What Kind Of Husband Shops With His Wife?

You're not overly generalizing here just a little bit now are ya?

Besides, I think it's just a schtick Watters does to be sort of funny and to get under some people's skin. Looks like it's working.
His schtick is to make most normal people think he’s an idiotic douchebag? 🤷‍♂️

I mean more power to him, I guess. It is working.
His schtick is to make most normal people think he’s an idiotic douchebag? 🤷‍♂️

I mean more power to him, I guess. It is working.
Do you reckon maybe just a little bit of your animosity is tinged with a smidgen of political dislike?
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i do most of the grocery shopping because i do most of the cooking in our house

i actually find grocery shopping to be relaxing

i just can't imagine being so insecure in your own "manliness" that this is an issue that you feel the need to talk about on tv
Same! Every Saturday morning I head to the grocery store while my wife takes our daughter to gymnastics. Sometimes my son tags along. But I also find it relaxing. Especially when I’m there early enough that it’s mostly dead.

I do most of the cooking as well (also because I enjoy it). Such a stupid thing to get upset about.
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Not really. I find most cable news talking heads to be obnoxious twats. He is cringey and dumb regardless of his politics (which are also cringey and dumb)
I bet you make an exception for Jon Stewart though.

Otoh, he is damn funny 🤷‍♂️.
It's just an easy defense to make for all the over-the-top criticism it's received. "It's part of the rules on the right," for example.
That's not what was said.
The right has a lot of weird freaking rules on shit you have to do in order to be a real man. Can't use a straw, can't go grocery shopping with your wife.
Folks on the right have indeed said a lot of shit over the years about stuff that makes you a "real man" and what not. That's not my opinion, that's not a generalized statement, it's the truth.

Hoosier is a conservative for crying out loud. He's not some far left liberal that posts left wing talking points every single day.
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That's not what was said.

Folks on the right have indeed said a lot of shit over the years about stuff that makes you a "real man" and what not. That's not my opinion, that's not a generalized statement, it's the truth.

Hoosier is a conservative for crying out loud. He's not some far left liberal that posts left wing talking points every single day.

I'm not sure what I'd call myself given what passes for "conservatism" these days.

I'm a conservative in the sense of "adulterers shouldn't be trusted", "people should be extremely choosey about who they sleep with", marriage and family is the bedrock of a stable society."

Now about all I agree with "conservatives" on is "abortion is bad and should be limited to only the most extreme cases where it's clearly the lesser of 2 evils" and "People who were born male shouldn't be playing women's sports"

The right clearly no longer believes in faithful marriages anymore. Hate and rage, tearing down all of the institutions that made this country great, giving time to conspiracy theorists and wackos, revenge politics. I don't know what that is, but I know I'm not for any of it.
I was recently in Chinatown!!! The waiters spoke English, but I would not be surprised if the back of the house staff did not.

Maybe not so funny this Jesse, but you gotta agree he's gotten under a few folks skin here, no?

Is that something he should be proud of? It's not much of an accomplishment to say stupid things that you know will bother people who are annoyed by stupidity.
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I'm not sure what I'd call myself given what passes for "conservatism" these days.

I'm a conservative in the sense of "adulterers shouldn't be trusted", "people should be extremely choosey about who they sleep with", marriage and family is the bedrock of a stable society."

Now about all I agree with "conservatives" on is "abortion is bad and should be limited to only the most extreme cases where it's clearly the lesser of 2 evils" and "People who were born male shouldn't be playing women's sports"

The right clearly no longer believes in faithful marriages anymore. Hate and rage, tearing down all of the institutions that made this country great, giving time to conspiracy theorists and wackos, revenge politics. I don't know what that is, but I know I'm not for any of it.

You are absolutely a conservative by the definition from the post-civil rights era until 2016. A moderate conservative, to be sure.
You are absolutely a conservative by the definition from the post-civil rights era until 2016. A moderate conservative, to be sure.

I agree at the very least a social conservative by any pre-2016 view. Maybe you could say a European center-right conservative considering I also believe in universal healthcare.

But I wouldn't call myself that in the US now. Now conservative=Trump who is very different from what conservatism used to be.
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I agree at the very least a social conservative by any pre-2016 view. Maybe you could say a European center-right conservative considering I also believe in universal healthcare.

But I wouldn't call myself that in the US now. Now conservative=Trump who is very different from what conservatism used to be.
That makes you a Marxist in the US now. According to some anyway…
That's not what was said.

Folks on the right have indeed said a lot of shit over the years about stuff that makes you a "real man" and what not. That's not my opinion, that's not a generalized statement, it's the truth.

Hoosier is a conservative for crying out loud. He's not some far left liberal that posts left wing talking points every single day.
Yeah, the right probably does have stronger views of the attributes of "real men" as where with the left ANYONE can be a male, lol.

II have never for one moment thought of Hoosier as a conservative. I have thought he was, kinda amusingly so, an anachronistic Democrat For Life. Remember them, btw?
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Is that something he should be proud of? It's not much of an accomplishment to say stupid things that you know will bother people who are annoyed by stupidity.
Proud of? No. Ashamed of? No.

If people are annoyed because of a little needling then I suspect there's a little political sensitivity involved as well.
That's close minded. Get out of your echo chamber.
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A good tip for men that don't think it's manly to shop with the wife, try carrying a fishing pole around the store. Maybe you can catch some savings. 🎣🎣
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I was recently in Chinatown!!! The waiters spoke English, but I would not be surprised if the back of the house staff did not.

Maybe not so funny this Jesse, but you gotta agree he's gotten under a few folks skin here, no?
Ah, I forgot that the goal of any news agency was to 'get under a few folks skin'.
Jon Stewart isn't a cable news dooshalo. He is, has been and always will be a comedian. And an excellent one.
Oh, a thousand apologies dear Sir. He is on cable, but DEFINITELY not cable news. Again, please pardon my grievous misstep.

Really? You think you have to tell me: he's a comedian? And he always will be? And furthermore, after I had already acknowledged he's damn funny, you felt the need to tell me he's "an excellent one."

What makes you such a condescending ass?
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For me, I don't go grocery shopping with my wife. She puts in the grocery order for pickup and I go pick it up.
Since my beautiful wife's crappy surgery, I've been doing the same thing. Not a bad gig, if I'm being honest. I do most of the cooking while she's my sous chef...we crank some tunes and knock out dinner pretty quickly.
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The GOP/GQP media, influencers and politicians are really a disgusting group of folks these days. At least this one isn't diddling kids... not that we know of anyway.

Watters: What Kind Of Husband Shops With His Wife?​

January 24, 2025

“Kamala says she wasn’t going to go quietly but she has been as quiet as a mime. Mamala just launched a blog though. And we clicked on it and she wants our email address so she can ask us for money. And she needs it because grocery prices are ridiculous. She just found out about inflation. The New York Post caught her grocery shopping with ‘Dougie Fresh.’ What kind of husband goes grocery shopping with his wife?” – Fox News host Jesse Watters, who previously attacked Biden’s masculinity for “licking” ice cream cones and for drinking from a straw.

Big surprise this is coming from Jessie Waters. That guy is straightup repulsive in a multitude of ways. I remember the first time seeing him on TV and thought it was a spoof.
Our old Toys R Us got knocked down and turned into a damn bank. It's all banks and carwashes here.
All new businesses in my area those two, plus storage units and vape shops. The ornery and suspicious old timers here are convinced they're mobbed up, money laundering fronts. With the car washes, storages units, etc to clean the money and the weird banks to turn a blind eye on new business accounts. I'm starting to think the old matlocks are onto something.
Oh, a thousand apologies dear Sir. He is on cable, but DEFINITELY not cable news. Again, please pardon my grievous misstep.

Really? You think you have to tell me: he's a comedian? And he always will be? And furthermore, after I had already acknowledged he's damn funny, you felt the need to tell me he's "an excellent one."

What makes you such a condescending ass?
Wow, triggered much? 😂

My point is Jon Stewart is a professional comedian who does a satirical “news show” so of course he is telling jokes and trying to be funny and is good at it.

By contrast, Jesse Watters purports to be an actual news journalist and his attempts at “humor” are typically stupid and painfully unfunny.
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