ATT now
I think I got a flip phone through US Cell or someone around 1996. Didn't have it very long because Spring rolled out PCS, long distance in 1996. Someone once told me I have one of the first 5000 Sprint mobile numbers, I still have it (the number). I only got it because I traveled for work, and we had a calling card to make long distance calls while traveling. There were cell phone plans out there before that, but I'm pretty sure Sprint was the first that offered free long distance as part of the plan. So I went to my company and said instead of paying for my calling card, will you give me $30 a month for my cell phone, and they said sure. I think my whole bill was about $30. I still remember as late as 97,98 walking through airports and people staring, especially when on a hands free. I also remember people asking where the nearest phone was, and I would say here, use mine. But I also remember reception, especially in NYC being really poor. It was kind of funny, but I was right out of college, and one of only a few people in my company with a cell phone. I remember once, a VP coming up to me and asking if they could borrow it for an important call. I would say within 18 months of that, almost everybody had one.
I had an argument with Sprint about my bill, and they were huge jerks. The guy on the phone says, what are you going to do, switch? And I said Yep!
I went to T-Mobile because they had a buy out plan, but they pretty much sucked.
I ended up at ATT because my kids wanted iPhones, and at that time, I think ATT was exclusive to IOS.