What % of people that you personally know are on food stamps?


HB King
Aug 16, 2005
Hell, Michigan
Seems like those on the right are hanging out on the mean streets of America because they tell us everyone is on gov. subsidies. Well for those people, what % of people that you know personally are on food stamps/welfare? 60%? 70% All of them?
I know nobody that talks about being on food stamps. I would guess a few people at my last job were. I have a cousin that should be, but I dont know if she is. Now my wife is a teacher and half the kids are on free or reduced lunch and I would bet she knows many families receiving food stamps.
Well, there are approx. 49 million of them walking around. Those are federal numbers so they're out there regardless if I know any or not.

What's your point?
My maternal grandmother. Scrappy old gal who grew up in crushing poverty in the Piedmonts. She took government assistance in her old age. I used to love the big blocks of government cheese and spam type meat she'd get for free. My mom and her siblings supported her monetarily.
I honestly couldn't say. I'm sure my kids know some just because they are in OPS and the majority of those kids qualify for free or reduced lunch. My 18 year old niece is pregnant with twins so if she isn't a burden on the government today she soon will be. Most of my family and to the best of my knowledge all of my friends are self supporting.
There are multiple programs:

1) WIC

WIC for example, allows for a family making up to $70k a year, if they have 7 babies, to get free formula. That's 8-9 small powder cans per child per month @ $16.99 / can on average...It's prorated on number of baby/babies and income..

SNAP is more general for Food but can also buy formula.
We're in a school district were almost 40% of the public school kids get lunch assistance. So propbobly more than I am aware of.

We also have a guy a work that turns down overtime opportunities to make sure his income doesn't raise to a level that disqualifies his family.

So personally, people don't come right out and tell me. However, a couple times a month at Hyvees, Wal-marts etc. you will see an EBT card pulled out on the check out line.

Where does the OP live? West Des Moines?
Originally posted by lucas80:

My maternal grandmother. Scrappy old gal who grew up in crushing poverty in the Piedmonts. She took government assistance in her old age. I used to love the big blocks of government cheese and spam type meat she'd get for free. My mom and her siblings supported her monetarily.
My Dad's mom received cheese because my Gpa was a vet. She didn't need it, or want it, but she would walk to the nearest center and get me a block because she knew I loved it for grilled cheese, mac and cheese, and nacho's. I guess we were taking advantage... I felt like the least the government could do was provide my granda pa's family with a few blocks of cheese, for his service.
It seems like almost half the people I encounter at the local convenience stores are using an "Iowa" card when buying candy, soda & food. Then they pay cash for their smokes and vodka.

I would guess one out of every 3 homes in the small-town bedroom community near our family farm are receiving some form of assistance. I pretty much know everybody who lives there.

The church I attend is in the next town over and gov't statistics our Pastor found indicate about 45% of the households there are on assistance. This town is along a river that floods 1/2 the town almost every year. Some cannot relocate because they have nowhere else to go. Several houses in town contain suspected meth labs. I'm friends with a Sheriff's Deputy and he just shakes his head when this towns name is brought up. They spend a disproportionate amount of their time patrolling that town. The line waiting for the food bank to open 2 Saturdays a month looks like a cross between Black Friday at Wal-Mart & a scene from "The Walking Dead" where the zombies get a whiff of fresh meat.
The government gives us the exact numbers of people that are receiving food stamps. What exactly is your point of asking people on a message board what "percentage of people that you know" are on food stamps? As if somehow this will provide you with some sort of gotcha moment with your political opposition on this board, you posit this numbingly banal question?

As to your response to IMCC, do you routinely ask friends and acquaintances if they receive government assistance?
I think we should tattoo them. That way they don't need ID but, on the other hand, we can all mock them and make them feel like crap for being freeloaders. It's a win-win.

I would have said brand them but if they decide to stop being worthless freeloading scum, the tattoo can be removed more easily than the scars.
I personally do not know anyone on food stamps. Nor have I seen anyone use the card at grocery stores. But maybe if I shopped on the eastside of Des Moines instead of Ankeny.
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:

Originally posted by IMCC965:
Well, there are approx. 49 million of them walking around. Those are federal numbers so they're out there regardless if I know any or not.

What's your point?
So you don't know any?
Don't know. I don't make it a practice to talk about other people's financial situation. Is that what you do?
Originally posted by INXS83:
It seems like almost half the people I encounter at the local convenience stores are using an "Iowa" card when buying candy, soda & food. Then they pay cash for their smokes and vodka.

I would guess one out of every 3 homes in the small-town bedroom community near our family farm are receiving some form of assistance. I pretty much know everybody who lives there.

The church I attend is in the next town over and gov't statistics our Pastor found indicate about 45% of the households there are on assistance. This town is along a river that floods 1/2 the town almost every year. Some cannot relocate because they have nowhere else to go. Several houses in town contain suspected meth labs. I'm friends with a Sheriff's Deputy and he just shakes his head when this towns name is brought up. They spend a disproportionate amount of their time patrolling that town. The line waiting for the food bank to open 2 Saturdays a month looks like a cross between Black Friday at Wal-Mart & a scene from "The Walking Dead" where the zombies get a whiff of fresh meat.
C'mon. Spill the name of the town. It doesn't need to remain anonymous.
I know a dump truck driver that sits on his ass 3-4 mos a year and doesn't let his wife work with 3 boys that gets food stamps.
Many years ago I saw a woman in a pawn shop try to swap food stamps for jewelry. I assume the procedures we have today would make that hard or impossible. Does anyone know if that's true?
Originally posted by CarolinaHawkeye:

I personally do not know anyone on food stamps. Nor have I seen anyone use the card at grocery stores. But maybe if I shopped on the eastside of Des Moines instead of Ankeny.
I will bet you any amount if money that you personally know people on food stamps.

This post was edited on 3/18 9:20 AM by Noble Hawk
I think this topic has identified that The_Devil lives a sheltered life in a utopian Iowa community He needs to get out of whatever bedroom community he lives.

Joining volunteer programs (Big Brother/Big Sisters, CASA, Soup Kitchens etc.) will get you some actual interactions with the people you claim to understand and protect.
Originally posted by 22*43*51:

I think this topic has identified that The_Devil lives a sheltered life in a utopian Iowa community He needs to get out of whatever bedroom community he lives.

Joining volunteer programs (Big Brother/Big Sisters, CASA, Soup Kitchens etc.) will get you some actual interactions with the people you claim to understand and protect.
Liberals don't volunteer to be with the "dregs" of society. They just say they do in order to get votes, make themselves feel better, and stay in power.
Good point to raise the question. I know a few (4) even a couple of abusers. Not dozens, or hundreds as society implies.
Originally posted by Noble Hawk:

Originally posted by CarolinaHawkeye:

I personally do not know anyone on food stamps. Nor have I seen anyone use the card at grocery stores. But maybe if I shopped on the eastside of Des Moines instead of Ankeny.
I will bet you any amount if money that you personally know people on food stamps.

This post was edited on 3/18 9:20 AM by Noble Hawk
Perhaps but I do not know if they are on them or not. I do know someone on disability although I think his knees are in better shape than mine, but I don't run a construction company.
It's shocking how many people under retirement age are on permanent disability.

I know a couple in their 50's who are both getting permanent disability benefits, but are fit enough to square dance like pros every weekend. Don't ask them to do anything physical for church or charity or they'll tell you 'no' because it might threaten their disability benefits. Selfish is as selfish does.
Originally posted by INXS83:

It's shocking how many people under retirement age are on permanent disability.

I know a couple in their 50's who are both getting permanent disability benefits, but are fit enough to square dance like pros every weekend. Don't ask them to do anything physical for church or charity or they'll tell you 'no' because it might threaten their disability benefits. Selfish is as selfish does.
This guy is still allowed to work 20 hours per week. He also does almost all the little projects his church needs(although you can't call him selfish for that), fishes, boats, and hunts all the time. Basically everything he's been doing for 50+ years.
Originally posted by CarolinaHawkeye:
Originally posted by INXS83:

It's shocking how many people under retirement age are on permanent disability.

I know a couple in their 50's who are both getting permanent disability benefits, but are fit enough to square dance like pros every weekend. Don't ask them to do anything physical for church or charity or they'll tell you 'no' because it might threaten their disability benefits. Selfish is as selfish does.
This guy is still allowed to work 20 hours per week. He also does almost all the little projects his church needs(although you can't call him selfish for that), fishes, boats, and hunts all the time. Basically everything he's been doing for 50+ years.

It is a shame that there isn't some way to report these types of people. If you are KNOWINGLY cheating the country, isn't that something that you deserve a penalty for? If I cheat on my taxes, guess what happens to me?
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
Seems like those on the right are hanging out on the mean streets of America because they tell us everyone is on gov. subsidies. Well for those people, what % of people that you know personally are on food stamps/welfare? 60%? 70% All of them?

I know very few if any on food stamps. But I know plenty, including myself who take government welfare in many forms. That's why I do well, you taxpayers are just too good to me.
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:
Seems like those on the right are hanging out on the mean streets of America because they tell us everyone is on gov. subsidies. Well for those people, what % of people that you know personally are on food stamps/welfare? 60%? 70% All of them?
Can you say that you "know" someone if your only contact with them is on an anonymous Internet message board?
I knew a fella once who made, used, and also sold his own food stamps. I believe he is currently a guest of the State.
I knew a fella once who made, used, and also sold his own food stamps. I believe he is currently a guest of the State.
Originally posted by THE_DEVIL:

Originally posted by IMCC965:
Well, there are approx. 49 million of them walking around. Those are federal numbers so they're out there regardless if I know any or not.

What's your point?
So you don't know any?
Personally I do not but that's the point of the question...... why would I ask? In other words, I am pretty certain some I know are but again why would I ask. Is that a question you ask friends? I work part time as a checker at Hy Vee and I see plenty who are. Some who I would suspect are and some I would not.
Originally posted by IMCC965:
Well, there are approx. 49 million of them walking around. Those are federal numbers so they're out there regardless if I know any or not.

What's your point?
Yes it is pointless. Is OP suggesting that since HROT members don't keep the company of food stamp recipients the 49 million that receive them do not exist?
Originally posted by INXS83:

It's shocking how many people under retirement age are on permanent disability.

I know a couple in their 50's who are both getting permanent disability benefits, but are fit enough to square dance like pros every weekend. Don't ask them to do anything physical for church or charity or they'll tell you 'no' because it might threaten their disability benefits. Selfish is as selfish does.

No shit I know one guy who got total disability from UPS for his back and you would never know it and another on total disability for his back and I see him splitting wood all the time.Too damn easy to get based on what I have seen.
Originally posted by INXS83:

It's shocking how many people under retirement age are on permanent disability.

I know a couple in their 50's who are both getting permanent disability benefits, but are fit enough to square dance like pros every weekend. Don't ask them to do anything physical for church or charity or they'll tell you 'no' because it might threaten their disability benefits. Selfish is as selfish does.
I know of a woman where I live who received permanent disability at age 28 because of being severely overweight. Basically she has done nothing since high school but stuff her disgusting face, gain weight, and pop out a couple kids. Weight gain is genetics of course. Hardest she worked in last two years was trying to get disability, took her 9 tries, but she got it. Oh America, well done. People like this should be euthanized and their kids put up for adoption, might give the little ones a fighting chance at being successful.
Originally posted by INXS83:

It's shocking how many people under retirement age are on permanent disability.
I heard recently that the level of fraud among disability cases is extremely low. I don't know how they determined that. I'd like to know.

The other thing I'd like to know is the relative level of support as compared, for example, with what a regular retired person gets from Social Security.

I have no problem with disability support for those who are really disabled. And I don't want our society to scrimp. But I also don't want incentives to be disabled.

This, by the way, is similar to a point I have made about Medicare. If you have paid into Medicare all your life you get Medicare Part A for "free." But you pay for Parts B and D and any supplemental coverage. Which adds up. How does what a Medicare recipient pay compare to what a non-retired person in the same income bracket pays for a policy under Obamacare?

The person who hasn't been paying all his life shouldn't be getting a better deal than the person has been paying all his life. Similarly, the fellow who "retires" young on disability shouldn't get more than the person who retires after paying all his life - and yet that's the sort of thing you hear on the street. Is it true?
Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:
Originally posted by INXS83:

It's shocking how many people under retirement age are on permanent disability.
I heard recently that the level of fraud among disability cases is extremely low. I don't know how they determined that. I'd like to know.

The other thing I'd like to know is the relative level of support as compared, for example, with what a regular retired person gets from Social Security.

I have no problem with disability support for those who are really disabled. And I don't want our society to scrimp. But I also don't want incentives to be disabled.

This, by the way, is similar to a point I have made about Medicare. If you have paid into Medicare all your life you get Medicare Part A for "free." But you pay for Parts B and D and any supplemental coverage. Which adds up. How does what a Medicare recipient pay compare to what a non-retired person in the same income bracket pays for a policy under Obamacare?

The person who hasn't been paying all his life shouldn't be getting a better deal than the person has been paying all his life. Similarly, the fellow who "retires" young on disability shouldn't get more than the person who retires after paying all his life - and yet that's the sort of thing you hear on the street. Is it true?
Medicare should be means-tested. It's an entirely different concept from Social Security.