What's Your Top Reason For Voting Republican?

Well, he's dead and not a citizen. But other than that, why not?

I'll state that he wouldn't vote for either party, or advocate for either party (mostly for "one" down below). But as far as voting democratic, really a million reasons, but I'll go with just a few:

For one, there were politics around even in his time, and he was always above the fray of that lunacy. Now I'm not a bible thumper, so I can't just quote scripture, but I don't remember anything in his teachings related to advocating government (let alone an obtrusive and overbearing one like ours).

Two, its very easy to see liberals/democrats "worship" of government as "praying" to a false idol. Putting government ahead and over religious beliefs would probably not be something Jesus would advocate.

Three, from what I remember, Jesus and the bible and general, taught for YOU to be giving to the poor, for YOU to be caring individuals, and for YOU to take care of the downtrodden. Not for you to give your money over to government to disperse as they see fit. Forced charity is not charity at all. Theft, even via government, is still theft. Being caring with other peoples money, is not being caring at all. Being a "social justice" warrior via proxy of government does not make you a good person. YOU volunteering to help the poor, YOU donating blood, money, clothes, food, etc.. directly to the poor, or YOU making the free will choice and sacrifice to help others is where caring comes from. No government needed.

And Four, while the meme may attempt to make light of it, I'd be pretty certain Jesus would also not be an advocate of abortion or look very kindly to it. I'm fairly certain the angel that visited Mary to let her know she was carrying the son of god, did so around "conception", and not upon birth when he was taking his first breath. While our law may look at it differently, theres enough there to believe that abortion would be looked at as murder. Nothing less.

Again, he wouldn't vote Republican either. Both parties are filled with greed, selfishness, racism, bigotry, and overall evil. Nothing, if he were alive, that he would be part of.
I'll state that he wouldn't vote for either party, or advocate for either party (mostly for "one" down below). But as far as voting democratic, really a million reasons, but I'll go with just a few:

For one, there were politics around even in his time, and he was always above the fray of that lunacy. Now I'm not a bible thumper, so I can't just quote scripture, but I don't remember anything in his teachings related to advocating government (let alone an obtrusive and overbearing one like ours).

Two, its very easy to see liberals/democrats "worship" of government as "praying" to a false idol. Putting government ahead and over religious beliefs would probably not be something Jesus would advocate.

Three, from what I remember, Jesus and the bible and general, taught for YOU to be giving to the poor, for YOU to be caring individuals, and for YOU to take care of the downtrodden. Not for you to give your money over to government to disperse as they see fit. Forced charity is not charity at all. Theft, even via government, is still theft. Being caring with other peoples money, is not being caring at all. Being a "social justice" warrior via proxy of government does not make you a good person. YOU volunteering to help the poor, YOU donating blood, money, clothes, food, etc.. directly to the poor, or YOU making the free will choice and sacrifice to help others is where caring comes from. No government needed.

And Four, while the meme may attempt to make light of it, I'd be pretty certain Jesus would also not be an advocate of abortion or look very kindly to it. I'm fairly certain the angel that visited Mary to let her know she was carrying the son of god, did so around "conception", and not upon birth when he was taking his first breath. While our law may look at it differently, theres enough there to believe that abortion would be looked at as murder. Nothing less.

Again, he wouldn't vote Republican either. Both parties are filled with greed, selfishness, racism, bigotry, and overall evil. Nothing, if he were alive, that he would be part of.

Well, your sentence is half right.;)