White couple accused of adopting Black children and forcing them to work as ‘slaves’

What kind of racist POS laughs at that article?

are you new GIF
Yes, it does, but I put that moron on ignore after one of his first posts. It’s a great feature and I have a long list of bigots and racists on there.

I used to not use the ignore function but have started putting some of the crazies on there. I used to enjoy reading their posts, because the rest of us would laugh at them and then move along with our day. Moderators did a pretty good job of keeping the unhinged ones away for the most part. Now the crazies seem to be multiplying, board moderation is lacking if even present, and the people who used to laugh at the crazies don't even tell them to sit down and STFU. They all just kind of nod along now. It's gross.
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