverage. It's fvcking stupid.
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Minimal impact. White dude. I've made my money. Can pretty much do what I want.

I'd like to keep it that way for the next generation where they can say the same thing and not be worried about Christian Nationalism creeping into their daily lives via the government / president.
So, not the ones decriminalizing shoplifting, bailing out rioters and looters, defunding the police and allowing MS13 members to wander through our border the Dolphins defense?
MS13? They’ve just been left in the dust by the new Venezuelan gang.
The point is you could have insured those 45 million without doing it at the expense of people heavily relying on their current healthcare. You know, like he said was the reality that he knowingly lied about.

You act as if the only way to do it was forcing 20 year old men to have pediatric dental in their coverage. It's fvcking stupid.

No you couldn't, the ACA had to include a list of things that insurance MUST cover. Otherwise people who have needs are left out.

Back when I got married before the ACA took effect I tried to get insurance for my wife and I through private insurance and I was looking for plans who would cover maternity just in case my wife got pregnant. The cost of maternity alone was 10 times more than the cost of the insurance alone. The reason was because the insurance companies felt that "if you wanted it, that ment you were going to use it soon"

Therefore anyone who wanted to have a baby with private insurance was basically going to cover that entire cost by themselves either by paying the hospital directly or by paying the insurance company directly.

If you don't have pediatric dental coverage as you call it on insurance for everyone that only means that the people who get it are basically going to have to pay full price for it defeating the entire point of health insurance which is in part to spread the costs out. If you put a type of coverage only on the people who need it than they can't spread the costs out and are paying full price for everything.
But Minnesotans outside the Cities gave him that nickname. Wonder why.

Because they never went in those cities out of fear of all the minorities and just believed what Fox News told them about how the whole thing was a lawless hellhole.

I still find it hilarious that I've been in Indianapolis many times, never felt unsafe or anything and yet Fox News is screaming about several cities with lower crime rates than Indianapolis are lawless hellholes. And of course many conservatives lap that up and are scared to death to visit any of those cities and just believe whatever Fox News tells them.
There have been fairly meaningful changes on both my wife's (nopic) and my own work place as a direct result of EO's and judicial appointments, as well as some tax changes. So probably "a decent amount".
Hey thanks for clearing that up. If you say it, it must be so.

Face it that's the reality.

Crime rate is down from when Trump was president. That's a fact it's not disputable. But fox news viewers almost all believe crime rate has skyrocketed. Why? Because Fox News.