Who are your 3 favorite posters??



Oh and ClarindaAs
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I like Honda Hawk because he is helping me in sales. I like the Texas guy that talked about Jade Helm and I guess anybody that does not like guns drugs hurting animals or people.
1. SP- dude brings his "better than thou" attitude strong to every thread.

2. Every political poster- without them, this board would be a bunch of lost souls having no one to show them who to vote for and which political party is best. I know speaking for myself, my views get changed constantly and I become more informed when I read through those articulate and well researched points posted.

3. Diekman when he is Diek'd
1) Swag...and it's not even close
2) Anychance
3) S.P. and Torbee. Since they are they same person I thought I could lump them together, :)