Why didn't Wetjen return the last kick?

#22 Max White returned the last kickoff, hence my question of not having the fastest guy on the team taking that one.
They didn't kick it deep, likely to keep him from receiving the ball. Iowa did what they could on that and he had to go out of bounds since he wasn't going to get a TD and they needed time to run a play.
Our only hope on the Hail Mary pass was if the ISU defenders screwed up and committed PI to give us a realistic chance for a field goal.
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Why did they have noodle-armed McNamara throw the Hail Mary? He couldn’t even get it to the end zone.
It didn't look to me like they intended it to go into the end zone as I believe most of the receivers were lined up around the 5 for some reason. And then he floated it higher than normal, like throwing more of a pop fly kind of ball instead of a line drive. It was at our end and to me for some reason the receivers congregated short of the end zone to begin with.
It didn't look to me like they intended it to go into the end zone as I believe most of the receivers were lined up around the 5 for some reason. And then he floated it higher than normal, like throwing more of a pop fly kind of ball instead of a line drive. It was at our end and to me for some reason the receivers congregated short of the end zone to begin with.
I never understood why teams don’t set up more hook and lateral options, especially if you know your qb doesn’t have the arm to get it in end zone anyway.