What is your favorite trait about yourself and why?

I do love to garden but my true passion is helping to restore as much of nature as possible. I’ve been slowly planting native plants and trees on our acreage and I help Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation collect seeds every year.

I’m also a bug nerd so I understand the balance of native plants and insects, especially pollinators. Which is why I’m not a fan of honey bees because they are not native and out compete native bees.
Well, we need them for our non native crops.

I hear what you’re saying, but I was a beekeeper. I loved all my bees, native and non native.
My Fortitude.

I go when some badass dudes say they can't go any more. If you look at who I was as an athlete, student, employee, and parent* I am who I am because I approach life with a "I've got more in the tank" mindset. I make up for every deficiency with work rate.

Good thread Jelly, hope you had a Merry Christmas/ great Holiday season.
I take no credit for it. I bogarded it from Deep, Deeper, Deepest.

My ability to post awesome gifs.
Courage can be quite a routine value; it need not be dramatic

Courage can also be the result of being really stupid.

Here's an example:

A man dies and goes to Heaven. He finds himself standing in front of the Pearly Gates.

St. Peter is there and says, "In order to grant you entry into Heaven, I need you to tell me one really good deed you performed during your life."

The man thinks for a moment and says, "I saw this biker gang harassing a woman, they were slapping her around and tearing her clothes. I couldn't stand it so I ran into the group, punched biggest one right in the face, and overturned all their motorcycles!"

"Wow," St. Peter exclaimed. "When did this happen?"

"About five minutes ago," the man replied.
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My killer penis and overall sexiness. Men want to be me, and women and gays want to be with me. It’s my cross to bare.
You mean it’s your penis to bare or your cross to bear??
Asking for a friend 😜
My whole life I have been somewhat obsessed with being “on time”, I hate being late, Would show up to work 10-15 minutes before necessary. Have a friend that is the exact opposite, If we have a 8am tee time he will show up as we are teeing off.
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