A fascist literally a far right, authoritarian, ultranationalist regime. ...
Correct Doc.As you might know, Mussolini was the originator of Fascism in Italy in the pre WW2 era. His father was a communist. He was a lifelong Socialist and never repudiated that. He used Nationalism for his socialist beliefs as a rallying point as opposed to Marxist class warfare. The Progressives in America, no aversion to authoritarianism, initially treated Mussolini like a rock star. Hitler is a bit more nuanced, but led the National Socialist Worker’s Party in Germany. Of course, the realities of fascism became apparent to the world and the liberal media detached from it, labelling it right wing. Now the media and the left has co-opted the term to mean anything they don’t ideologically agree with. Ignorance of history and propaganda perpetuate the myth.
It's neither inherently left nor right..history has seen both versions...though it did originate with Mussolini. (pro tip: don't rely on wikipedia for your definition of anything). Centralized autocratic government, severe economic and social regulation, forcible suppression of opposition. Not hard to find examples of that. Ironic that MS says he wants the opposition thrown in jail or dead "like Ashli Babbit". Sounds an awful lot like something a fascist would do.
Hitler was one evil MFer, but he's a distant third to Mao and Stalin. One must remain vigilant on all fronts.
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