When is this "Supposedly Horrific" info coming out from the FBI?

Like I said, its not being debated at this point that the Steele dossier was the only source used to obtain wire taps.

It was investigated, it's on a record. All they needed to do was look at the record and interview the people involved. The people involved aren't even denying it. Just denying the motive.

You still aren't getting it when it comes to the legal process and judging the truth........Let's just say for a minute that you are exactly correct, the dossier was the basis for the warrant. That basis is JUST AN ACCUSATION and it has to be independently verified. A judge would not just look at a dossier and say, here's your warrant. Someone, at least 1 FBI agent and probably more than one, has to be sworn in under oath stating that they know the accusations provided are true based on independent verification NOT just what is stated in a dossier. Then the results of a search warrant are based on actual evidence and documentation that was found......not what was stated in the dossier.

The dossier as a source is a political Red Herring to mislead and discredit the source because it was based on political opposition.....and those trying to discredit the search warrant/justice system are making those accusations due to what? Political opposition!
You still aren't getting it when it comes to the legal process and judging the truth........Let's just say for a minute that you are exactly correct, the dossier was the basis for the warrant. That basis is JUST AN ACCUSATION and it has to be independently verified. A judge would not just look at a dossier and say, here's your warrant. Someone, at least 1 FBI agent and probably more than one, has to be sworn in under oath stating that they know the accusations provided are true based on independent verification NOT just what is stated in a dossier. Then the results of a search warrant are based on actual evidence and documentation that was found......not what was stated in the dossier.

The dossier as a source is a political Red Herring to mislead and discredit the source because it was based on political opposition.....and those trying to discredit the search warrant/justice system are making those accusations due to what? Political opposition!

Remember, we are all Hawks first. Not a note to you. I feel an obligation because I started this thread and my intention was not to make this go political. I was seriously asking why we haven't heard about all of the stuff that I thought would come out on CBB. Peace bros. Sorry. End the thread.
Lol meetings.

If I were you I would prepare for the possibility of dissapointment.

I am neither Democrat or Republican, so I only want the Russians to stay out of America's business and a President and Congress that cares more about the people they serve than making those who bankrolled their (re)election happy. Having leaders, who are honest, moral, informed, not self-centered, and able to communicate and think at more than a 6th-grade level, should also be important. I believe that Trump misses on all accounts.
13 of which were totally for show, (and that's backfired which is hilarious and an enormous mistake because now they have to show the evidence that doesn't exist).

The other 7 have nothing to do with the subject of the election.

If ethics were important you wouldn't use made up and paid for info to obtain wire taps and leak it to the press knowing it was not real.

People's lives are being ruined by this all in an attempt to gain leverage over them to force coohaberating of a story about a crime that never happened. Theres literally no ****ing evidence. That's not ethical and it's not how America is supposed to work.

You buttheads need to take this to the OT board
You still aren't getting it when it comes to the legal process and judging the truth........Let's just say for a minute that you are exactly correct, the dossier was the basis for the warrant. That basis is JUST AN ACCUSATION and it has to be independently verified. A judge would not just look at a dossier and say, here's your warrant. Someone, at least 1 FBI agent and probably more than one, has to be sworn in under oath stating that they know the accusations provided are true based on independent verification NOT just what is stated in a dossier. Then the results of a search warrant are based on actual evidence and documentation that was found......not what was stated in the dossier.

The dossier as a source is a political Red Herring to mislead and discredit the source because it was based on political opposition.....and those trying to discredit the search warrant/justice system are making those accusations due to what? Political opposition!

Comeys own term was salacious and unverified.

Judges rely on the FBI to verify, there was an article written in Vox or something used as a justification but the source turned out to be Steele again.

Seriously, read what Comey has admitted to. Read the IG report. Hes said he didn't know it was OP research. You dont say that if it was verified.

This is what happened. They aren't denying it. If they had some other verification they would have presented it to the people investigating them.
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The coup already failed. They're busy trying to cover up the massive amount of crimes that were committed in the attempt.

All they really have left is stall tactics though. Paybacks will be a bitch.
Hopefully you’ll get the Rockefellers and Masons while you’re at it.
You still aren't getting it when it comes to the legal process and judging the truth........Let's just say for a minute that you are exactly correct, the dossier was the basis for the warrant. That basis is JUST AN ACCUSATION and it has to be independently verified. A judge would not just look at a dossier and say, here's your warrant. Someone, at least 1 FBI agent and probably more than one, has to be sworn in under oath stating that they know the accusations provided are true based on independent verification NOT just what is stated in a dossier. Then the results of a search warrant are based on actual evidence and documentation that was found......not what was stated in the dossier.

The dossier as a source is a political Red Herring to mislead and discredit the source because it was based on political opposition.....and those trying to discredit the search warrant/justice system are making those accusations due to what? Political opposition!

Comeys own term was salacious and unverified.

Judges rely on the FBI to verify, there was an article written in Vox or something used as a justification but the source turned out to be Steele again.

Seriously, read what Comey has admitted to. Read the IG report. Hes said he didn't know it was OP research. You dont say that if it was verified.

This is what happened. They aren't denying it. If they had some other verification they would have presented it to the people investigating them.

I think that the desire to believe and support your political persuasion will not allow you to think analyze objectively.

The investigation and indictments (which are what this whole thing is about) have carried on and been found credible way beyond Comey, well past his tenure. The IG report criticized his decisions about releasing information NOT his judgment about the criminal legal matters. Bottom line is we will eventually see the results of this investigation.....
I think that the desire to believe and support your political persuasion will not allow you to think analyze objectively.

The investigation and indictments (which are what this whole thing is about) have carried on and been found credible way beyond Comey, well past his tenure. The IG report criticized his decisions about releasing information NOT his judgment about the criminal legal matters. Bottom line is we will eventually see the results of this investigation.....

And I would say the same to you.

The indictments have zero to do with the election as far as any Americans are concerned.

Digging into someone's past fishing for unrelated white collar crimes to use as leverage is about as unamerican as it gets.

If they can do that to someone, they can do it to anyone.

And you're still missing the point. The evidence is overwhelming that the investigations genesis was based on lies, bias and corruption and nothing resembling proof has ever existed.

The IG reveals a hell of allot more than the release of information. Look into it, dont take someone's word for it.
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And I would say the same to you.

The indictments have zero to do with the election as far as any Americans are concerned.

Digging into someone's past fishing for unrelated white collar crimes to use as leverage is about as unamerican as it gets.

If they can do that to someone, they can do it to anyone.

And you're still missing the point. The evidence is overwhelming that the investigations genesis was based on lies, bias and corruption and nothing resembling proof has ever existed.

The IG reveals a hell of allot more than the release of information. Look into it, dont take someone's word for it.

Damn, I really want to stop this but come on. Investigating someone for serious crimes, just because they are 5 or 10 years in the past is unAmerican? I think not. Most of the organized crime cases put together over time involve going back in time to put together cases. Al Capone......for tax evasion....not paying taxes on income he had earned from illegal activity. Never mind that he was running an organized crime operation that perpetuated multiple very serious crimes.

An no, they can't do that to anyone. In order for that to happen the person has to have committed a crime and left proof of it. Most people don't have serious unsolved crime as a part of their history. If a serial murder last did the dead 10 years ago are you going to let him go because it's been 10 years? Jebus, we've hunted down guards from the concentration camps decades after the war was we should.

Last but not least.....the EVIDENCE has lead to multiple indictments and GUILTY pleas. Those are based on real evidence. You would plead guilty to a charge where no evidence existed? Of false evidence existed?
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I think that the desire to believe and support your political persuasion will not allow you to think analyze objectively.

The investigation and indictments (which are what this whole thing is about) have carried on and been found credible way beyond Comey, well past his tenure. The IG report criticized his decisions about releasing information NOT his judgment about the criminal legal matters. Bottom line is we will eventually see the results of this investigation.....
... said every person debating politics ever
Damn, I really want to stop this but come on. Investigating someone for serious crimes, just because they are 5 or 10 years in the past is unAmerican? I think not. Most of the organized crime cases put together over time involve going back in time to put together cases. Al Capone......for tax evasion....not paying taxes on income he had earned from illegal activity. Never mind that he was running an organized crime operation that perpetuated multiple very serious crimes.

An no, they can't do that to anyone. In order for that to happen the person has to have committed a crime and left proof of it. Most people don't have serious unsolved crime as a part of their history. If a serial murder last did the dead 10 years ago are you going to let him go because it's been 10 years? Jebus, we've hunted down guards from the concentration camps decades after the war was we should.

Last but not least.....the EVIDENCE has lead to multiple indictments and GUILTY pleas. Those are based on real evidence. You would plead guilty to a charge where no evidence existed? Of false evidence existed?

You're starting to drift into nonsense argument tactics.

Multiple indictments and guilty pleas about nothing to do with Russian interference in the election.

Not declaring yourself as a lobbyist and not declaring income are not in any way shape or form serious crimes. It's a victimless white collar nothing. Comparing it to murder just makes you look desperate.

All the other crimes happened during the ****ing interview process, which is the point of these things is to get people to purger themselves.

This is in no way like organized crime. That's absolutely absurd.

You're whole view of this depends on the assumption that they are working towards some actual crime that all these people are covering up. However all the actual evidence suggests that it's the opposite. The only people who interfered in the election were agents. And the DNC sent an agent to meet with Russians.
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You're starting to drift into nonsense argument tactics.

Multiple indictments and guilty pleas about nothing to do with Russian interference in the election.

Not declaring yourself as a lobbyist and not declaring income are not in any way shape or form serious crimes. It's a victimless white collar nothing. Comparing it to murder just makes you look desperate.

All the other crimes happened during the ****ing interview process, which is the point of these things is to get people to purger themselves.

This is in no way like organized crime. That's absolutely absurd.

You're whole view of this depends on the assumption that they are working towards some actual crime that all these people are covering up. However all the actual evidence suggests that it's the opposite. The only people who interfered in the election were agents. And the DNC sent an agent to meet with Russians.
So, by your definition, "white collar crime" is not serious? It is pretty naive to believe there are no victims. You just don't usually see dead or bleeding victims. If Moeller finds crimes like money laundering or campaign finance violations, is that serious? And this doesn't even get into all of the falsehoods that are coming from the White House, almost daily. We used to value honesty and truth in this country. If there wasn't an actual serious crime, why are Trump and his advisors/lawyers trying so hard to keep the investigation from going forward. By doing so, they are only fueling belief that they are hiding the truth.
So, by your definition, "white collar crime" is not serious? It is pretty naive to believe there are no victims. You just don't usually see dead or bleeding victims. If Moeller finds crimes like money laundering or campaign finance violations, is that serious? And this doesn't even get into all of the falsehoods that are coming from the White House, almost daily. We used to value honesty and truth in this country. If there wasn't an actual serious crime, why are Trump and his advisors/lawyers trying so hard to keep the investigation from going forward. By doing so, they are only fueling belief that they are hiding the truth.

When you steal from people like a ponzi scheme I consider it very serious, but when you short the gov money, no I really don't care since it's just going to be squandered away on nonsense anyway.

And campaign finance violations in this case are again nonse. A non disclosure agreement is not a campaign issue and it's in no way illegal. It's just another bs technicality attempt to subvert an election.

They're trying to end it because Mueller is activley fishing for indictments. Its sole purpose is to find and mostly manufacture illegalalites. That's exactly what has happened.

Look at Papadopolis, just a kid volunteer who had no knowledge of anything, didn't know Trump at all and now hes facing jail because he had no clue what any of this was about.

Look at Flynn, losing his house because he answered a question wrong. Maybe.

For anyone to cooperate with this would be insanity.
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You're starting to drift into nonsense argument tactics.

Multiple indictments and guilty pleas about nothing to do with Russian interference in the election.

Not declaring yourself as a lobbyist and not declaring income are not in any way shape or form serious crimes. It's a victimless white collar nothing. Comparing it to murder just makes you look desperate.

All the other crimes happened during the ****ing interview process, which is the point of these things is to get people to purger themselves.

This is in no way like organized crime. That's absolutely absurd.

You're whole view of this depends on the assumption that they are working towards some actual crime that all these people are covering up. However all the actual evidence suggests that it's the opposite. The only people who interfered in the election were agents. And the DNC sent an agent to meet with Russians.

It appears that you want to dismiss crime and allow folks to carry on their corrupt ways.

I have a different point of view. I don't view indictments as Republican Indictments or Democratic Indictments......they are Criminal Indictments.

Detecting and prosecuting crime is an important value that I stand behind.
It appears that you want to dismiss crime and allow folks to carry on their corrupt ways.

I have a different point of view. I don't view indictments as Republican Indictments or Democratic Indictments......they are Criminal Indictments.

Detecting and prosecuting crime is an important value that I stand behind.

Even if the crimes would not have happened without the interviews?

I wonder if you'll feel the same way once investigations are launched into Uranium 1, Benghazi, Hillary server, Clinton foundation ect?

Theres going to be a real investigation into this investigation.

They picked the wrong person to try and frame and the wrong country to do it in.
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"purger" That kind of shows your true intellect
Like I said, its not being debated at this point that the Steele dossier was the only source used to obtain wire taps.

It was investigated, it's on a record. All they needed to do was look at the record and interview the people involved. The people involved aren't even denying it. Just denying the motive.
Even if the crimes would not have happened without the interviews?

I wonder if you'll feel the same way once investigations are launched into Uranium 1, Benghazi, Hillary server, Clinton foundation ect?

Theres going to be a real investigation into this investigation.

They picked the wrong person to try and frame and the wrong country to do it in.
Wow! Try watching or reading multiple news sources, instead of whatever rag you read/watch.

FYI, the Clinton Foundation is a legit foundation that does a lot of good and handles its funding appropriately. Trump's "foundation" or almost any other business, not so much.
Wow! Try watching or reading multiple news sources, instead of whatever rag you read/watch.

FYI, the Clinton Foundation is a legit foundation that does a lot of good and handles its funding appropriately. Trump's "foundation" or almost any other business, not so much.'re nuts
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Wow! Try watching or reading multiple news sources, instead of whatever rag you read/watch.

FYI, the Clinton Foundation is a legit foundation that does a lot of good and handles its funding appropriately. Trump's "foundation" or almost any other business, not so much.

That's not even in the ball park of reality.

Do a search for their tax returns.

Do you really think places like Saudi Arabia are making charitable donations?
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That's not even in the ball park of reality.

Do a search for their tax returns.

Do you really think places like Saudi Arabia are making charitable donations?
I worked for 30 years as the Finance Director for some large, highly respected not-for-profits. When the Clintons were first criticized, I was curious, so I reviewed a couple of years of the Clinton Foundation's 990s, which is the document that large not-for-profits are required to prepare and have audited. The organization properly accounts for funds, and it does a lot of good.

Have you done more than listen to some dumb ass spouting crap that those with no knowledge believe?
I worked for 30 years as the Finance Director for some large, highly respected not-for-profits. When the Clintons were first criticized, I was curious, so I reviewed a couple of years of the Clinton Foundation's 990s, which is the document that large not-for-profits are required to prepare and have audited. The organization properly accounts for funds, and it does a lot of good.

Have you done more than listen to some dumb ass spouting crap that those with no knowledge believe?

Yes it properly accounts for funds by spending the vast majority on salaries, expenses and overhead. And saying they do in house charity rather than donate to real charity. That didn't work out well for Haitians.

Look who donates to it. It's not a list of nice people.

The Clinton's were, according to Bill, something like 8 million in debt after his presidency. Somehow they've managed to make over $240 million dollars since then. That's some profitable charity work and bank speeches.

Dont be naive.
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Yes it properly accounts for funds by spending the vast majority on salaries, expenses and overhead. And saying they do in house charity rather than donate to real charity. That didn't work out well for Haitians.

Look who donates to it. It's not a list of nice people.

The Clinton's were, according to Bill, something like 8 million in debt after his presidency. Somehow they've managed to make over $240 million dollars since then. That's some profitable charity work and bank speeches.

Dont be naive.
You need to understand the difference between the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton's themselves. Two different things. The Clintons were NOT paid by the Clinton Foundation.

The Clintons have made a LOT of money giving speeches. They also have paid a lot of taxes. Since the current president won't let us see his tax returns, unlike the Clintons, I can only conclude that he must have some things he doesn't want us to know about.
You need to understand the difference between the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton's themselves. Two different things. The Clintons were NOT paid by the Clinton Foundation.

The Clintons have made a LOT of money giving speeches. They also have paid a lot of taxes. Since the current president won't let us see his tax returns, unlike the Clintons, I can only conclude that he must have some things he doesn't want us to know about.

Look into the Clinton foundations work in Haiti.

Why do you think it is that banks and financial institutions pay them exorbitant amounts of money just to talk?

Washington is the most corrupt place on earth, and they have thrived there for decades.

Again I say, don't be naive.
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Look into the Clinton foundations work in Haiti.

Why do you think it is that banks and financial institutions pay them exorbitant amounts of money just to talk?

Washington is the most corrupt place on earth, and they have thrived there for decades.

Again I say, don't be naive.

I can't help reneging just once on my promise not to post again on this thread, but saying don't be naive, is a two way street. You deplore people that speak about Trump saying there's no evidence on his guilt about Russia helping him to win the election, just because the investigation hasn't come out yet with any proof. Not yet.
If it does come out that he has lied about his and his families involvement I assume you won't believe it because, well because of your political affiliation. That's pretty naive of you since unless you have inside information from Trump or his family there's no way you can say he's innocent without having all the facts. As you know, even if Trump is found guilty and somehow impeached, remember that your party will still have a republican as President even if he is another weasel of a lair hiding behind religious curtain of faith. If the investigation is not wrapped up by the end of August, it will be suspended until the mid term election.
By then, Trump and the republicans will be on an island surrounded by the other party.
Your President of choice is killing your party and millions of Americans will voice there displeasure come November.
Look into the Clinton foundations work in Haiti.

Why do you think it is that banks and financial institutions pay them exorbitant amounts of money just to talk?

Washington is the most corrupt place on earth, and they have thrived there for decades.

Again I say, don't be naive.
I can't disagree with the corruption level in Washington.

I haven't defended the Clintons, just the fact that the Clinton Foundation is on the up and up. I have to believe that I have considerably more expertise reading financial documents, especially 990s, than you and your pals, since that is what I did. Maybe you should Google search the Clinton Foundation 990s and actually spend some time reading through one of them. You can see the salaries of all executive staff and whether board members are paid You can also see the amounts spent on services versus management & general, which runs about 20% for the Clinton Foundation. You made a number of inaccurate statements about the Clinton Foundation in at least one of your posts.

I have tried not to be offensive, but you really should expand the sources from which you get your news. I make a point of watching news sources that lean in both directions. I understand you guys wanting to attack the Clintons, but I can't understand how anyone with the ability to think can actually believe that Donald Trump is not a narcissistic, lying, juvenile, unprincipled, morally-deficient, corrupt POS.

I'll finally stop at that. We actually agree on most Iowa BB topics.
Your President of choice is killing your party and millions of Americans will voice there displeasure come November.[/QUOTE,

You must be referring to "the blue wave" that's supposed to be coming in November. It's going to turn out to be nothing more than a ripple. Mark my words the repubs will roll in November and trump will win in a landslide in 20. You are underestimating the number of us deplorables that are fed up with the liberals and their unbelievable nutty thinking. You libs still can't believe hillary lost and are still crying about it, get over it already, it's been a year and a half for cripes sakes.
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Weird turn of events in this thread. But the Clinton Foundation is a highly rated charity that does a lot of good. Some people just don't want to accept facts and listen to talking heads on conservative TV and radio and take them at their word.
Intelligent people: seek information from many different sources (AP News, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, ABC News, NBC News, MSNBC, etc

Trump supporters: Fox News

This is very clear in this thread. I voted for Trump and i would vote for my cleaning lady’s incarcerated uncle before voting for trump again. it’s a clown show. It’s embarrassing.
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I can't help reneging just once on my promise not to post again on this thread, but saying don't be naive, is a two way street. You deplore people that speak about Trump saying there's no evidence on his guilt about Russia helping him to win the election, just because the investigation hasn't come out yet with any proof. Not yet.
If it does come out that he has lied about his and his families involvement I assume you won't believe it because, well because of your political affiliation. That's pretty naive of you since unless you have inside information from Trump or his family there's no way you can say he's innocent without having all the facts. As you know, even if Trump is found guilty and somehow impeached, remember that your party will still have a republican as President even if he is another weasel of a lair hiding behind religious curtain of faith. If the investigation is not wrapped up by the end of August, it will be suspended until the mid term election.
By then, Trump and the republicans will be on an island surrounded by the other party.
Your President of choice is killing your party and millions of Americans will voice there displeasure come November.

So lets just ignore all your prognostications of what you hope will happen. I don't find that interesting to even waste my time on.

Are you the one who said something about facts? What facts are you talking about? You seem to have absolutely no grasp of the facts. You are basing your entire perspective on what you hope exists in some yet unknown secret vault.

The facts are, the DNC paid a British spy to purchase information from RUSSIA. The same Russia that supposedly launched a disinformation campaign against the US. The very thing that you are praying Trump actually did, despite any evidence, is exactly what the DNC did. Which is fine because none of this is actually illegal in real life, just on CNN.

The admittedly unverified dossier was presented as real intelligence and used as a pretext to obtain a FISA warrant against a Trump campaign member. Which is illegal.

James Clapper then instructed Comey to brief president elect Trump on the Steele dossier as a pretext for the media to run it on air, which was then used a pretext for a special council. Or an "insurance policy". Everyone involved has admitted all of this.

The whole thing from start to finish was made the fuk up. Theres never been any evidence presented that Russia even hacked the DNC.

Those are facts.

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