Do you guys hate us like you hate ISIS or is it more like a hatred towards that coworker that makes your life miserable?
For me it's not hate, it's more like disgust. Nebby is like that girl you banged 15 years ago. She used to be hot, so you and you're buddies threw it in her. You didn't really like her because she was a pompous bitch, but she was smokin, so who cares?
Flash forward 15 years. Now she's a disgusting fat sea hag, been divorced 3 times, wears clothes she can't fit into, and smells like cheetos wrapped in bacon. She still goes out to the bars though, strutting around in her XXXL thong, her stretch marked flabby belly hanging out, above her overstretched jeans. The sad thing is, she can't see what she has become. Even though everybody around her tries to tell her, she believes she's still in her glory days. In her mind, she's still that hot piece of tail instead of the bloated monstrosity she's become. Every once in awhile she'll get lucky and take a hot guy home. All this does is further her inflated ego and abnormal self image.
When you see her now, you try to avoid making eye contact like the plague, because you don't want to listen to her ramble. You just know she's going to talk about the past and how great it was for the hundredth time. She's going to talk about how great her kids are, even though you know her brood are barely above a potato on the evolutionary scale. Nothing is ever her fault. She didn't lose her job because of her own actions! No sir, the company was out to get her. Everybody is out to get her apparently, it's one big conspiracy. It's because everybody is jealous of her she says.
She's also one of those people that always have tell you how they have some great plan that's going to come to fruition in the near future. This is what she needs, she's so close! Pretty soon she'll be living the high life again! You just nod your head and smile, there's no reasoning with this wilder beast.
As your exhausting, one way conversation comes to a close, you can't help but feel that the world gets a little dumber every time this Yeti opens her cavernous maw. You shake your head in pity and disgust as she waddles away. Regretfully you think, "Did I really hit that back in the day? I swear she use to be hot!" Nobody would believe you though because that was ancient history.