What Voters Want That Trump Seems to Have


HR King
May 29, 2001
By Michelle Cottle
Ms. Cottle is a domestic correspondent for Opinion and a co-host of “Matter of Opinion.”
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So about that poll. You know the one: the Times/Siena poll showing Donald Trump with an edge over President Biden in five out of six swing states, and suggesting a softening of support for Mr. Biden among Black, Latino and young voters.
The results have been met in Democratic and other anti-MAGA circles with horror, disbelief and panic. How could they not be? Whatever disappointment voters have with Mr. Biden, the idea that any of his 2020 backers would give his predecessor another shot at destroying democracy feels like pure lunacy.
It is best to take horse-race polling this far out from Election Day with a boatload of salt. There are too many moving pieces. Too much that could happen. Too much of the public is not paying attention.
But some of the data points to the unusual dynamics at play with a defeated president challenging the guy that America dumped him for. It isn’t just that Mr. Biden has weakness among less engaged voters, or that some respondents weren’t embracing Mr. Trump so much as rejecting Mr. Biden. What struck me is that despite his own raging unpopularity, Mr. Trump is positioned to serve as the repository for protest votes, nostalgia votes and change votes, a weird but potentially potent mash-up of support that could make up for a multitude of weaknesses. He could wind up beating Mr. Biden almost by default.

A re-election campaign is fundamentally a referendum on the incumbent. And for all his accomplishments, Mr. Biden is presiding over a rough time. Inflation is still taking its bite out of people’s paychecks. The nation is still in a twitchy, sour mood post-pandemic. People are worried about crime and homelessness and the surge of migrants at the southern border. They are still dealing with the toll Covid took on their kids. And the broader mental health crisis. And the opioid scourge. And the two wars in which America is playing a supporting role. Of course a big chunk of the electorate sees the country as headed in the wrong direction.
When Americans are feeling pessimistic, the president gets blamed. The degree to which Mr. Biden’s policies have helped or hurt does not much matter, especially on the economy. He owns it. And here’s the thing: You can’t argue with voters’ feelings. Even if you win the debate on points, you’re not going to convince people that they or the nation is actually doing swell. Trying, in fact, often just makes you look like a condescending, out-of-touch jerk.

In such gloomy times, many voters start itching for change, for someone to come in and shake things up. This commonly means giving the out party a chance. Think Barack Obama in 2008, after eight enervating years of George W. and Dick Cheney.
This time, instead of a fresh face, the Republican Party looks poised to offer a familiar one. This has its downsides. Mr. Trump’s defects are excruciatingly well known — and ever more so as the multiple cases against him wend their way through the courts. But no one denies that he likes to shake things up. And just as Mr. Biden sold himself in 2020 as a break from the chaos of Trumpism, Mr. Trump can now position himself as the change candidate. To borrow a cliché from Mr. Biden, Americans won’t be comparing Mr. Trump to the Almighty but to the alternative. And for many voters, the alternative in 2024 is a Biden status quo they consider unpalatable.
It does not help Mr. Biden that he comes across as doddering and frail. This opens him up to one of Republicans’ favorite charges against Democrats: weakness. And political smears resonate more when they fit within an existing framework.


At an even more basic level, Mr. Trump doesn’t have to promise positive change so much as the chance to stiff-arm the current leadership. Plenty of protest voters may not be looking to punish Mr. Biden for a particular action, or inaction, so much as for their inchoate disenchantment with the way things are. The economy should be better. Life should be better. The people in charge should be doing better.
Some protest voters will turn out to support anyone running against the object of their distaste. This is what plenty of people did with Mr. Trump in 2016 to express their lack of love for Hillary Clinton. Others, especially inconstant voters, may simply decide to sit out the race. If this happens disproportionately among groups who went for Mr. Biden in 2020, such as young and nonwhite voters, it works to Mr. Trump’s benefit. This is the low-turnout specter keeping Democrats up at night.
Then there is the nostalgia factor. Political nostalgia is a real and powerful thing. People are wired to romanticize the way things used to be and, by extension, the leaders at the time. Usually, voters dissatisfied with a president do not have the opening for such a direct do over. Rarely does a president who loses re-election attempt a comeback, and only one, Grover Cleveland, has ever done so successfully. But this election, rather than exchanging the incumbent for an unknown quantity, voters can choose to go back to a devil they know, who hails from a pre-Covid age of golden elevators and cheap mortgages.
Now factor in thermostatic voting, the fancy name for a kind of generic buyers’ remorse you see as voters frequently veer toward the opposite party from the one they backed in the previous election. Virginia, for instance, picks its governor the year after a presidential election, and its voters typically go with the candidate whose party did not win the White House. You also see this nationally in midterm elections, in which voters often punish the president’s team.
Mr. Trump has the added advantage of the economy having been humming before the pandemic upended his last year in office. Inflation was practically nonexistent. Unemployment was low. The nation wasn’t neck deep in scary, sticky wars. Sure, he was a supertoxic aspiring autocrat who tried to subvert democracy by overturning a free and fair election and who is now facing dozens of criminal charges, not to mention a civil suit for fraud. But if, come fall of 2024, he asks voters that most basic of political questions, “Weren’t you better off when I was president?” an awful lot may answer, “Hell, yeah.”

Twelve months is several eternities in politics. And none of this is to downplay Mr. Trump’s glaring flaws — or his manifest unfitness for office. But there are some political fundamentals working in his favor that go beyond his specific pros and cons. Anyone who isn’t at least a little afraid isn’t paying attention.
Just as the Biden supporters cling to "he's not Trump", the reverse can also be true. The problem this time around is we know a lot more about Biden (and Harris), and Dems actually have other primary choices. If they choose Biden and Harris as their candidates, they are complicit if Trump is nominated and wins.

People seem to be somewhat dismissive of the Harris factor. I think that's very much in play, just as the Palin factor was in play in 2008.
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Just as the Biden supporters cling to "he's not Trump", the reverse can also be true. The problem this time around is we know a lot more about Biden (and Harris), and Dems actually have other primary choices. If they choose Biden and Harris as their candidates, they are complicit if Trump is nominated and wins.

People seem to be somewhat dismissive of the Harris factor. I think that's very much in play, just as the Palin factor was in play in 2008.
If Trump hadn't purposely downplayed Covid 19 and not killed hundreds of thousands of his supporters, a victory in 2020 and 2024 would've been possible.

It's absolutely mindblowing that Trump leads in the polls, Republicans aren't very quick studies. Toss in January 6th and there is no reason to be comparing Harris to binocular eyes as a factor in 24 - IF you're paying attention to truths.
Just as the Biden supporters cling to "he's not Trump", the reverse can also be true. The problem this time around is we know a lot more about Biden (and Harris), and Dems actually have other primary choices. If they choose Biden and Harris as their candidates, they are complicit if Trump is nominated and wins.

People seem to be somewhat dismissive of the Harris factor. I think that's very much in play, just as the Palin factor was in play in 2008.
Isn't it funny how democrats are always at fault for republican's voting?
"We didn't want to vote for this grifting criminal but you made us do it by keeping the brown lady!!"
Isn't it funny how democrats are always at fault for republican's voting?
"We didn't want to vote for this grifting criminal but you made us do it by keeping the brown lady!!"
I would prefer a different Dem ticket, but wish the no choice crowd would just own up to it. You like Trump. You agree with MAGA. Quit blaming the Democrats for your choice.

I have more respect for the Ricos and Hawkeye Hitmen who are unabashedly in Trump’s corner. They’re misguided lightweights, but at least they own their votes.
Despite his tragic and toxic flaws, Donald Trump is a Populist
candidate. Populism is the politics of anger and frustration.
As President and now as candidate again, Trump stokes this
anger and openly represents it. People are upset with the
current direction of our nation and Trump fans the flame
for them. The Democrats desperately need someone other
than Joe Biden who is too frail and weak for 4 more years

Bottom Line: Hopefully Trump will be replaced as GOP
candidate for 2024..
If Trump hadn't purposely downplayed Covid 19 and not killed hundreds of thousands of his supporters, a victory in 2020 and 2024 would've been possible.

It's absolutely mindblowing that Trump leads in the polls, Republicans aren't very quick studies. Toss in January 6th and there is no reason to be comparing Harris to binocular eyes as a factor in 24 - IF you're paying attention to truths.
On Jan. 21 - the day the first COVID-19 case in the U.S. was confirmed - Fauci appeared on conservative Newsmax TV. "Bottom line, we don’t have to worry about this one, right?" asked Greg Kelly, the host.

Fauci said, "Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about." ~ Anthony Fauci

On Jan. 26, Fauci gave an interview to John Catsimatidis, a syndicated radio host in New York. "What can you tell the American people about what’s been going on?" Catsimatidis asked. "Should they be scared?"

"I don’t think so," Fauci said. "The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It’s a very, very low risk to the United States, but it’s something we, as public health officials, need to take very seriously." ~ Anthony Fauci
  • Haha
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Isn't it funny how democrats are always at fault for republican's voting?
"We didn't want to vote for this grifting criminal but you made us do it by keeping the brown lady!!"
It's understandable that Dems and some independents voted for Biden in 2020. Biden didn't campaign extensively, and he had a record for being somewhat moderate as a Senator. I had high hopes for Joe even though I voted for Libertarian Jo.

Biden has proven to be way different on many issues than expected, and even did a 180 degree turn on forgiving student loan debt. His physical and mental health are more apparent. Harris has definitely been exposed.

Dean Phillips has emerged as a Democrat primary choice. So yes, if you choose Biden as your candidate, you can no longer just go to "well Biden is better than Trump". You can offer up someone better than both, just as the GOP can.
If people shit their pants as much about Covid as many Dems want the economy would not have rebounded as well as it has.

The country fired back up way quicker than Europe because American didn’t give a shit.

It certainly isn’t because America is more vaxed or healthier. They are not.

Many Dems shit themselves, they F’d over a generation of kids.

Covid was coming regardless of who the president was. People are fat and unhealthy , regardless of who the president was. It’s just that simple.
If people shit their pants as much about Covid as many Dems want the economy would not have rebounded as well as it has.

The country fired back up way quicker than Europe because American didn’t give a shit.

It certainly isn’t because America is more vaxed or healthier. They are not.

Many Dems shit themselves, they F’d over a generation of kids.

Covid was coming regardless of who the president was. People are fat and unhealthy , regardless of who the president was. It’s just that simple.
Isn't it funny how democrats are always at fault for republican's voting?
"We didn't want to vote for this grifting criminal but you made us do it by keeping the brown lady!!"
While true...that "brown lady" comment goes both ways. Let's face it Harris was another Palin tactic, but instead of just trying to grab the female vote, they went for the female AND minority vote (which worked). At the end of the day neither Harris nor Palin were very qualified and both are embarrassing when they speak. There was a time I wanted to see Condoleezza Rice run.
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While true...that "brown lady" comment goes both ways. Let's face it Harris was another Palin tactic, but instead of just trying to grab the female vote, they went for the female AND minority vote (which worked). At the end of the day neither Harris nor Palin were very qualified and both are embarrassing when they speak. There was a time I wanted to see Condoleezza Rice run.
That's nonsense. Harris has a long and distinguished career. She was AG of the largest state in the nation and then Senator. As qualified as most VPs are.
It's understandable that Dems and some independents voted for Biden in 2020. Biden didn't campaign extensively, and he had a record for being somewhat moderate as a Senator. I had high hopes for Joe even though I voted for Libertarian Jo.

Biden has proven to be way different on many issues than expected, and even did a 180 degree turn on forgiving student loan debt. His physical and mental health are more apparent. Harris has definitely been exposed.

Dean Phillips has emerged as a Democrat primary choice. So yes, if you choose Biden as your candidate, you can no longer just go to "well Biden is better than Trump". You can offer up someone better than both, just as the GOP can.
OR .... maybe Republicans don't nominate Trump? Seriously, how is it the fault of Democrats that the GOP is nominating Trump. They are choosing him to be the party's candidate and leader — not Democrats.
On Jan. 21 - the day the first COVID-19 case in the U.S. was confirmed - Fauci appeared on conservative Newsmax TV. "Bottom line, we don’t have to worry about this one, right?" asked Greg Kelly, the host.

Fauci said, "Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about." ~ Anthony Fauci

On Jan. 26, Fauci gave an interview to John Catsimatidis, a syndicated radio host in New York. "What can you tell the American people about what’s been going on?" Catsimatidis asked. "Should they be scared?"

"I don’t think so," Fauci said. "The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It’s a very, very low risk to the United States, but it’s something we, as public health officials, need to take very seriously." ~ Anthony Fauci
Jesus you're amiss.
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While true...that "brown lady" comment goes both ways. Let's face it Harris was another Palin tactic, but instead of just trying to grab the female vote, they went for the female AND minority vote (which worked). At the end of the day neither Harris nor Palin were very qualified and both are embarrassing when they speak. There was a time I wanted to see Condoleezza Rice run.

But Pence, Cheney and Quayle were any more qualified than Kamala?
Despite his tragic and toxic flaws, Donald Trump is a Populist
candidate. Populism is the politics of anger and frustration.
As President and now as candidate again, Trump stokes this
anger and openly represents it. People are upset with the
current direction of our nation and Trump fans the flame
for them. The Democrats desperately need someone other
than Joe Biden who is too frail and weak for 4 more years

Bottom Line: Hopefully Trump will be replaced as GOP
candidate for 2024..
Horseshit. We have nearly 5% growth in GDP last quarter. Unemployment is miniscule. Wages are rising and faster than inflation which - no matter what you think - simply isn't at anything remotely approaching a concerning level. Crime is falling off a cliff. We've gone from a certainty of recession to a very probable soft landing - NO ONE thought that was possible two years ago.

We have historic spending on infrastructure with an emphasis on green energy while at the same time we're pumping record amounts of oil - something for everyone. Trumpkins (you?) are fanning that anger and frustration in an assist to Trump whether you admit it or not with lies and appeals to the very worst instincts of people and putting Biden and Harris up as targets for that absolutely baseless anger and frustration.

All that said, an enormous percentage of the American people have demonstrated very convincingly that they are ready to jettison democratic rule in support of a WOB fascist dictator. But - hey - at least he's not Biden, amirite?

Horseshit. We have nearly 5% growth in GDP last quarter. Unemployment is miniscule. Wages are rising and faster than inflation which - no matter what you think - simply isn't at anything remotely approaching a concerning level. Crime is falling off a cliff. We've gone from a certainty of recession to a very probable soft landing - NO ONE thought that was possible two years ago.

We have historic spending on infrastructure with an emphasis on green energy while at the same time we're pumping record amounts of oil - something for everyone. Trumpkins (you?) are fanning that anger and frustration in an assist to Trump whether you admit it or not with lies and appeals to the very worst instincts of people and putting Biden and Harris up as targets for that absolutely baseless anger and frustration.

All that said, an enormous percentage of the American people have demonstrated very convincingly that they are ready to jettison democratic rule in support of a WOB fascist dictator. But - hey - at least he's not Biden, amirite?

If everything you said was true Biden wouldn’t be at a 37 percent approval rating. His rating has nothing to do with Trump or MAGA.
Horseshit. We have nearly 5% growth in GDP last quarter. Unemployment is miniscule. Wages are rising and faster than inflation which - no matter what you think - simply isn't at anything remotely approaching a concerning level. Crime is falling off a cliff. We've gone from a certainty of recession to a very probable soft landing - NO ONE thought that was possible two years ago.

We have historic spending on infrastructure with an emphasis on green energy while at the same time we're pumping record amounts of oil - something for everyone. Trumpkins (you?) are fanning that anger and frustration in an assist to Trump whether you admit it or not with lies and appeals to the very worst instincts of people and putting Biden and Harris up as targets for that absolutely baseless anger and frustration.

All that said, an enormous percentage of the American people have demonstrated very convincingly that they are ready to jettison democratic rule in support of a WOB fascist dictator. But - hey - at least he's not Biden, amirite?

Lute isn't saying any of this is based on fact. Trump's base doesn't look at alternative views and they certainly don't take the time to evaluate what they're hearing. They have pre-conceived notions and more importantly fears. Conservatives media fans these fears (for clicks and $$) and Trump champions them to feed his narcissistic need for power and ego. The GOP sees both as an opportunity to remain in power, so they just roll with it. That's my opinion of it all.

"Trump stokes this anger and openly represents it." <--------this is spot on.
  • Like
Reactions: SL Hawk Fan what isn't true? You seem to have skipped that part. His approval rating is absolutly on people like you lying your asses off and idiot Americans buying it.
So you don’t think he’s losing the far left and youth on Israel and the rest on inflation, the border and crime? Really? You think everyone is just perfectly fine with all of that?
Lute isn't saying any of this is based on fact. Trump's base doesn't look at alternative views and they certainly don't take the time to evaluate what they're hearing. They have pre-conceived notions and more importantly fears. Conservatives media fans these fears (for clicks and $$) and Trump champions them to feed his narcissistic need for power and ego. The GOP sees both as an opportunity to remain in power, so they just roll with it. That's my opinion of it all.

"Trump stokes this anger and openly represents it." <--------this is spot on.
Lute is selling it...

The Democrats desperately need someone other
than Joe Biden who is too frail and weak for 4 more years
So you don’t think he’s losing the far left and youth on Israel and the rest on inflation, the border and crime? Really? You think everyone is just perfectly fine with all of that?

Violent crime is dropping nationwide, report shows

The MCCA’s findings confirm other reports showing a downward trend in violent crime.

You want to edit that post or do you want to explain why you're suporting Trump with more BS. It has to be one or the other. what isn't true? You seem to have skipped that part. His approval rating is absolutly on people like you lying your asses off and idiot Americans buying
So it’s the evil lyingRepublicans fault that Biden is the most unpopular President ever at this point of a first term? That is some MAGA type reasoning out of you.
This thread just shows the reverence conservatives hold the mighty R next to a candidates name. Guys like Finance hold dem candidates to a high standard. But trump? He has the R next to his name on the ballot so he gets a pass. And not only that it is somehow dems fault if trump is the one who gets nominated. It will be funny to see what Finance's argument is once trump makes his VP pick. It will almost assuredly be someone worse than Kamala but once again that won't matter because they have the R next to their name on the ballot. As someone said earlier I prefer the idiots who own up to to liking trump. Blaming the Dems for your parties failures is getting real old.
This thread just shows the reverence conservatives hold the mighty R next to a candidates name. Guys like Finance hold dem candidates to a high standard. But trump? He has the R next to his name on the ballot so he gets a pass. And not only that it is somehow dems fault if trump is the one who gets nominated. It will be funny to see what Finance's argument is once trump makes his VP pick. It will almost assuredly be someone worse than Kamala but once again that won't matter because they have the R next to their name on the ballot. As someone said earlier I prefer the idiots who own up to to liking trump. Blaming the Dems for your parties failures is getting real old.
I don’t thin Finance has ever supported Trump but nice try. Go Team Blue!
The Dems realize if they replaced Biden with Whitmer or Newsome they would win 350 Electoral Votes right? I don’t understand the adoration for an 80 year old man who struggles to cognitively function on a daily basis. Some are finally starting to say the quiet part out loud and if other big Dem donors like Ackman speak up Biden will be off the ticket by March.

I mean come on how can one watch the video and not agree with Ackman’s point.
Lute is selling it...
I don't subscribe to the "if the dems run Biden it's their fault if Trump gets elected" narrative. That's horse crap. However, I do think Biden should retire and enjoy his accomplishments and enjoy what time he has left here on planet earth.

Violent crime is dropping nationwide, report shows

The MCCA’s findings confirm other reports showing a downward trend in violent crime.

You want to edit that post or do you want to explain why you're suporting Trump with more BS. It has to be one or the other.
Nice strawman. Who said anything about “violent crime”. Read again. I can search the internet too. Try again.

You think people just love having their local stores close down because of being robbed daily, and having their cars stolen and broken into don’t you?

Must be hard to scream about how bad gun crime is while saying “crime is going down!”

While the Justice Department's two reports diverged on recent violent crime trends, both showed an uptick in property crime from 2021 to 2022: The FBI's crime data showed a 7.1% increase in property crime, while the victimization survey showed a 14.5% jump. Nov 3, 2023
In both reports, a sharp increase in motor vehicle theft and larceny were the main drivers for the increase in property crime. The former, criminologists said, can be partially attributed to the “Kia Boyz,” whose videos on how to steal Hyundai and Kia vehicles went viral on social mediaplatforms.

In Chicago, the number of stolen Kia and Hyundais jumped 35 times over a couple of months — from 45 cars stolen in May 2022 to more than 1,400 cars stolen that October, according to data compiled by Vice. Data from other major cities, like Los Angeles, Denver and Milwaukee, showed similar trends.

Relentless inflation can also lead to more property crimes like theft and larceny, Rosenfeld said. Last summer, the inflation rate reached 9.1% — the highest in decades — which led many people to trade down on where they shop, and some traded down to purchasing stolen goods. While the inflation rate has since dropped, the 2022 crime data doesn’t reflect its effect yet.'s%20two,survey%20showed%20a%2014.5%25%20jump.