What's Right About Obama's Foreign Policy

Nov 28, 2010
I bitch a good bit about Obama's foreign policy. But this is mostly right

Yeah - great job POTUS!

Fifty-five U.S. servicemen were killed in Afghanistan in 2014, bringing the total number of American fatalities in the 13-year war to 2,232, according to a database.

Of those 2,232 deaths, 1,663 – 74.5 percent – occurred since President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009. The deadliest years for U.S. personnel were 2010, when 495 were killed; 2011, when there were 404 casualties; and 2009 when the death toll was 306.
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I bitch a good bit about Obama's foreign policy. But this is mostly right

What foreign policy? He has none. No plan to defeat ISIS (they are lopping off heads and
sweeping across the Mid-east)......Obama wants to give Iran a pathway for N bombs/ release $$$$ so Iran can accelerate their terrorism.....thousands of Syrian refugees are fleeing to Turkey (remember his line in the sand?).......Russia and China kicking his ass on a daily basis.....
He's the worst POTUS has ever had.....a sociopath, a incompetent POS. He is not a good American......he's worthless.....he's leading us into a huge war.
He's put up his arms....waved the white flag. "I give up"
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What foreign policy? He has none. No plan to defeat ISIS (they are lopping off heads and
sweeping across the Mid-east)......Obama wants to give Iran a pathway for N bombs/ release $$$$ so Iran can accelerate their terrorism.....thousands of Syrian refugees are fleeing to Turkey (remember his line in the sand?).......Russia and China kicking his ass on a daily basis.....
He's the worst POTUS has ever had.....a sociopath, a incompetent POS. He is not a good American......he's worthless.....he's leading us into a huge war.
He's put up his arms....waved the white flag. "I give up"

I thought Paula Dean and I were the only ones who drop N bombs!
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I bitch a good bit about Obama's foreign policy. But this is mostly right

What a load of crap. They just happened to gloss over the fact that he has invaded/ or bombed 8 countries. He is financing Neo-Nazis in Ukraine right now in Donbass as they ethnically cleanse the region that voted over 90% for Yanukovych. He wanted war with Syria and Putin came in as peacemaker. Guess what? Now he created a new enemy in ISIS and we are in Syria 1 year later. Iran is still in the cross-hairs. He is backing the Saudis as they annihilate Yemen. This is what an Orwellian Nobel Peace Prize winner looks like.
Iran agrees to nuclear inspections: No Shots Fired

So it is considered significant that no "shots were fired" while negotiating a treaty?

I am curious how many shots were fired over the TPP or NAFTA or the 1988 Torrijos-Carter Treaties, which transferred the Panama Canal to Panama.
What a load of crap. They just happened to gloss over the fact that he has invaded/ or bombed 8 countries. He is financing Neo-Nazis in Ukraine right now in Donbass as they ethnically cleanse the region that voted over 90% for Yanukovych. He wanted war with Syria and Putin came in as peacemaker. Guess what? Now he created a new enemy in ISIS and we are in Syria 1 year later. Iran is still in the cross-hairs. He is backing the Saudis as they annihilate Yemen. This is what an Orwellian Nobel Peace Prize winner looks like.
He's still bombing Syria as a matter of fact, and he also used Al Queda 'Rebels' during the siege in Libya. A couple years before that The Fed had sent close to $500 Billion to the Libyan Central Bank. Not to mention the the Bin Laden story is as BS as any modern lie I've ever seen. He drone bombed women and children in Pakistan, and also had more casualties in Afghaniatan during his first few years ,than Bush did in his entire tenure.
His foreign policy approach is as sh!tty as any Presidents of recent times I'd say. Dems you lose, just like the rest of us.
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