Why I Voted for Donald Trump

Are you saying vaccines cause autism, SIDS and other autoimmune disorders?
There certainly is correlation. Believe what you want.

Of 2605 infant deaths reported to VAERS from 1990 through 2019, 58 % clustered within 3 days post-vaccination and 78.3 % occurred within 7 days post-vaccination, confirming that infant deaths tend to occur in temporal proximity to vaccine administration. The excess of deaths during these early post-vaccination periods was statistically significant (p < 0.00001).

RFK is trying to do the right thing, but the bottom line is farming costs a ton of money on so many levels to run even a below average sized farm. Some people just refuse to think about the budget of the farm before they think about the box office. And in this economy... farmers would be would groan on the government, in their minds, interfering too quickly and drastically. You gotta take baby steps first RFK before you go big changes.

I'm all for health of Americans but RFKs proposed policies would prbly not equate. But I appreciate his concern in a small way
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There certainly is correlation. Believe what you want.

Of 2605 infant deaths reported to VAERS from 1990 through 2019, 58 % clustered within 3 days post-vaccination and 78.3 % occurred within 7 days post-vaccination, confirming that infant deaths tend to occur in temporal proximity to vaccine administration. The excess of deaths during these early post-vaccination periods was statistically significant (p < 0.00001).

There's not. You need to read up on what VAERS is.
The more the merrier. My kids have never had any vaccines and they’re extremely healthy. If they’re ignorant to get them after they turn 18 that’s on them, I guess.

MAGA is a Pharma whore and the Godfather of the useless covid ‘vaccine’, as well as the architect (along with Fauci) of the ‘two weeks’ policy that skullf***ed our economy?

Why would I support anything to do with that, 🤡?

Raw milk and no vaccines are all the rage now. I bet they have lied to everyone about bacteria also. I saw a guy eating raw chicken and he was ok. Why does the FDA fear raw meat? What do they have to hide?
If you don't want to think, that's your right, but no need to be an asshole about it.
It’s a thought exercise merely for the sake of a thought exercise. And it’s a stupid one. Imagine if your sister was really hot and wanted to get on you and no one was ever going to find out. What, you don’t want to think about that? If you don’t want to think, that’s your right…

Awesome OP about a proven psycho shilling for convicted felon though. Great job.
Raw milk and no vaccines are all the rage now. I bet they have lied to everyone about bacteria also. I saw a guy eating raw chicken and he was ok. Why does the FDA fear raw meat? What do they have to hide?
I don’t think FDA regulates meat; you mean USDA? Not that it matters…eat what you want.
Well, OK, I didn't vote for Trump. As if!

But imagine you didn't know about RFK, jr jumping the shark on vaccines and such, and then saw this.

And imagine you knew nothing about Trump except that he was putting RFK, jr in charge of this sort of stuff.

Most of the public doesn't "know" about rfk jr, they know what big pharma and big food funded mass media has told them to believe.
It's really as simple as that. He's a threat to the two biggest advertisers in media, thus he must be destroyed.

We need Polio,
We need Small Pox.

Hell, let's do away with penicillin and we can have rampant TB and infections all over the place.

These MAGAs are really smart.
I’m in favor of vaccines 100% but I’m not a “MAGAT”. I’m a responsible adult who appreciates the vaccines and advances in science that have largely eliminated these horrible diseases.
Unlike most of the folks on this thread I was born before the polio vaccine was introduced and I can remember as a little girl having to come inside and take a nap, avoiding afternoon heat. And not being allowed to go to a public swimming pool nearby - or take swimming lessons in that pool.
And standing in line at the VFW community center while ex-Army nurses from WWII stabbed screaming kids in the arm with the first polio vaccine. I went to school with kids who were on crutches because they’d had the virus as toddlers.
Arguing about requiring those vital shots is stupid.
But it’s also not surprising.

And don’t ask me to defend any remarks by RFKJr. I disagree with him about vaccines - but I do agree with a large number of others that there are too many additives in our foods and too many processed foods consumed in this country.
So they're better but not yet good enough?

And your solution is to support the party that mocks the efforts to make them better.

MAGA logic.
I don’t see efforts to “make them better”.
Go into the food pantry/storage area of a school or any feeding establishment and look at the giant cans of food with a five or six year shelf life stamped on it. Tell me a steady diet of that is your healthy ideal.
At least the school lunch pizza is frozen.

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