Why does everyone hate Nebby?

Let it go! It was soooooo long ago when the Huskers were good. Heck, even Minny has more national titles than Nebraska, but they don't spend all their time crowing about it like those clueless Nebraska fans because, again, last Millennium and all that.
Come on man, you know that ones that happened during our lifetime are a lot more meaningful and relevant.

Do you know how unbearable my family was during that time? It's something they all experienced and will remember and treasure forever. National Titles are all that matters.

As Iowa fans, I just don't think we'll ever even get one while we are alive. If we don't get it this year, I'm going to be totally resigned that it just won't ever happen for us.
Can't we just hate everyone and agree to be hated by them too? I mean, all this picking and choosing, who to hate and who to be rivals with, week in and out... That's just not us. Let's hate everyone and solve some problems here.
Come on man, you know that ones that happened during our lifetime are a lot more meaningful and relevant.

Do you know how unbearable my family was during that time? It's something they all experienced and will remember and treasure forever. National Titles are all that matters.

As Iowa fans, I just don't think we'll ever even get one while we are alive. If we don't get it this year, I'm going to be totally resigned that it just won't ever happen for us.

Honestly, it was so long ago I can barely remember. I would look at it this way. Regardless of what happens from here on out this year, we can take comfort in knowing our program is at least headed in the right direction while poor old Nebraska has gone down the tubes. 5-7 is their new reality for the foreseeable future. Just ask Oregon State.
Honestly, it was so long ago I can barely remember. I would look at it this way. Regardless of what happens from here on out this year, we can take comfort in knowing our program is at least headed in the right direction while poor old Nebraska has gone down the tubes. 5-7 is their new reality for the foreseeable future. Just ask Oregon State.
Yeah that's true. No way hiring a senior citizen will pan out for them ha.
Actually Nebraska fans have been the nicest fans I have encountered, bar none. I think resentment of their PAST history is why most Iowa fans do not like them. I am looking forward to a nice time Friday, and know for sure I will be invited to several tailgates before the game.
Actually Nebraska fans have been the nicest fans I have encountered, bar none. I think resentment of their PAST history is why most Iowa fans do not like them. I am looking forward to a nice time Friday, and know for sure I will be invited to several tailgates before the game.
Yeah, if you're into hanging out with asshats then I guess they are OK.
And the World-Herald running 90% Husker football stories in JUNE doesn't help. And the whole "we will walk in and own the Big 10 Day One/Restore the Order" BS propaganda machine, the way they think they are on the cusp of National Championships again (insert latest coach) -I could go on for pages. They were admirable until TO sold his soul and became a win at all cost program on par with Miami's Thug Haven.
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Had a connecting flight in Omaha a year ago. Getting off the plane was an elderly man and his wife. He was at least 6'6" tall, big red cowboy hat with a white N, red suit, white shirt and red pants. (needless to say, the sound of laughter followed him down the isles) Just before stepping of the plane, he turned around and YELLED: "Big Red country, once you get off, you'll never want to get back on."
Straight out of a movie.
typically, any fanbase that classifies themselves as "the classiest fan base in <enter sport>" are typically insufferable pricks online....go find a thread with St Louis Cardinal baseball fans in the summer, and this will also validate this point.

Both fanbases constantly let you know how many more championships their teams have...and any sort of success your team has (especially if your team is having a good season) and they will just bring up their past
Do you guys hate us like you hate ISIS or is it more like a hatred towards that coworker that makes your life miserable?

I don't hate any of you Hawkeyes. I'd like to think we would all get along as good as any other group of people with a common interest outside of this game. Hatred is pretty hardcore. I don't wish you guys any ill will outside of losing this game.
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I do NOT hate the Huskers....the only team I root against all the time is The Illini. Now THAT fan base is beyond help...and they don't have the history that Nebraska does! I will never forget of forgive that freaking loser Benn (and their QB that year..Juice?) saying that the one team THEY hate is IOWA...and he said it on TV. Never have I heard that on TV from ANY other player on any other team.

The Huskers are just another game for me at this point.....maybe that will change, but it's not that way right now.
Get off our board, scumnuts.
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In northeast Iowa I don't have to deal with the fans, but when traveling through Nebraska the people I've dealt with are almost too friendly. It's probably just the novelty of seeing someone with teeth for them.

That being said, I spend time on their board and it's like being in an alternate universe. Delusional and arrogant. Blue Bloods my ass. Those days are well over.

Go, Hawks!!!
Even when they were relevant, they got their reputation by beating up on weak teams in a weak Big 8 Conference like Kansas, Kansas St, Iowa State, Colorado. So, by the time they had their big showdown with Oklahoma, they had a 50/50 chance of winning the Big 8 Title and padding their resume for a NC game. Wouldn't we love to have a 50/50 chance of winning the West Division ever year? That's what Nebraska did for decades. And that's what helped them win 884 games.
Even when they were relevant, they got their reputation by beating up on weak teams in a weak Big 8 Conference like Kansas, Kansas St, Iowa State, Colorado. So, by the time they had their big showdown with Oklahoma, they had a 50/50 chance of winning the Big 8 Title and padding their resume for a NC game. Wouldn't we love to have a 50/50 chance of winning the West Division ever year? That's what Nebraska did for decades. And that's what helped them win 884 games.
Or... We got our reputation for winning a few natty's. As far as having a 50/50 chance? I don't know about that. Some of those teams you mentioned had some good runs here and there.
Even when they were relevant, they got their reputation by beating up on weak teams in a weak Big 8 Conference like Kansas, Kansas St, Iowa State, Colorado. That's what Nebraska did for decades.

Along with Kansas, Kansas State, Iowa State and Colorado is Iowa and Mizzou. Yes, Nebraska beat up their state neighbors for decades.

Kansas: Scoreboard
K State: Scoreboard
Iowa St: Scoreboard
Colorado: Scoreboard
Iowa: Scoreboard
Mizzou: Scoreboard

And they still do now, even when not nearly as dominant.

Not sure if you're trying to knock Nebraska with this, but yeah, it's pretty obvious that Nebraska has been a successful football program because they've dominated their region pretty badly.

In other news, water is wet.
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Had a connecting flight in Omaha a year ago. Getting off the plane was an elderly man and his wife. He was at least 6'6" tall, big red cowboy hat with a white N, red suit, white shirt and red pants. (needless to say, the sound of laughter followed him down the isles) Just before stepping of the plane, he turned around and YELLED: "Big Red country, once you get off, you'll never want to get back on."
Straight out of a movie.

Every fan base has bad fans. Nebraska takes it to a whole different level. Come spend some time in western Iowa around them and their media, and you'll see. Arrogant, delusional douches.
I think you hit it pretty well here regarding the "media ". They drive it. Period.

When opposing media constantly coment about UN media personnel CHEERING IN THE PRESS BOX? That tells you what you need. Not university people. Media covering it.

Just look at the Omaha paper who is one of their douche guys on twitter. He made a serious post (maybe even an article) that if Nebraska had Iowa's schedule. Would they have won 10 games too?

Sure their fans live in the past. However, just like children, they learn their behavior from somewhere. It is thrown at them every day, every year.

THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE. An arrogant media driving it.
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Recent history? Just remind your family that the Huskers haven't been relevant this millennium, and are no longer the national power they still think they are. Nobody wants to play football for Nebraska anymore.

Recent history would include Nebraska's record against Iowa this century? Can we include that?
I think you hit it pretty well here regarding the "media ". They drive it. Period.

When opposing media constantly coment about UN media personnel CHEERING IN THE PRESS BOX? That tells you what you need. Not university people. Media covering it.

Just look at the Omaha paper who is one of their douche guys on twitter. He made a serious post (maybe even an article) that if Nebraska had Iowa's schedule. Would they have won 10 games too?

Sure their fans live in the past. However, just like children, they learn their behavior from somewhere. It is thrown at them every day, every year.

THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE. An arrogant media driving it.
Do you recall what Omaha World Herald writer it was?
it's easy to say because of their fans.....but that's a cop-out, fans are fans, some nice, some idiots, some jerk-offs. Nebraska does not have the market cornered on jerk-off fans.

The real reason we can't stand them so much is because they were so good for so long. It's human nature to dislike someone who wins all the time, that's just the way it is. Then if you grew up in Western Iowa (I did), you got it shoved in your face ALL the time.....and so general dislike became hate.

Then you had some of your friends that lived in Iowa and were Husker fans....not because they had any connection to the Huskers what-so-ever.....but just because they were front runners, and that pissed you off too. my, friend are wiser than all your peers ITT.
Well yeah, recent is a relative term. But I think it's been 3 in my lifetime.

And obviously ZERO for us. It's hard to argue when they say "scoreboard" or "trophy case", and it's not like I wasn't old enough to feel the pain of them winning freaking 3 of 4 years. That's one of the most amazing accomplishments in CFB history.

Sure we've had better end of year rankings a few times, but our title came in 1958. I'm not that old so it's pretty much meaningless.
Horrible troll is horrible
Maybe growing up in SE part of Iowa, I never game them any thought. They annoy me about as much as Purdue or Maryland. I've only been to Nebraska once and that was about four years ago. Please discuss.
I have a question about Nebraska fans ? Where does this talk come from that nobody treats visiting fans better than Nebraska when they come to their stadium ? Have not heard these comments from Iowa fans, but from other posts by other schools.
Horrible troll is horrible
Please go ahead and dispute anything I said. You have lots of accusations, but nothing to support your claims.

I need ammo for tomorrow, but it's hard to really come up with anything we've done that would compare at all.
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Do you guys hate us like you hate ISIS or is it more like a hatred towards that coworker that makes your life miserable?

For me it's not hate, it's more like disgust. Nebby is like that girl you banged 15 years ago. She used to be hot, so you and you're buddies threw it in her. You didn't really like her because she was a pompous bitch, but she was smokin, so who cares?

Flash forward 15 years. Now she's a disgusting fat sea hag, been divorced 3 times, wears clothes she can't fit into, and smells like cheetos wrapped in bacon. She still goes out to the bars though, strutting around in her XXXL thong, her stretch marked flabby belly hanging out, above her overstretched jeans. The sad thing is, she can't see what she has become. Even though everybody around her tries to tell her, she believes she's still in her glory days. In her mind, she's still that hot piece of tail instead of the bloated monstrosity she's become. Every once in awhile she'll get lucky and take a hot guy home. All this does is further her inflated ego and abnormal self image.

When you see her now, you try to avoid making eye contact like the plague, because you don't want to listen to her ramble. You just know she's going to talk about the past and how great it was for the hundredth time. She's going to talk about how great her kids are, even though you know her brood are barely above a potato on the evolutionary scale. Nothing is ever her fault. She didn't lose her job because of her own actions! No sir, the company was out to get her. Everybody is out to get her apparently, it's one big conspiracy. It's because everybody is jealous of her she says.

She's also one of those people that always have tell you how they have some great plan that's going to come to fruition in the near future. This is what she needs, she's so close! Pretty soon she'll be living the high life again! You just nod your head and smile, there's no reasoning with this wilder beast.

As your exhausting, one way conversation comes to a close, you can't help but feel that the world gets a little dumber every time this Yeti opens her cavernous maw. You shake your head in pity and disgust as she waddles away. Regretfully you think, "Did I really hit that back in the day? I swear she use to be hot!" Nobody would believe you though because that was ancient history.
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Along with Kansas, Kansas State, Iowa State and Colorado is Iowa and Mizzou. Yes, Nebraska beat up their state neighbors for decades.

Kansas: Scoreboard
K State: Scoreboard
Iowa St: Scoreboard
Colorado: Scoreboard
Iowa: Scoreboard
Mizzou: Scoreboard

And they still do now, even when not nearly as dominant.

Not sure if you're trying to knock Nebraska with this, but yeah, it's pretty obvious that Nebraska has been a successful football program because they've dominated their region pretty badly.

In other news, water is wet.

Hey where you've been haven't posted anything talking up your huskers since early September. Hmmm wonder why?
Why husker fans are not liked. Well just read this board and the cease pool of inbred retards posting the same garbage. Granted this week worst than most but always have a few idiots posting throughout the year the same redundant nonsense. Yes the 90s were good to you but they were are also good to vanilla ice and mc hammer but guess what just like the other 2 you really aren't that relevant in the grand scheme of things anymore. But keep posting the same crap about the past as if anyone on an Iowa board gives a crap.

Sad thing is in 21st century Iowa and Nebraskas overall and conf records are very close with Iowa having more peak years and huskers more consistent seasons. And that gets under arrogant egotistical husker fans that they are same scale as Iowa.