I get asked regularly why I don’t ignore MAGA posters. I guess it’s a combo of factors.
- I like to watch as their positions change - even when they change for the worse (take Phenom and Wop as examples). It’s fascinating watching people fall down the rabbit hole. Also fascinating when they crawl out of it.
- It helps me understand where we are at as a country. I was out of touch this last election cycle and don’t want to be that surprised again.
- They can be fun to play with if you are jonesing for some schadenfreude.
In any event, my take is that MAGA is a spectrum. On the one hand you have folks like Whiskey who I would enjoy hanging out with. He seems like an honest guy who is IMO simply blinded by his political affiliation. On the other side you have Here4ever who I’m sure his classmates voted “most likely to die in prison” and has said nothing of worth since the day he joined the board.
Net net, they aren’t all awful human beings - despite their awful judge of character in the people they support.