Why is America so divided?

The cosmic battle between God and the devil for our souls.

America is now post-Christian so it seems like most people aren't choosing God.
That is rediculous. Pepple who ghost is a problem. That is you. You have demons that make you selectively mute.

Please give examples of a Christian nation? When black soldiers were hanged at Camp Dodge orbis it only for whites? Wasnt Gen Lee...a Christian? General Jackson?

Truly yours, your ignored brother in Christ
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I heard famed historian Doris Kearns Goodwin say that America hasn't been this divided since the Civil War. That makes sense to me. Americans don't really agree on anything. It's almost like two different countries.

It's very pronounced.

What's the reason for this? Social media? Trump?
Was that her own opinion or did she steal it from someone else and claim it as hers? :rolleyes:
Social media has made people gullible. The mainstream media has seized upon that. We want things right away, and it leads us to jump to conclusions. When proven wrong, we dig in rather than reconsider our position.

More and more people look externally to explain why their lot in life isn't better, rather than look to what they could do better. This leads to finger pointing, which is exacerbated further by social media because it's so easy to spread hate quickly.

Tribes form, and once that happens and mob mentality takes hold, you can convince people of anything. i.e. all teachers are trying to indoctrinate kids into being gay or transgendered, or it's morally right to let men play women's sports, or we get persuaded that Hamas are the good guys...

These insane ideas take hold and you have what we have today. And why would anyone agree when the position the mob takes is so ridiculous and extreme that you can't possibly find a middle ground.
Shone a light on it more so than made, imo.

Social media brings visibility to the tails of the bell curve.
Yeah that's a better way of looking at it. I think the big thing with social media is it gives a big voice to those tails and people go along with it.
what happened to separation between church and state, Filthy Don couldn't wait to ditch that. Now, dollars flow freely from the rich to buy senate and house seats, 30-40 million $s from every state in the union. It makes no difference how stupid the candidate, Georgia senate seat last election.
I think the other side of the coin is media outlets and influencers that have ill intentions.
The system is designed to divide us against each other so that we aren't looking at who's really responsible - elites, the swamp, billionaires, the cabal etc.. We all feel the same way, on both sides, but minor issues are beat into our brains so that we're at each other's throats. Trans sports?? Gtfo with that shit.
I heard famed historian Doris Kearns Goodwin say that America hasn't been this divided since the Civil War. That makes sense to me. Americans don't really agree on anything. It's almost like two different countries.

It's very pronounced.

What's the reason for this? Social media? Trump?
Cuz god is being a wiener boy
The people praising god for them winning an award or a game is in fact growing.
Just like Jesus taught. Grrr.

What we need is a good religious war, until enough of these anti-Jesus "Christians" are burned at the stake that this vile form of blasphemy is driven into the sewers where it belongs. Start with the major televangelists.
The linked article breaks down the different components of it.
2 Timothy 3:1-5-"But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away"

If there was ever a scripture that describes the time period we live in it is this one.

The second one is simple: 1 John 5:19-"We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."
Class warfare. Change in how personal responsibility is viewed. Social media influence on how people view things. Influence of lobby money on politicians.
Mostly right, but...

Part of the reason I wanted to get out of private practice is because I noticed changes in the last 16 years. Social media, instant gratification, and people thinking they are entitled has gotten a lot worse. Some people just want to be miserable and therefore want you to be miserable.

I agree that Trump is part of the problem.....BUT, I think a lot of these dipshits were out there before, Trump just gave them a voice/the feeling that they could openly say the hateful things that they already believed.
What the left did to the right after 6 January, is really no different than what hamas did to Israel on 7 October. The tab is coming due over there >

Social media has made people gullible. The mainstream media has seized upon that. We want things right away, and it leads us to jump to conclusions. When proven wrong, we dig in rather than reconsider our position.

More and more people look externally to explain why their lot in life isn't better, rather than look to what they could do better. This leads to finger pointing, which is exacerbated further by social media because it's so easy to spread hate quickly.

Tribes form, and once that happens and mob mentality takes hold, you can convince people of anything. i.e. all teachers are trying to indoctrinate kids into being gay or transgendered, or it's morally right to let men play women's sports, or we get persuaded that Hamas are the good guys...

These insane ideas take hold and you have what we have today. And why would anyone agree when the position the mob takes is so ridiculous and extreme that you can't possibly find a middle ground.

Good post!
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