Why does it bother ISU fans that some Iowa fans aren't alumni?


HB Legend
Apr 25, 2005
I hate starting an ISU thread but have always been curious about this.

As a Hawkeye fan I don't feel any superior or care if the guy cheering next to me went to school here or not. It really seems to annoy Clown fans though. Any insight into this?
I hate starting an ISU thread but have always been curious about this.

As a Hawkeye fan I don't feel any superior or care if the guy cheering next to me went to school here or not. It really seems to annoy Clown fans though. Any insight into this?
Because there are no ISU fans that didn't actually attend school there. Why would you become a fan of the program if you hadn't been force fed it for 4 years? As such, they are defensive that someone who didn't actually attend another school has the gall to root for that institution in sports. The concept is completely foreign to them.
they're looking for anything they can. It's a weak attempt to say the least as they would love to have that problem. Jealousy, inferiority complex, little brother syndrome...they deny it, yet play right into it.
I'm having this discussion with a friend who is a Clone fan now. I find it funny that they think of their athletics Fandom as an inclusive family because they went there. Yet, last year BDJ basically fought their coaches at halftime of an NCAA tournament game over playing time and you now have McKay saying "this isn't what he signed up for" on twitter and saying he may shut it down because “I have to start thinking of myself" and his draft status over his team.

For being so high and mighty in their fandom, it's pretty clear their own "family" of players don't give a **** about them. Really got something to be proud of there...

I'm not even an ISU hater like some of you guys, I'll root for ISU when they aren't playing Iowa, but these transfers who are just using ISU as a showcase for the NBA makes it impossible to like them the past couple seasons.
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I'm having this discussion with a friend who is a Clone fan now. I find it funny that the think of their athletics Fandom as an inclusive family because they went there. Yet, last year BDJ basically fought their coaches at halftime of an NCAA tournament game over playing time and you now have McKay saying "this isn't what he signed up for" on twitter and saying he may shut it down because “I have to start thinking of myself" and his draft status over his team.

For being so high and mighty in their fandom, it's pretty clear their own "family" of players don't give a **** about them. Really got something to be proud of there...

I'm not even an ISU hater like some of you guys, I'll root for ISU when they aren't playing Iowa, but these transfers who are just using ISU as a showcase for the NBA makes it impossible to like them the past couple seasons.
I think someone on the BB board said it last night, but five guys wearing the same jersey do not make a "team".
I never understood this either. I went to college for 4 years and couldn't tell you one thing about any of their athletic teams, or if they even still have all the same sports as when I graduated. I grew up close to the U of I campus and attended football and basketball games growing up, and watched road games on TV. More people can tell you I'm an Iowa fan than can tell you where I went to college.

I do not apologize.
I think their problem is (and I am going to cite "facts" with no backing here) that: (1) there unquestionably are more Iowa fans than Iowa State in the state, but (2) there likely are more ISU grads than Iowa living in the state. So, if only alumni could cheer, they would be the #1 team in the state for whatever that is worth.

I put the lipstick on the pig the best I could. Don't blame me that it still is a pig.
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I think their problem is (and I am going to cite "facts" with no backing here) that: (1) there unquestionably are more Iowa fans than Iowa State in the state, but (2) there likely are more ISU grads than Iowa living in the state. So, if only alumni could cheer, they would be the #1 team in the state for whatever that is worth.

I put the lipstick on the pig the best I could. Don't blame me that it still is a pig.
The most telling statement you made is you claimed "facts with no backing here"......LOL! And frankly, it is not surprising that folks here don't understand the difference between being fans and being an alum.
Most of the people I knew growing up that were state fans went to school there and then flunked out. And yes some of them use the whole didn't graduate = not a fan logic.
I've have a few Iowa fans that say I can't use "we" when talking about Iowa athletics because I didn't go to school there. I've been told I'm not a real fan because I don't donate to the athletic department directly.

Who in their right mind would become an ISU fan without actually going there?
With Iowa being a liberal arts school, it is obvious you didn't go there.
There are Iowa fans that think you can't be a fan of Iowa if you didn't go to school there.

stevenpatrick for one. More specifically, he seems to believe that non-alumni Hawkeye fans are a distinct sub class whose opinions are less valuable than graduates of the University of Iowa.

He usually asserts this claim of privilege after his "inside" information has been thoroughly discredited.
I went to Hickory Park (for those who don't know a very popular BBQ joint in Ames) some time in late November and was kind of shocked seeing the number of people waiting to be seated who were wearing Hawkeye stuff. And I don't mean one or two people, I'm talking of about 50 people waiting to be seated (yeah, the place is huge) at least 10-15 people wearing Hawkeye apparel. Again, this is in Ames.

So for those of you who wonder why so many Cyclone fans come over to this board in droves seeking validation after Iowa State has a big win or Iowa suffers an ignominious loss, that in a nutshell is why. Although anecdotal, it's a good example of why I think so many Cyclone fans obsess about beating Iowa every year. They recognize 1) they are outnumbered because 2) if you didn't attend college at Iowa State there is about a 2% chance you picked Iowa State over Iowa to root for and 3) this has been/is and always will be a Hawkeye state.
The most telling statement you made is you claimed "facts with no backing here"......LOL! And frankly, it is not surprising that folks here don't understand the difference between being fans and being an alum.
Avoid answering the question while saying nothing of substance. I like your style!
Avoid answering the question while saying nothing of substance. I like your style!
Folks that are Hawkeyes and Cyclones understand what it means. It was a special time in their lives that will never be taken from them. They are vested in their school.
Liberal Arts schools have a strong curriculum in English and grammar.

It would be nice if every school did. It seems text messaging and Facebook (among others) have completely ruined literacy for the vast majority of people (particularly millennial youth).
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Folks that are Hawkeyes and Cyclones understand what it means. It was a special time in their lives that will never be taken from them. They are vested in their school.
So what? People that have been Hawkeye fans since birth but for whatever reason choose to not get a degree from the University of Iowa can be as vested as someone who is an alum. It's just that no one grows up a Cyclone fan unless they had a parent go there who forces them to wear cardinal and gold until they are old enough to start making decisions for themselves. I get that it is a struggle for you and your fellow alums to understand, but it is a real thing.
It would be nice if every school did. It seems text messaging and Facebook (among others) have completed ruined literacy for the vast majority of people (particularly millennial youth).
I agree and believe we are going to suffer when the quality of goods and services become completely based upon price, because personal communication and relationship building has become extinct.
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So what? People that have been Hawkeye fans since birth but for whatever reason choose to not get a degree from the University of Iowa can be as vested as someone who is an alum. It's just that no one grows up a Cyclone fan unless they had a parent go there who forces them to wear cardinal and gold until they are old enough to start making decisions for themselves. I get that it is a struggle for you and your fellow alums to understand, but it is a real thing.
Not a struggle for me as there is a difference that folks who aren't alums would never understand.
I agree and believe we are going to suffer when the quality of goods and services become completely based upon price, because personal communication and relationship building has become extinct.

Lol. And while making a point on literacy I had a brain fart and wrote "completed" instead of my intended "completely."

I'm glad you understand Clonewithasign how poor communication skills are ruining relationships. One of the best "memes" I ever saw was "Facebooking is to socializing what masturbation is to sex." On a more serious note, the last extended family "get-together" I attended nearly every teenager/college-aged relative at the youth table had their noses buried in their phones during dinner. Since I learned this common texting acronym a few months ago, I will say I definitely had to "smh."
ISU fans can't comprehend because none of them chose this path of fandom, they were born into it. Nobody in their right mind would choose to be miserable, obsolete, and disregarded routinely.

You have to trace it to their family history, somebody made an awful decision a long time ago to attend ISU (probably an Iowa reject) and they, along with their family members of the future have suffered ever since. Works out well for Iowa City though. As a result I never had to endure cowboy boots, plaid everything, oversized belt buckles, and a dirty Monsanto hat being considered fashionable while I was at college. I'd like to feel sorry for the women in Ames that this is what they're stuck with but you will almost never find an attractive woman in Ames. They only times I've ever seen an attractive woman in Ames, Iowa was in town for a football game or it was a visitor. Must be the water.