What punishment should Noah Lyles get?

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They should make him drink all the Pepsi in Paris. A simple search for "Lyles" would have let ya know that there's already a thread on this.
If the past year is any indication, there’s probably been at least 7,000 Trump threads started here since the summer of ‘16.

Definitely no Pepsi there, huh? :rolleyes:
Addressing the point the OP was trying to make:

- We've had years of vaccines that greatly reduce the lethality of covid
- We've had years of infections that have created natural resistances to covid
- Current covid strains are less lethal than earlier versions
- Lyles was a competitor, my guess is he was 'socially distanced' from the 100,000
- Race occurred outdoors

So, not all that dangerous.

Is Pine the only poster more miserable than coff when it comes to covid? Maybe Joe?
One of my favorite people in the world, that I knew most of my life, died from it. The blessing is that he was in his 70's, so no minor kids around, but he had to watch one of his children die from cancer. Always kept a positive attitude.
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One of my favorite people in the world, that I knew most of my life, died from it. The blessing is that he was in his 70's, so no minor kids around, but he had to watch one of his children die from cancer. Always kept a positive attitude.
I had friends losing their Dad's left and right. I haven't seen so much death as that awful time in 2020 besides military days. People denying that truly are deranged.

Suddenly, Public Health Officials Say Social Justice Matters More Than Social Distance​

For months, health experts told Americans to stay home. Now, many are encouraging the public to join mass protests.

Thank you for posting that article from June of 2020 in this thread about the 2024 Paris Olympics. It's very helpful and informative.
Gee. Wonder if the governor’s gonna get away with this?

“Still, families who lost loved ones at North Ridge and some public health experts questioned the state's practice of allowing North Ridge to admit infected patients. Through summer and fall, North Ridge continued to accept dozens of COVID-19 patients from hospitals and other long-term care facilities, even while it was reporting a severe shortage of nursing staff and personal protective gear, federal records show. In reports made since May, North Ridge consistently told regulators that it had less than a week's supply of masks, gowns, gloves and hand sanitizer, federal records show.

Tamara Konetzka, a professor of health services research at the University of Chicago, said it is surprising that a facility as large as North Ridge did not undergo an extra layer of review before being allowed to take new patients with COVID-19. The state, she said, could have sent in "strike teams" of experts to evaluate whether North Ridge had adequate protective equipment and infection-control procedures.

"At minimum, nursing homes should be required to demonstrate they can handle an infectious outbreak before they take on new patients," she said. "We now know that many nursing homes were not prepared."

State Health Department officials said that admissions or transfers of COVID-19 patients to nursing homes are private business decisions.
They said there is no evidence that any North Ridge residents caught the virus from someone transferred there (Nor is there any evidence they DIDN’T: emphasis added) As of November, 38 of the 90 people who had died at North Ridge from COVID-19 were residents who had been transferred from other facilities, the agency said.”