Why don't Republicans care that Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser lies to them on most everything?

It's not "just not agreeing with him or his opinion", it's statements that Trump has said that are factually untrue. Here are just a couple of examples from the debate. He said that his tax cut was the largest in US history - false. The Committee for a Responsible Budget says Trump's tax cut was only the 8th largest in US history. Trump said in the debate he authorized Pelosi the authority to call in 10K national guardsman on Jan 6th - not true. According to his then Sec of Defense, Chris Miller, testifying under oath to the Jan 6th Select Committee, he said Trump did not give Pelosi any such authority. These are but two examples of the many lies that Trump spewed during last Thursday's debate all of which can be factually debunked.
Now do the Biden lies. You do realize ALL politicians embellish the truth.
All Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser's lies... I know, the truth hurts you. Get over it... suck it up buttercup. Just keep on being duped by the pile of lies... 😂😂
lol…you’re unhinged and can call me names. You libs are just so triggered since you have realized Trump will win the November election. 😉
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Now do the Biden lies. You do realize ALL politicians embellish the truth.
Nice try at equivalency with Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser , also known as the King of Lies. It's kind of cute you trying so hard. Are you really stupid, or really gullible?
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lol…you’re unhinged and can call me names. You libs are just so triggered since you have realized Trump will win the November election. 😉
I guess then you're okay with having a president who is a convicted sexual abuser, multiple time convicted Financial felon, hundreds of millions of dollars in debt due to court conviction fines, and the king of lies. Also cheats on his wife w porno prostitutes. Good choice by you.
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OP - you have to understand that Trump isn't lying to his base. He is lying on their behalf. They believe the lies because the lies suit them better than the truth.

Making shit up as you go along and not remembering is the perfect formula for the compulsive, habitual liar. Knowling repeating lies is a psychotic issue. The Orange Turd is a retro case study for future psychoanalysts.
Especially when he's asking them for money all the time. Someone that asked me for money and then lies to me all the time, I don't give the time of day. How can they be so easily duped? Stupidity?
Here's why. His lies are largely hyperbolic. He says "everyone wanted roe overturned..." You know it's not true on its face, and superlatives are almost never fact anyway. It just doesn't matter whether "everyone," everyone, or just 'more people than not' wanted abortion turned to the states. Reality is it's back to the states and who cares how it's characterized.

What kind of lie does matter is when MSNBC and all the main stream media tells you Biden's as sharp as ever and then you see him as he is and clearly everyone's been lying to you. That kind of matters when the president in fact is not the president.

Trump might say his property is worth $400mm when in fact it's worth $320mm... Value is in the eye of the investor...and depending on whether your buying or selling it's worth more, or less. These are "lies" that just don't matter at all...
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