When is this "Supposedly Horrific" info coming out from the FBI?


Jun 2, 2018
I truly thought that after the National Championship, we would see some prominent Coaches/Ass. Coaches names come out. We know Fran Mac isn't afraid to call them out.
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I was expecting BIG NEWS on the likes of Kentucky, Kansas, every Southeastern and ACC school and Iowa State.
It is a long-standing joke that every time one of the blue bloods is found to have committed a violation, the NCAA finds a nearby nothing school to punish. I doubt that the schools I listed exist. Don't hold your breath on the big-time schools receiving significant punishment. It is all about money.
It is a long-standing joke that every time one of the blue bloods is found to have committed a violation, the NCAA finds a nearby nothing school to punish. I doubt that the schools I listed exist. Don't hold your breath on the big-time schools receiving significant punishment. It is all about money.

I think you are right. Louisville should have received the Death Penalty, ala SMU.
The coup already failed. They're busy trying to cover up the massive amount of crimes that were committed in the attempt.

All they really have left is stall tactics though. Paybacks will be a bitch.

My god you are dumb. And no I won't be back to debate your retarded ass. People who don't believe in facts don't deserve a platform or to be acknowledged, except as the morons they are, moron.
My god you are dumb. And no I won't be back to debate your retarded ass. People who don't believe in facts don't deserve a platform or to be acknowledged, except as the morons they are, moron.
please give us the facts

Well 20 indictments, 3 or 4 guilty pleas already, Paul Manafort in jail for witness tampering......this isn’t political. There are a variety of very serious crimes in this whole mess.

People should be looking at this outside of the realm of politics. This investigation has been approved and supported by both parties because of the need and importance of ethics in our government. Let the investigation run its course and see where it ends up.

Obviously in reality this investigation and the basketball investigation have zero influence on each other.
Well 20 indictments, 3 or 4 guilty pleas already, Paul Manafort in jail for witness tampering......this isn’t political. There are a variety of very serious crimes in this whole mess.

People should be looking at this outside of the realm of politics. This investigation has been approved and supported by both parties because of the need and importance of ethics in our government. Let the investigation run its course and see where it ends up.

Obviously in reality this investigation and the basketball investigation have zero influence on each other.

13 of which were totally for show, (and that's backfired which is hilarious and an enormous mistake because now they have to show the evidence that doesn't exist).

The other 7 have nothing to do with the subject of the election.

If ethics were important you wouldn't use made up and paid for info to obtain wire taps and leak it to the press knowing it was not real.

People's lives are being ruined by this all in an attempt to gain leverage over them to force coohaberating of a story about a crime that never happened. Theres literally no ****ing evidence. That's not ethical and it's not how America is supposed to work.
Well 20 indictments, 3 or 4 guilty pleas already, Paul Manafort in jail for witness tampering......this isn’t political. There are a variety of very serious crimes in this whole mess.

People should be looking at this outside of the realm of politics. This investigation has been approved and supported by both parties because of the need and importance of ethics in our government. Let the investigation run its course and see where it ends up.

Obviously in reality this investigation and the basketball investigation have zero influence on each other.

13 of which were totally for show, (and that's backfired which is hilarious and an enormous mistake because now they have to show the evidence that doesn't exist).

The other 7 have nothing to do with the subject of the election.

If ethics were important you wouldn't use made up and paid for info to obtain wire taps and leak it to the press knowing it was not real.

People's lives are being ruined by this all in an attempt to gain leverage over them to force coohaberating of a story about a crime that never happened. Theres literally no ****ing evidence. That's not ethical and it's not how America is supposed to work.

It appears to me that your sources are some sort of political “news” or commentary entity.

In the federal system the processes for obtaining warrants and indictments are extensive and laborious to insure credibility of evidence and information that is presented. That’s the reason why most people indicted in Federal court never go to trial. The vast majority just plead guilty. These federal prosecutors are career PROFESSIONALs who aren’t going to make judgments based on political leanings.....risking their own career over a made up case.

Stating that there is no evidence at this stage (I apologize I don’t mean to be personal) simply means that you have no real experience or understanding of the federal Criminal Justice System.
13 of which were totally for show, (and that's backfired which is hilarious and an enormous mistake because now they have to show the evidence that doesn't exist).

The other 7 have nothing to do with the subject of the election.

If ethics were important you wouldn't use made up and paid for info to obtain wire taps and leak it to the press knowing it was not real.

People's lives are being ruined by this all in an attempt to gain leverage over them to force coohaberating of a story about a crime that never happened. Theres literally no ****ing evidence. That's not ethical and it's not how America is supposed to work.

When you have to pay more to buy a car, house, food, or any other commodity because of the tariffs that this administration is issuing, you can look back at your meager tax break you received and how it all went south. If Trump would just come out and tell the truth and not act like he's guilty as sin, maybe he could survive until the next election, but then no one cares that he and his family is making a killing financially off of the american people and he's laughing at us all the way to the bank.
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It appears to me that your sources are some sort of political “news” or commentary entity.

In the federal system the processes for obtaining warrants and indictments are extensive and laborious to insure credibility of evidence and information that is presented. That’s the reason why most people indicted in Federal court never go to trial. The vast majority just plead guilty. These federal prosecutors are career PROFESSIONALs who aren’t going to make judgments based on political leanings.....risking their own career over a made up case.

Stating that there is no evidence at this stage (I apologize I don’t mean to be personal) simply means that you have no real experience or understanding of the federal Criminal Justice System.

Again irony. There are no unbiased sources.

I guess I assumed everyone was aware that Steeles dossier was the only "evidence" used and its source was not disclosed to the fisa judge.

That's not even being debated at this point, denied maybe.

The story on Papadopolis fell through because the investigation started before that.

So, yes they did exactly what you're saying they didn't do. That's why it's a crime.
When you have to pay more to buy a car, house, food, or any other commodity because of the tariffs that this administration is issuing, you can look back at your meager tax break you received and how it all went south. If Trump would just come out and tell the truth and not act like he's guilty as sin, maybe he could survive until the next election, but then no one cares that he and his family is making a killing financially off of the american people and he's laughing at us all the way to the bank.

Actually I'm not in favor of any long term tariffs. It's a negotiating tactic.

I was very happy with my businesses tax break. I am trying to hire people but now there's more jobs than candidates.
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Hang on folks. Ot takes time and careful investigation to get to the core of the swamp whether ot is chrating coaches and elecyed officials - onnocent or guilty.
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Again irony. There are no unbiased sources.

I guess I assumed everyone was aware that Steeles dossier was the only "evidence" used and its source was not disclosed to the fisa judge.

That's not even being debated at this point, denied maybe.

The story on Papadopolis fell through because the investigation started before that.

So, yes they did exactly what you're saying they didn't do. That's why it's a crime.
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It appears to me that your sources are some sort of political “news” or commentary entity.

In the federal system the processes for obtaining warrants and indictments are extensive and laborious to insure credibility of evidence and information that is presented. That’s the reason why most people indicted in Federal court never go to trial. The vast majority just plead guilty. These federal prosecutors are career PROFESSIONALs who aren’t going to make judgments based on political leanings.....risking their own career over a made up case.

Stating that there is no evidence at this stage (I apologize I don’t mean to be personal) simply means that you have no real experience or understanding of the federal Criminal Justice System.

Again irony. There are no unbiased sources.

I guess I assumed everyone was aware that Steeles dossier was the only "evidence" used and its source was not disclosed to the fisa judge.

That's not even being debated at this point, denied maybe.

The story on Papadopolis fell through because the investigation started before that.

So, yes they did exactly what you're saying they didn't do. That's why it's a crime.

This is about evidence and process. The dossier you refer to would be considered intelligence information, not evidence that would stand up in court. What that means in the real world (not tv spin and supposition) is that every accusation used to obtain an indictment has to be supported by documentation and/of actual evidence (not statements in a dossier). You are looking at this through a political lens.....and it is actually being processed through the checks, balances, and legal requirements of a credible court process. They are dramatically different and the legal processes are much much more credible....the chances that political partisanship influences decisions are minuscule. If President Trump is innocent of wrong doing this is a very very good thing.
This is about evidence and process. The dossier you refer to would be considered intelligence information, not evidence that would stand up in court. What that means in the real world (not tv spin and supposition) is that every accusation used to obtain an indictment has to be supported by documentation and/of actual evidence (not statements in a dossier). You are looking at this through a political lens.....and it is actually being processed through the checks, balances, and legal requirements of a credible court process. They are dramatically different and the legal processes are much much more credible....the chances that political partisanship influences decisions are minuscule. If President Trump is innocent of wrong doing this is a very very good thing.

We're not talking about indictments in that case, just obtaining warrants.

I agree the indictments against Manafort for white collar crimes aren't made up but they just have nothing to do with the what was supposedly the point of the investigation.
This is about evidence and process. The dossier you refer to would be considered intelligence information, not evidence that would stand up in court. What that means in the real world (not tv spin and supposition) is that every accusation used to obtain an indictment has to be supported by documentation and/of actual evidence (not statements in a dossier). You are looking at this through a political lens.....and it is actually being processed through the checks, balances, and legal requirements of a credible court process. They are dramatically different and the legal processes are much much more credible....the chances that political partisanship influences decisions are minuscule. If President Trump is innocent of wrong doing this is a very very good thing.

I'm proud to say I'm an American, political affiliation be damned . If Trump is deemed innocent after the investigation is over then so be it. His political agenda does not represent American values and never will. What he's doing to the so called refugees by separating families is Nazi like whether you believe it or not. America is becoming an unwelcome country to the World and all the veterans who served and died to keep the country a democracy will soon be for naught. As for Legend, I understand where his coming from and I understand this is not the place for this kind of conversation and I will leave it at that with no further posts on this subject.
This is about evidence and process. The dossier you refer to would be considered intelligence information, not evidence that would stand up in court. What that means in the real world (not tv spin and supposition) is that every accusation used to obtain an indictment has to be supported by documentation and/of actual evidence (not statements in a dossier). You are looking at this through a political lens.....and it is actually being processed through the checks, balances, and legal requirements of a credible court process. They are dramatically different and the legal processes are much much more credible....the chances that political partisanship influences decisions are minuscule. If President Trump is innocent of wrong doing this is a very very good thing.

We're not talking about indictments in that case, just obtaining warrants.

I agree the indictments against Manafort for white collar crimes aren't made up but they just have nothing to do with the what was supposedly the point of the investigation.

Okay, well to obtain a warrant you can’t depend on an accusation....the dossier. That’s like someone saying, “they’re dealing drugs in that house” and that statement alone will not get a warrant issued. That’s the fallacy of saying the warrants were based on the dossier. Information provided in a dossier HAS TO BE INDEPENDENTLY VERIFIED. Then, if a warrant is served and no evidence is found it amounts to zip. If a warrant is issued on information provided in good faith, even if it’s later found to be incorrect, that evidence is most likely still admissible in court. Again, the whole dossier makes the warrant just good for talking heads that want to spin.
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Okay, well to obtain a warrant you can’t depend on an accusation....the dossier. That’s like someone saying, “they’re dealing drugs in that house” and that statement alone will not get a warrant issued. That’s the fallacy of saying the warrants were based on the dossier. Information provided in a dossier HAS TO BE INDEPENDENTLY VERIFIED. Then, if a warrant is served and no evidence is found it amounts to zip. If a warrant is issued on information provided in good faith, even if it’s later found to be incorrect, that evidence is most likely still admissible in court. Again, the whole dossier makes the warrant just good for talking heads that want to spin.

This has been investigated by Congress. It happened.
13 of which were totally for show, (and that's backfired which is hilarious and an enormous mistake because now they have to show the evidence that doesn't exist).

The other 7 have nothing to do with the subject of the election.

If ethics were important you wouldn't use made up and paid for info to obtain wire taps and leak it to the press knowing it was not real.

People's lives are being ruined by this all in an attempt to gain leverage over them to force coohaberating of a story about a crime that never happened. Theres literally no ****ing evidence. That's not ethical and it's not how America is supposed to work.

By telling lies and covering up meetings and secret contacts, Trump and his administration have only made Moeller and other law enforcement professionals more certain that there is something serious to investigate. By the end of the year, Republicans who have backed Trump's actions, no matter how ridiculous, are going to be left wondering why they thought that was a good idea. Many, like the Speaker, are jumping off the ship before it sinks...
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Okay, well to obtain a warrant you can’t depend on an accusation....the dossier. That’s like someone saying, “they’re dealing drugs in that house” and that statement alone will not get a warrant issued. That’s the fallacy of saying the warrants were based on the dossier. Information provided in a dossier HAS TO BE INDEPENDENTLY VERIFIED. Then, if a warrant is served and no evidence is found it amounts to zip. If a warrant is issued on information provided in good faith, even if it’s later found to be incorrect, that evidence is most likely still admissible in court. Again, the whole dossier makes the warrant just good for talking heads that want to spin.

This has been investigated by Congress. It happened.

Exactly....investigated by CONGRESS. And nothing came of Because it’s political NOT a law enforcement and court function. In politics they say anything (both sides) and the truth isn’t the top priority. That’s not true of the legal process.
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Exactly....investigated by CONGRESS. And nothing came of Because it’s political NOT a law enforcement and court function. In politics they say anything (both sides) and the truth isn’t the top priority. That’s not true of the legal process.

So dont trust the oversight committee who reviewed the documents and interviewed the parties involved, trust the people who were texting "we will stop it"?

They misled the court by leaving out the fact that it was OP research. There is no other cooraberating evidence. They've admitted it.

Their excuse is they didn't know it was OP research, but that's been proven false.
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By telling lies and covering up meetings and secret contacts, Trump and his administration have only made Moeller and other law enforcement professionals more certain that there is something serious to investigate. By the end of the year, Republicans who have backed Trump's actions, no matter how ridiculous, are going to be left wondering why they thought that was a good idea. Many, like the Speaker, are jumping off the ship before it sinks...

Lol meetings.

If I were you I would prepare for the possibility of dissapointment.
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The coup already failed. They're busy trying to cover up the massive amount of crimes that were committed in the attempt.

All they really have left is stall tactics though. Paybacks will be a bitch.
Not to belabor politics on this site, but it sure would be nice if ALL the asshats in Washington would get back to the jobs they were elected for, (like governing the country), and stop spending all their time, (and our resources), trying to undermine each other. Sorry, now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Exactly....investigated by CONGRESS. And nothing came of Because it’s political NOT a law enforcement and court function. In politics they say anything (both sides) and the truth isn’t the top priority. That’s not true of the legal process.

So dont trust the oversight committee who reviewed the documents and interviewed the parties involved, trust the people who were texting "we will stop it"?

They misled the court by leaving out the fact that it was OP research. There is no other cooraberating evidence. They've admitted it.

Their excuse is they didn't know it was OP research, but that's been proven false.

The oversight committee? Seriously? You mean the politicians who only want to play politics. The two agents involved in the text were removed. If the oversight committee had anything close to those ethics several of them would be gone.

Bottom line is you are getting your information from some political spin sources....the truth is not on your side.
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The oversight committee? Seriously? You mean the politicians who only want to play politics. The two agents involved in the text were removed. If the oversight committee had anything close to those ethics several of them would be gone.

Bottom line is you are getting your information from some political spin sources....the truth is not on your side.

Like I said, its not being debated at this point that the Steele dossier was the only source used to obtain wire taps.

It was investigated, it's on a record. All they needed to do was look at the record and interview the people involved. The people involved aren't even denying it. Just denying the motive.
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