What led to Saturday's shooting

What led to Saturday night's shooting?

  • Security was incompetant

    Votes: 61 80.3%
  • It was a set up intended to take out Trump

    Votes: 8 10.5%
  • it was a hoax set up by the Trump camp

    Votes: 7 9.2%

  • Total voters
Then I would encourage you to consider your biases on my post. You'll find nothing remotely close proven with actual statements made by me..
Explain to me how my bias is clouding my judgment of your first sentence of your first post in this thread? You're clearly saying the Democrats rhetoric led to this shooting in your opinion (not excusing it myself, but there's been no evidence of this). How about other threads, where you continue to ignore the fact that he was a registered Republican (oh I know, it was to vote in the primaries even though he registered prior to the midterms), or that his classmates classified him as a conservative, or his neighbors saying they saw Trump signs in their yard.

You said it has to be political because his target was Trump. Was Paddock's shooting anti-country music because he shot up a concert? Sometimes loner gunman just want to be known in history, and shooting Trump would certainly make your name known. Again, we still don't know everything, but it's funny to see what you focus on and what you choose to ignore. All while having the audacity to tell others to check their biases.
Explain to me how my bias is clouding my judgment of your first sentence of your first post in this thread? You're clearly saying the Democrats rhetoric led to this shooting in your opinion (not excusing it myself, but there's been no evidence of this). How about other threads, where you continue to ignore the fact that he was a registered Republican (oh I know, it was to vote in the primaries even though he registered prior to the midterms), or that his classmates classified him as a conservative, or his neighbors saying they saw Trump signs in their yard.

You said it has to be political because his target was Trump. Was Paddock's shooting anti-country music because he shot up a concert? Sometimes loner gunman just want to be known in history, and shooting Trump would certainly make your name known. Again, we still don't know everything, but it's funny to see what you focus on and what you choose to ignore. All while having the audacity to tell others to check their biases.
Shooting the crowd meant he wanted to kill people shooting the singer meant he didn't like country music. Make sense?
Then I would encourage you to consider your biases on my post. You'll find nothing remotely close proven with actual statements made by me..
So easy.

There was a failed assassination attempt on a former President and the leading candidate to be the next president from a person representing a group the democrats refuse to admit exist and you are going to continue to double down on the cult thing....

I'm serious when I say this, I like your shit posting enough to want to see you stay around after the embarrassment, log off. You are not thinking clearly.

Does Antifa exist?
Shooting the crowd meant he wanted to kill people shooting the singer meant he didn't like country music. Make sense?
So I presume Reagan's assassination attempt was politically motivated in your mind as well. It must have been, because all shooting attempts are a statement against what that person stands for according to you. There's no other alternative.
Explain to me how my bias is clouding my judgment of your first sentence of your first post in this thread? You're clearly saying the Democrats rhetoric led to this shooting in your opinion (not excusing it myself, but there's been no evidence of this). How about other threads, where you continue to ignore the fact that he was a registered Republican (oh I know, it was to vote in the primaries even though he registered prior to the midterms), or that his classmates classified him as a conservative, or his neighbors saying they saw Trump signs in their yard.

You said it has to be political because his target was Trump. Was Paddock's shooting anti-country music because he shot up a concert? Sometimes loner gunman just want to be known in history, and shooting Trump would certainly make your name known. Again, we still don't know everything, but it's funny to see what you focus on and what you choose to ignore. All while having the audacity to tell others to check their biases.
It's my understanding that the shooter was registered as a republican but never voted as one, but donated to a democrat PAC.

It's one of the compelling details like the SS choosing not be on that particular roof or not even secure the access to it. Supposedly he's also the only 20 year-old in the modern world with no social media footprint.

The longer this goes without more concrete information the more stupid conspiracy theories are going to arise.
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It's my understanding that the shooter was registered as a republican but never voted as one, but donated to a democrat PAC.

It's one of the compelling details like the SS choosing not be on that particular roof or not even secure the access to it. Supposedly he's also the only 20 year-old in the modern world with no social media footprint.

The longer this goes without more concrete information the more stupid conspiracy theories are going to arise.
There are also reports that someone else with that name made the donation.

And Trump donated to the Democrats.
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Riley what is it that you think you are attempting to accomplish there? The first one was for the teacher that was losing his shit and wished the guy wouldn't have missed and the 2nd was a generic question.

Do you actually have a target eith this one?
The first one was your stumbling, mumbling reference to Antifa being behind this as was your second one.

You also claimed several times that there were others trying to shoot Trump, but that's different misinformation you spewed.
It's my understanding that the shooter was registered as a republican but never voted as one, but donated to a democrat PAC.

It's one of the compelling details like the SS choosing not be on that particular roof or not even secure the access to it. Supposedly he's also the only 20 year-old in the modern world with no social media footprint.

The longer this goes without more concrete information the more stupid conspiracy theories are going to arise.
That's all good and fine, we don't know a ton about this kid. I'm just pointing out that even though a politically motivated assassination attempt would be the worst result for the country, we have people like Whiskey clearly rooting for that result so he can score some points on HROT. He's pathetic.
The ‘fog of war’ is referring to the confusion that arises from what the person in charge can’t see everything with their own eyes. So they’re relying on second hand information and information delayed by various degrees in order to put together their total picture of right now.

There was a great little civil war game I played years ago, similar in format to the Ultimate General series of games. They introduced a cool mechanic where your orders wouldn’t be instantly transmitted. If you told a brigade to reposition a rider left the general and raced toward the brigade to relay the order. If you changed your mind about where that brigade should deploy and sent a countermanding order you’d have to wait for that rider to get to them and relay the change, likely while they’re already conducting the initial maneuver.

Never seen another game introduce an OODA Loop like it, but it was really cool in how it affected your decision making (and timeliness!).

The egregious oversights should be enough to get the person in charge fired. Their incompetence is literally fatal for others.
For an excellent dissection of the fog of war, read my brother in laws book Meade at Gettysburg.
My vote was security was incompetent:
, major issues every time a new video is released ( I just saw this one may have been posted elsewhere) it just gets worse and worse

There was no plan to open the gate in case of an emergency

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Where did I throw out a challenge Riley?
JFC. Not even an hour ago.

Lol @Whiskeydeltadeltatango wants so badly for the shooter to be some crazy leftist and he's very disappointed. Sorry the attempted assassination of your hero isn't turning out the way you wanted. Maybe next time!

Where are you getting that?

From reading your posts

Then I would encourage you to consider your biases on my post. You'll find nothing remotely close proven with actual statements made by me..

So easy.
JFC. Not even an hour ago.

So easy.
Read it again Riley. There is no challenge there. I'm telling him his beliefs are not verified by my words.

and that Riley is how easy it is to with you..........

Who lives a better life Riley, the elephant who eats what he wants and occasionally goes hingey because he made a bad choice, or the parasite that picks through his shit trying to find things the elephant missed?

Biden's use of the term, "Bullseye" was in reference to all the negative attention he'd received for his poor debate performance. Which was terrible, and for what it's worth he deserved the negative attention. But his use of the word bullseye was referring to how he wanted the media to turn their attention to trump. If you go back and review it, you should be able to decipher that. He didn't literally mean let's point a sniper riffle with a scope/bullseye at trump and shoot him. But you're saying (above) that that is exactly what he meant.

And by the way, Biden has since admitted it was a mistake to use that word. Show me where trump admitted a single mistake for anything. Ever.

Dude, he's all-in on the cult
Read it again Riley. There is no challenge there. I'm telling him his beliefs are not verified by my words.

and that Riley is how easy it is to with you..........

Who lives a better life Riley, the elephant who eats what he wants and occasionally goes hingey because he made a bad choice, or the parasite that picks through his shit trying to find things the elephant missed?
Except that they clearly are - you suggested Antifa was behind the assassination attempt in the quotes I shared.

You're as bad at analogies as you are with the truth.
That's all good and fine, we don't know a ton about this kid. I'm just pointing out that even though a politically motivated assassination attempt would be the worst result for the country, we have people like Whiskey clearly rooting for that result so he can score some points on HROT. He's pathetic.
I can't speak for Whiskey, but perhaps maybe the reason he and others are rooting for a political motive, is because he and others have been labeled MAGA extremists, nazis, racists, insurrectionists, traitors, bigots, among other things simply because they thought Trump did a good job, believe in state's rights, girls don't have a penis, limited federal government, secured borders, and wanting the needs of Americans to come before the needs of the world. They like their gas powered engines and steak and baked potato.

These are people who peacefully and patrioticly (to them) went to the ballot box in the face of a deadly pandemic and casted a ballot. They weren't part of J6, and had no desire to be a part of that mob, but have been lumped in with them because they voted the same way. No amount of disavowwing the actions of the people that day will ever be enough to separate the voter I'm speaking of and the illegal actions of a few (in contrast to number of votes)

They weren't permitted to ask questions about the election without being labeled an election denier or worse, weren't permitted to ask questions about covid or its vaccine without being labeled antivax or anti science or worse. They were told not to attend church but watched as looters, rioters, and peaceful protestors gathered in cities across the country.

They see the way the media covered for Biden from the election to the debate a couple weeks ago, how they fell in line with the Hunter lap top story, the diary, and Joe's mental health. They allowed Biden to repeat lies like Trump told people to inject bleach to cure covid with no fact check or push back.

So if Whiskey or others need this to be political, I don't agree but I understand it
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