When will we see Stoll back in a varsity match?

I'm thinking Midlands again. He's 2 months plus ahead of last year's schedule and that would be about a year since surgery. Granted, this is a tear of the same ligament so there could be issues associated with that but I'm only guessing.
I'm not sure competing another season, considering the risk of doing permanent damage to his leg, would be in the best interest of Sammy, especially considering his size.
Revision surgery is much more complicated. They have to figure out why it failed. Possible reasons include weak surrounding ligaments, miss aligned tunnel (they drilled the hole in the wrong place), starilization method (irradiation seems to be more prone to failure), age (younger patient have a higher failure rate and he is young), and impact (like most first time tears).

No matter what reason, except maybe impact, the recovery rate after revision surgery is usually about twice as long as the original reconstruction surgery.

Not the best scenario. Costello really needs to put in a full summer against top quality kids. Should be in Iowa city with Bobby starting the day after graduation and three days a weak now.

I did not want to be the downer on the board, but reality is important. Does anyone have real information on the cause of his reconstruction failure?
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In the case where Stoll would be out until a little after midlands, what are the hawks going to do at HWT? I don't think they should send Holloway back up there, if he can make 97 we gotta use him there. But, do we burn Costello's redshirt or what? Or what if Stoll is going to be out the entire year? What do you think the plan's going to be?
Let Stoll and his docs make the decision on if and when to wrestle again.

Assuming he gets a green light at some point, it wouldn't bother me to see Stoll take an extra year off, since next year looks like PSU will be the prohibitive favorite. Let him be there when Lee and Warner join the lineup.
If Stoll sits next season he will get a medical redshirt and still have 2 seasons left (2019 + 2020 or 2021 if he takes an Olympic redshirt in 2020).
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Unless something changes, you're wrong.

Btw, if it is determined he can't go next year, they should be hitting the transfer circuit hard for a replacement.

I don't have any inside info, and hope that I'm 100% wrong. The above was just a gut feeling that a HWT with 2 ACL tears isn't going to be very effective. Again, I hope I'm wrong, I love watching Stoll and think he'd be a high AA if healthy!
age (younger patient have a higher failure rate and he is young), and impact (like most first time tears).

can you expand please?
In the case where Stoll would be out until a little after midlands, what are the hawks going to do at HWT? I don't think they should send Holloway back up there, if he can make 97 we gotta use him there. But, do we burn Costello's redshirt or what? Or what if Stoll is going to be out the entire year? What do you think the plan's going to be?

I think you have to throw Costello out there. He can shirt another year when Stoll is back 100% healthy.
I wonder if a full knee brace would have made any difference, rather than just a knee pad or sleeve that he came back wearing. Again, just wondering since I don't know if it would have.
age (younger patient have a higher failure rate and he is young), and impact (like most first time tears).

can you expand please?
When you are younger your immune system is a little more aggressive and won't incorporate the cadavers tendon as well (sees it as something to fight off as much as something to heal in). I doubt he used his own tendon but if he did even those don't always fully heal and tear when you're young.
Brands made a comment when speaking at an event I attended a month or two back, and he made the comment that Stoll was having his injury dealt with the "right way" this time, insinuating that it was not done the right/best way the 1st time.....whatever that means??
I think Stoll should be back by Midlands again if they don't have any setbacks. I'm guessing that they went with a double bundle graft given Stoll's size and the failure of the first graft. It will also help with the rotational stability needed for a collegiate wrestler.

Just my opinion but Stoll is in good hands.
Brands made a comment when speaking at an event I attended a month or two back, and he made the comment that Stoll was having his injury dealt with the "right way" this time, insinuating that it was not done the right/best way the 1st time.....whatever that means??

Well last time Stoll got hurt and then wrestled the Big Tens and ncaas so I assume "right way" means that the last time he tried to wrestle through for the team this time they held him out right away.
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I think Stoll should be back by Midlands again if they don't have any setbacks. I'm guessing that they went with a double bundle graft given Stoll's size and the failure of the first graft. It will also help with the rotational stability needed for a collegiate wrestler.

Just my opinion but Stoll is in good hands.
I like the sound of this double bundle graft. Hopefully keeps Stolls knee together so he can become a double AA in 2018 and 2019.
I think you have to throw Costello out there. He can shirt another year when Stoll is back 100% healthy.

I agree with this because you also have to assume what if Stoll comes back and reinjures it for a 3rd time. Better to get Costello as much time early on as possible and look to redshirt if need another year. Besides its likely Iowa will over recruit a Schultz type elite kid down the road so Costello had better take the opening and try to run with it.

But that wont happen, Costello will keep shirted for really no reason and they will forfeit or throw a Bowman, Brantley type to the wolves until Stoll is back.
I think you have to throw Costello out there. He can shirt another year when Stoll is back 100% healthy.

Yup. This is why I would be hoping for a transfer if Stoll won't be projected to go. Costello isn't ready.
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Obviously I'm ignored by many so had to have a new thread specifically for SamBear. If it works it works
Yup. This is why I would be hoping for a transfer if Stoll won't be projected to go. Costello isn't ready.

I thought you said Stoll was coming back next season per doctors statement or something like that?
I sometimes wonder if people try to get back too soon thinking it worked for Adrian Peterson and may work for them as well.
In the case where Stoll would be out until a little after midlands, what are the hawks going to do at HWT? I don't think they should send Holloway back up there, if he can make 97 we gotta use him there. But, do we burn Costello's redshirt or what? Or what if Stoll is going to be out the entire year? What do you think the plan's going to be?

Let Bowman move up to HWT. Speed kills;)
If Stoll sits next season he will get a medical redshirt and still have 2 seasons left (2019 + 2020 or 2021 if he takes an Olympic redshirt in 2020).

I'm not sure how Stoll would even qualify to apply for a medical hardship waiver (which he must get since he already used his RS), let alone be granted one. Below is the criteria:

  • NCAA Division I – An athlete must not have participated in more than three contests or 30 percent of their season schedule (whichever is greater) and not after the halfway point of the season (based on the number of contests rather than a particular date).
The second part of this will be the sticking point. Stoll participated in the 8th dual (out of 15 on the schedule), with two tournaments prior and two postseason after. One might say that the 8th is right in the middle of the season, but in the specific example cited by the NCAA, an athlete competing in the 10th contest out of 19 (again right in the middle) is NOT eligible to apply for a hardship waiver.

EDIT - nvm, I see you are citing that he will only have two years left. Yes, this is correct - if he sits out next season he can qualify for two more. Poor reading comprehension on my part, thought you were saying he would get one for this past season (2016-17). If he competes next year he will as JR eligibility.
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I have little doubt Stoll will wrestle again for Iowa and be effective. Cadaver is the worst option. Double bundle makes zero clinical difference. But hey I just stayed under a bridge last night ... wish it was a Holiday Inn.
I didn't have time to read all the previous post this morning, but with that said I talked to Sam on Friday night at Nationals. Both knee injuries that he sustained was the ligament tearing away from the bone. On neither occasion did the ligament tear in half. He said he feels far better this time after the surgery than he did the first time and can't wait to get back on the mat for the Hawkeyes.
I didn't have time to read all the previous post this morning, but with that said I talked to Sam on Friday night at Nationals. Both knee injuries that he sustained was the ligament tearing away from the bone. On neither occasion did the ligament tear in half. He said he feels far better this time after the surgery than he did the first time and can't wait to get back on the mat for the Hawkeyes.

Probably doesn't make any difference as to whether the ligament tear was near/at it's attachment to bone or whether it tore in the middle. Now if the ligament stayed intact and the bony attachment avulsed from the adjacent bone, that is a different story (better).
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I didn't have time to read all the previous post this morning, but with that said I talked to Sam on Friday night at Nationals. Both knee injuries that he sustained was the ligament tearing away from the bone. On neither occasion did the ligament tear in half. He said he feels far better this time after the surgery than he did the first time and can't wait to get back on the mat for the Hawkeyes.

Do they just put extra staples to re attach it or does anyone know exactly how its reattached stronger this time? Did Sam say anything about that?

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