White woman accidentally impregnated with black man’s sperm loses legal battle

Im not sure I understand how the child would be the person who suffers. As long as the mother is able to care for the kid then the kid will be fine a could go their entire life without even knowing what really happened. However, the mother has to go through the ordeal and the potential discrimination that may go along with having a mixed race child.

You say that the mother asking for compensation presumes we live in a world where mixed raced children are social outcasts. You can not deny that there is lots of publicity about discrimination of black people. Parts of our society do discriminate against black people and thus may discriminate against the mother of a mixed race child. (I am not saying I agree with this, just that it exists). I bet swag has experienced discrimination at some point in his life. The whole black lives matters is based on the idea that discrimination is happening every day. So yes for some people in some communities it is very possible that having a mixed race child could bring hardship to the mother and potentially the child.

As far as the refund for the in-vitro being enough compensation, imagine you and your wife had a baby and during the hospital stay your baby got switched with another baby in the nursery. Now lets say your biological baby got in a car accident on their first birthday and died, thus leading to them finding out that the babies were switched in the hospital. If the hospital offered to refund the money for the hospital stay would you just accept the whole situation and that be the end of it? your current baby is happy and healthy so you could say that it was a fair "trade". So by your reasoning all should be fair even though "I didn't get the right "product" but I'll take it anyways." and be truely happy that you have the child in the first place.

I would love and care for the child that I had and be happy.

But that isn't even a fair question. Because *that's not my kid*. This is her kid. Just not the right random dad that she never met before.

What I'm saying is any discrimination faced by said kid is born by that kid and not the kid's mom. The kid can't sue for being black because she is what she is.

Mom isn't suing on behalf of the kid who is the one suffering the discrimination. Because the kid can't sue for being black. Mom's suing on behalf of HERSELF.

She's claiming that she the mom is suffering. It isnt' true.
My biggest concern with this whole thing is that her lawyers didn't go after negligence. That's an open-shut case, probably wouldn't even see the inside of a courtroom because they'd settle. And for far more than $50K.

At the end of the day they ordered white, the firm accepted, then delivered incorrectly. As someone said, this isn't a shirt or car that can be returned, this is worse.

Negligence without damages equals no liability. I agree with you that this is obviously negligent and that its strange that her lawyers didn't plead it. But I don't agree that its an open and shut case just because the sperm bank was negligent. What are her damages?

I also agree with the other posters - if she is so worried about how her daughter will be treated, what kind of message is this sending to her daughter? Maybe today it means nothing, but obviously as her daughter matures and learns about this case, it could have an impact on her.
The moral of the story here is: If you want to ensure you're getting what you want in a child, just mate with the person you think will give it to you.......just once is all it takes.
I would love and care for the child that I had and be happy.
Good for you. If true.

Naturally we'd all like to think we'd do the same.

But don't let that distract you from the fact that you have been saddled with a lifetime obligation that you did not agree to.

Why is is that we can be outraged if, say, instead of having your diseased kidney removed they took out the good one? Or pulled the wrong tooth?

I'm reminded of a "dumb blonde" joke where she contracted to paint the guy's porch a bright yellow but when returned to see the results he found she painted his Porsche.

It's not a reflection on the kid or who you are if you aren't happy with the mistake. Nor does it keep you from being a good parent or loving the child if you resent someone else tying you to a lifetime commitment you never agreed to.