Where do you like to take your BAE?

It's a word used by people who are too lazy to say "babe".

That extra consonant is a killer.

Not a fan of baby, babe, or bae. But I believe bae to be a lame acronym for "before anyone else." All of those words are kind of pedoish, or remind me of a movie featuring a pig.

While I am at it. Porn where the girl calls the man daddy needs to be eradicated.
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I like to take mine everywhere. I out kicked my coverage.

Here favorite place to take me? The skin boat to Tuna Town.
Hi. 28 here. It's friggin stupid and needs to die.

Also idiots should learn how to wear a ball cap. Flat bills are a tragedy.

Get off my lawn.

I'm with you my brotha but it's obvious you was raised by your grandma. Know what I'm say'n?

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