Who do you think is the oldest poster on the board?

This is interesting, as I didn't realize that some posters were quite so long in the tooth. I'm staring 40 in the face, which has me a little more apprehensive than I expected. I would be really intrigued by any wisdom, advice, or stories of life experience from the elders on here. Please share some interesting experience or sage advice! Seriously, one of my favorite things was listening to my grandparents and aunts/uncles when they talked about the old days--what we used to call "imparting wisdom."

This is interesting, as I didn't realize that some posters were quite so long in the tooth. I'm staring 40 in the face, which has me a little more apprehensive than I expected. I would be really intrigued by any wisdom, advice, or stories of life experience from the elders on here. Please share some interesting experience or sage advice! Seriously, one of my favorite things was listening to my grandparents and aunts/uncles when they talked about the old days--what we used to call "imparting wisdom."
My advise is twofold and simple…….
1) Vote early, vote often and Vote for the Democrat……and
2) Remember, convicted felons belong in jail, not the White House.
This is interesting, as I didn't realize that some posters were quite so long in the tooth. I'm staring 40 in the face, which has me a little more apprehensive than I expected. I would be really intrigued by any wisdom, advice, or stories of life experience from the elders on here. Please share some interesting experience or sage advice! Seriously, one of my favorite things was listening to my grandparents and aunts/uncles when they talked about the old days--what we used to call "imparting wisdom."

I have been 40 for a little over 3 months, so I think I can speak to this.

Invest in a solid trimmer. Your ear and nose hair are on a timer, and that sh!t is about to run out. I also found it helpful to impregnate my wife with our 3rd(oldest is 13) and throw all of our plans for the next 10-15 years in the trash.
I have been 40 for a little over 3 months, so I think I can speak to this.

Invest in a solid trimmer. Your ear and nose hair are on a timer, and that sh!t is about to run out. I also found it helpful to impregnate my wife with our 3rd(oldest is 13) and throw all of our plans for the next 10-15 years in the trash.
Ol' Doodle just turned 40 also!

Of course it depends on your definition of "just".
This is interesting, as I didn't realize that some posters were quite so long in the tooth. I'm staring 40 in the face, which has me a little more apprehensive than I expected. I would be really intrigued by any wisdom, advice, or stories of life experience from the elders on here. Please share some interesting experience or sage advice! Seriously, one of my favorite things was listening to my grandparents and aunts/uncles when they talked about the old days--what we used to call "imparting wisdom."

Find the town/house you want to stay in and don’t move. Moving saps your bank account way more than people realize.

Don’t spend money on vehicles. Instead, spend it on travel and experiences. Cars wear out but memories last a lifetime.

Nurture friendships, be forgiving, make time to be with your friends. Prioritize relationships. Don’t talk about yourself, ask others to tell you about themselves.

Eat sensibly, exercise religiously. Your body will start breaking down no matter what, delay it as much as you can. Seventy sounds old now, but when you are seventy you will still want to be active; if you haven’t maintained your body you won’t be able to.

Comfortable shoes. Floss.
This is interesting, as I didn't realize that some posters were quite so long in the tooth. I'm staring 40 in the face, which has me a little more apprehensive than I expected. I would be really intrigued by any wisdom, advice, or stories of life experience from the elders on here. Please share some interesting experience or sage advice! Seriously, one of my favorite things was listening to my grandparents and aunts/uncles when they talked about the old days--what we used to call "imparting wisdom."

Right there with you. Uncomfortable feeling.
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An early time in my life, the 50s Friday nights i would stay up late watching Fri. night fights with dad who was laid up with a broken ankle. This was our time together and i really enjoyed it. Later in life i realized that i had seen some of the greatest boxers to enter the ring. I also learned that you had to save as much money while working because an accident left you without money to live on. Dad was off almost a year and we lived only on his saving..
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Every time I post I assume this is who I'm talking to:

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Back when I had paid access I believe there was a poster that admitted to being something like 82, but he never posted on HROT.

Here, posters that initial hunches would be Soybean or Lute.

I'm 62 bet is there's at least 30 or so that are older.
Gotcha by a year.
People keep mentioning Lute, but IIRC, he's only a few years older than me. I'm not sure he's even 60 yet.

i'm going with soy or Joel, they both remember Iowa football from the 50s (albeit, they were kids).
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People keep mentioning Lute, but IIRC, he's only a few years older than me. I'm not sure he's even 60 yet.

i'm going with soy or Joel, they both remember Iowa football from the 50s (albeit, they were kids).
I remember not liking Ben Hogan as a player and I remember when most TV golf tournaments covered only the 16th, 17th and 18th holes in TV. I remember “Home Run Derby” being televised during Spring Training and being shown later in the year and following winter…Mantle vs. Killebrew, H. Aaron vs. Mays…
I remember not liking Ben Hogan as a player and I remember when most TV golf tournaments covered only the 16th, 17th and 18th holes in TV. I remember “Home Run Derby” being televised during Spring Training and being shown later in the year and following winter…Mantle vs. Killebrew, H. Aaron vs. Mays…
I also remember those guys.
Mantle v Maris Homerun. 1961 I think?
Dizzy and PeeWee in the booth and Falstaff was the beer sponsor. My Dad was a huge Yankees fan so we all watched them play on our black and white RCA TV. Couldn’t go to the beach on Sunday until the game was over. 😏
Find the town/house you want to stay in and don’t move. Moving saps your bank account way more than people realize.

Don’t spend money on vehicles. Instead, spend it on travel and experiences. Cars wear out but memories last a lifetime.

Nurture friendships, be forgiving, make time to be with your friends. Prioritize relationships. Don’t talk about yourself, ask others to tell you about themselves.

Eat sensibly, exercise religiously. Your body will start breaking down no matter what, delay it as much as you can. Seventy sounds old now, but when you are seventy you will still want to be active; if you haven’t maintained your body you won’t be able to.

Comfortable shoes. Floss.

That last sentence, or "take care of your teeth," seems to be one of the most common, yet under appreciated, nuggets of advice from old people.
We are the same age. I understand just about everything on this site (except references to the Iowa-centric stuff).
Yeah, I remember asking you if you graduated in my Highschool class because of what we agreed on.
Alas no as you went to school in FL.
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I remember not liking Ben Hogan as a player and I remember when most TV golf tournaments covered only the 16th, 17th and 18th holes in TV. I remember “Home Run Derby” being televised during Spring Training and being shown later in the year and following winter…Mantle vs. Killebrew, H. Aaron vs. Mays…

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This is interesting, as I didn't realize that some posters were quite so long in the tooth. I'm staring 40 in the face, which has me a little more apprehensive than I expected. I would be really intrigued by any wisdom, advice, or stories of life experience from the elders on here. Please share some interesting experience or sage advice! Seriously, one of my favorite things was listening to my grandparents and aunts/uncles when they talked about the old days--what we used to call "imparting wisdom."
So, at 51yo, IMO...

The saying "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference" is one of the smartest things you can buy into. There are too many people (including on here) that get way too worked up over things they have no control over. Getting upset at stuff takes time and energy. Recognizing the things that don't really matter - if only because you can't do anything about it anyway - helps you to preserve your energy, your sanity, and your happiness.

Related is "Always look on the bright side of life". You can choose to be happy, or you can choose to be miserable. Choosing to be happy will help you to have a way better quality of life. Miserable people are just, well, miserable. People can tell which one you are and, therefore, who they want to hang out with, and who they don't.

Right there with you. Uncomfortable feeling.

Me too.......turn 40 next year.

I had an uncomfortable moment this weekend about becoming old:

Went catfishing on Saturday with my son and a buddy in a little old 14' fishing boat with a 20 horse mercury on it, both 1978 models. My grandparents had a place at Lake of the Ozarks growing up and Grandpa bought this boat and motor brand new and as a kid in the summers my cousin and I would spend countless hours fishing and driving around in that boat....needless to say, it has a lot of sentimental value to me.

So this weekend I realize Grandma and Grandpa sold their place at the lake in 2000 and that's when I brought this boat home and inherited it.....but the weird part for me was I have now owned it longer (24 years) then my Grandpa did (22 years) and that made me feel really fricking weird and sad to be honest.

Cool story bro I know....
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Me too.......turn 40 next year.

I had an uncomfortable moment this weekend about becoming old:

Went catfishing on Saturday with my son and a buddy in a little old 14' fishing boat with a 20 horse mercury on it, both 1978 models. My grandparents had a place at Lake of the Ozarks growing up and Grandpa bought this boat and motor brand new and as a kid in the summers my cousin and I would spend countless hours fishing and driving around in that boat....needless to say, it has a lot of sentimental value to me.

So this weekend I realize Grandma and Grandpa sold their place at the lake in 2000 and that's when I brought this boat home and inherited it.....but the weird part for me was I have now owned it longer (24 years) then my Grandpa did (22 years) did and they made me feel really fricking weird and sad to be honest.

Cool story bro I know....
You got it when you were 16?
You got it when you were 16?

I mean, my family brought home a bunch of furniture and stuff from the lake house and also this boat. So no the registration wasn't in my name at 16 (but I was the one who took care of it and maintained it), but Dad and I started using it in Iowa then and when I got out of college it went in my name and has lived at my house ever since.

So to be technical, it has now been in my immediate family longer than Grandpa owned it.....but has always felt like "my" boat since we brought it home.
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Find the town/house you want to stay in and don’t move. Moving saps your bank account way more than people realize.

Don’t spend money on vehicles. Instead, spend it on travel and experiences. Cars wear out but memories last a lifetime.

Nurture friendships, be forgiving, make time to be with your friends. Prioritize relationships. Don’t talk about yourself, ask others to tell you about themselves.

Eat sensibly, exercise religiously. Your body will start breaking down no matter what, delay it as much as you can. Seventy sounds old now, but when you are seventy you will still want to be active; if you haven’t maintained your body you won’t be able to.

Comfortable shoes. Floss.
Sounds good, I’m all down with it until the last word. You had to go there, lol.
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This is interesting, as I didn't realize that some posters were quite so long in the tooth. I'm staring 40 in the face, which has me a little more apprehensive than I expected. I would be really intrigued by any wisdom, advice, or stories of life experience from the elders on here. Please share some interesting experience or sage advice! Seriously, one of my favorite things was listening to my grandparents and aunts/uncles when they talked about the old days--what we used to call "imparting wisdom."
You should be apprehensive. Your life is basically over. As Billie Joe Armstrong once said, I hope you had the time of your life.
This is interesting, as I didn't realize that some posters were quite so long in the tooth. I'm staring 40 in the face, which has me a little more apprehensive than I expected. I would be really intrigued by any wisdom, advice, or stories of life experience from the elders on here. Please share some interesting experience or sage advice! Seriously, one of my favorite things was listening to my grandparents and aunts/uncles when they talked about the old days--what we used to call "imparting wisdom."
Everyone is different, but I’m 41 and when I turned 40 it was just another day. Just live life and enjoy the little things. Like right now for me I’m laying in bed with my wife and my puggle and it’s sweet bliss. Also got the Big Bang Theory on in the background. Life is good.
Mantle vs. Killebrew, H. Aaron vs. Mays…

I remember when I was in Jr High (90s) the channel that had the White Sox game would show those early home run derbys.

There was an announcer sitting at a table and the players would sit with him and talk while the other hit?

They also had this Super 16" softball league in Chicago they used to show. No gloves in the field. Loved watching those too.