Why does Miss America look like she's 40 years old?


HB King
Dec 7, 2006
apparently, according to freep, she came in favor of funding planned parenthood, so she's in, that's seriously what I read
They asked one girl about deflate gate. She had to have the question repeated and shit the bed on her answer. She was pissed.
I couldn't understand why I had this "fear" come over me looking at those photos. Then it dawned on me. The last time I saw a woman smiling like that was at my divorce.

I read in the paper the other day that Miss Iowa won both the swimsuit and talent prelims. So how in the heck did she NOT win?
No clue why this "contest" still happens... if you want to find beautiful women they are all over the Internet. Why does anybody care about this contest anymore?

Honestly! How do women in this country allow these to exist?

Pageants are not perpetuated by men are they? I too can not believe these things exist in this country.