What is the worst turbulence you have experienced?

Sounds like a decent deal so far! My only advice is to never give them an inch because they’ll take a mile. And if you do give them that inch, make them pay for it so they’ll think twice about asking for it again. Especially if you value the time with your kids.

People often say my “advice” makes me sound like an asshole. In reality it’s just knowing your worth and taking control vs giving it to some company, boss, whatever. I believe that’s particularly important regarding your time and travel can really become an issue. It may seem like a fine line, but that’s because it is.

Good luck. My advice normally sucks on HORT btw.
I absolutely appreciate it.
Guys, take note. This is how you do a wouldja thread.
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Flew from Denver to Anchorage AK about 15 years ago. Got really rough over the Canadian Rockies - the aircraft shook like the fuselage was about to split in two pieces.

Statistically traveling in the air is the safest method of transportation, but even on good days it’s a hell of a lot more nerve-wracking.
I saw a flight log yesterday and thought it was 6k feet in seconds.

That is what I thought yesterday when I first heard this as well. Was wondering how only 1 person died with that kind of fall though. The several falls over 5 minutes makes more sense.

BTW. OP is a complete moron for starting a thread like this 6 weeks before he spends 11 hours on a plane one way. What an idiot.
That is what I thought yesterday when I first heard this as well. Was wondering how only 1 person died with that kind of fall though. The several falls over 5 minutes makes more sense.

BTW. OP is a complete moron for starting a thread like this 6 weeks before he spends 11 hours on a plane one way. What an idiot.
The incident that happened this week will become more common.
Not turbulence, but flying from CR to Denver was about the worst thing I'd ever experienced. We were getting ready to load up in CR, and I was watching the weather radar on the monitor in the boarding area. A sick line of storms coming in from the West. We took off into it and hadn't been airborne for more than a minute when we got slammed as we punched through the front. I questioned that pilot's decision making.
Saw this happened yesterday as we are heading into traveling season. As someone that loves to travel but doesn’t necessarily love flying, this gives me anxiety as I am flying to Barcelona this summer. So, what’s the worst turbulence you have experienced? I have a couple.

First one was a couple years ago flying in to Pensacola while tropical storm Claire I think it was called was going on. Just brutal coming in for landing. Plane was bouncing all over the place with the wings just back and forth. I was convinced we were going to slam into the ground.

The other time was coming home from Hawaii last year. Once we got up to cruising altitude the pilot comes on pa and says the seat belt light would be staying on for a while as things were looking a little bumpy. That was the understatement of the year. It was pretty turbulent for the entire 6 hour flight but there was about a 20 minute stretch where it was just awful. Plane probably dropped 50-100 feet numerous times and was just all over the place. Even the stewardess said she knew shit was getting real when her iPad flew out of her hands. I am not sure there is a god but man almighty I was asking him for some favors on that flight. Feel like you are in the middle of nowhere flying over the ocean. It did calm down after that stretch but still had that bumpiness the entire flight. Once you experience that kind of turbulence you were just waiting for the next round. Made for a long flight.

Two million miler on delta, one million united.
I’ve had two where many of the air bags dropped from the jolt.
Worst was a regional when delta had the comair hub in cvg. Got into shit from about chicago - cid. Cid closed due to tornado so we circled somewhere over se iowa - dsm area. Got totally rocked for about 20 mins that seemed like a hour. Pilot said atc tried to get us clear air but the crap kept popping up everywhere. When we landed as we were coming down the stairs the tornado sirens went off again.
Had another where i was in 1c and the flight attendant in her jump seat was in tears. Think she was fairly new and thinking she might have made a bad job choice.
Also had a plane hit a deer on takeoff, a front wheel assembly stuck at 90 degrees while starting takeoff( shook like crazy)a plane with an “electrical problem” where the copilot came thru the cabin smelling for smoke and looking at the back of the wings (had to dump fuel and land) , dude with a heart attack and two lightning strikes.
We also had a rough landing when approaching Furstenbruck German air base which is close to the Alps. It was far from being a level landing in Dec. but the pilot handled the rough turbulence for the landing. A few beers later and it was all forgotten.
Can you answer this for me?
-Reading the article it says the plane descended 6000 feet over a 5-minute period. Not being a pilot, how extreme is that? Nose dive bad or level flight forced down?
A little disappointed that so many responded to this thread so seriously, when the thread title screamed for thoughtful comedic posts about OP's mom.
Recall one experience hopping from Athens to Mykonos on a summer afternoon and the Aegean was nuts. What made it worse though were some of the Europeans who you could tell had never been on a plane and screamed their heads off with each bump. I could take the bumps but about 20-30 old ladies screaming every 5-10 seconds drove the rest of us nuts.

Another time taking off out of Philly into an evening thunderstorm and lighting striking outside and hearing that unmistakable crack/pop sound that loud and seeing the hair on my arms stand up is another good one.
Not turbulence, but on a 12 seater turboprop (TWA) landing in Decatur IL spewed flames out the back. Was already nervous as there were 4 on the flight and they made us sit in all for corners instead of together.

Taking off from Kyiv on Lufthansa, there was a bright flash and loud BOOM and people disintegrated emotionally. It was a lightning strike.

Was on an old 737 flight with Ukraine International...the interior was paint yellow and blue with a paint brush.

Best view from a plane.... after take off at Manila to Hong Kong. The countryside was amazing in the mountains.
Played at UNI and we had a Friday flight to Springfield, MO to play MO State that got delayed to the evening due to 60 mile per hour winds in the area. We eventually flew out around 7 pm and was the bumpiest ride the whole time. We were about to land but the pilot had to divert and finally ended up landing in KC around 10:30. We sat on the tarmack for a hour and realized we were not going to be able to fly into Springfield.

Director of Operation ended up finding a hotel a mile away for 100+ people, walked the mile at 11:30, slept at 12:30, and got back on a plane at 7:30 for a 11 AM game.

I remember walking into the stadium with 45 minutes until the game started. Teams usually are there 2 to 2 1/2 hours early. It was an ugly game but still kicked their ass.
Great thread. Coming into Ankara Turkey in the dark about 30 years ago. So rough that a Turkish girl grabbed my hand. She was cute.

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