Why are trans people becoming increasingly violent?

The Government is stripping away and denying them their Constitutional Rights.

What is happening with the Federal and State Governments targeting trans persons is what the 2A was written to protect against. I'm glad to see that trans and all lgbtq people are becoming more willing to defend themselves against the Government denying them their rights to personal freedoms, individual liberties, and rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
The Government is stripping away and denying them their Constitutional Rights.

What is happening with the Federal and State Governments targeting trans persons is what the 2A was written to protect against. I'm glad to see that trans and all lgbtq people are becoming more willing to defend themselves against the Government denying them their rights to personal freedoms, individual liberties, and rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Targeting them? State and federal Govs say these freaks' shit don't stink and force taxpayers to indulge their insanity!!