Why is This Surprising?

May 27, 2009
I don't like Greg Davis. I don't like many aspects of our recruiting year in and year out. I don't like zone blocking. I don't like a lot of things about Iowa football, but it could be a lot worse. We've had it pretty good under Ferentz in comparison to our peers. That's assuming you don't think Ohio State and Michigan are our peers, although Ferentz is 6-5 against Michigan. We've competed fairly comparable to that of Wisconsin, Michigan State, and Penn State if you look at the Ferentz era as a whole. If you expect us to go to a BCS bowl more than once every 6 years like Ferentz has averaged than I urge you to look around the country and see how many blue chip schools haven't since the BCS era began. Look at Texas. They've had 3 losing seasons in the last 6 years, and they're well on there way to their 4th of the last 7 seasons including 3 losing seasons in a row. At least realize that things are harder at Iowa and appreciate the fact that we could easily fall off the college football landscape for a good decade.

Ferentz rarely has losing seasons. In fact, since 2001, he's had just 2 losing seasons if you don't count the 6-6 season as a losing season. 2 losing seasons in 16 years if we finish this season as a winning season (I think we will). Never a back to back losing season in over 16 years. That's valuable at the FCS level. And when those numbers are sprinkled with BCS bowls every 5-6 years on average, and New Year's Day bowls every 3 years or so on average it makes it worth the $4.5M he's being paid. Don't complain about that number. It shouldn't have anything to do with his future. He's earned $4.5M per year because of past results.

But what I don't understand why so many people are surprised about this season or are surprised our offense looked terrible against Wisconsin. I'm guessing it's because so many of you thought last season's 12-0 was some sort of legitimate, FCS level 12-0. Well it wasn't. Iowa was probably one of the worst 12-0 teams in the BCS era. Throw in 11-1 teams to that mix too. Iowa is probably the worst or very close to being the worst 12-0 or 11-1 regular season finishers in the BCS era. And the fact that Ferentz (or his agent) leveraged last season's bogus 12-0 season to get this contract extension combined with the fact Gary Barta agreed to it is appalling. 12-0 should be rewarded regardless if it was one of the most, if not the most, overrated 12-0 seasons in the BCS era. But it doesn't need to be rewarded with $4.5M through 2025. The $4.5M is perfectly fine. Through 2025 is asinine.

If you think last season's 12-0 was actually legit, here's why you're wrong:
  • They didn't play Ohio State, Michigan, Michigan State or Penn State in the regular season.
  • They beat Wisconsin because of a very timely Wisconsin fumble on the yard line, and Wisconsin was without their best running back, Clement.
  • They trailed an Iowa State that finished the season 3-9 until early third quarter when they tied it up. They remained tied with Iowa State until just over 2 minutes left in the 4th quarter.
  • The led an Illinois team that finished the season 5-7 by just 3 points late in the 4th quarter. They kicked a fg to go up 6 with just 3:20 left in the game, and it was an untimely Illinois fumble that ended the game. Illinois had the ball late with a chance to win the game at Kinnick Stadium.
  • They barely beat Minnesota, 40-35. A game that Greg Davis can be given a lot of credit for winning because it surely wasn't our defense.
  • They were out gained against Purdue 405 yards to 387. This is a Purdue team that finished 2-10. The score of the Purdue game was just 20-13 late in the 3rd quarter before Beathard connected with Kittle for a touchdown. Purdue then drove all the way down to Iowa's 21 yard line on their next possession but turned it over on downs. Kept the game competitive though almost 3 and a half quarters.
So then we come into this season, and one of our biggest question marks returning from last year's grossly overrated squad was wide receiver. Our best wide receiver went onto the NFL. Our best wide receiver coming back was Matt Vandeberg. Our second best wide receiver was arguably our tight end, Kittle. Both of these players didn't play against Wisconsin on Saturday. What do you expect the offense to look like when your two best passing options, on a team that was already challenged with legit passing options, don't even play?

You want Greg Davis fired because we weren't able to produce against one of the top 5 defenses in the nation? Michigan scored just 14 against Wisconsin. Michigan State just 6. LSU just 14.

If anything, want Greg Davis fired because of lack of recruiting. Want Ferentz fired because of lack of recruiting. But don't want Greg Davis fired because his offense struggled against one of the top 5 defenses in the nation.

We have the practice facility now so there shouldn't be any more excuses for anything other than top 30 classes. The pressure needs to be on Ferentz and recruiting. No more 50+ rated classes. There's no doubt about the contract in the near future. Go out and recruit athletes. We should have better depth at the skill positions. All the tools are there now. Stop saying we aren't sexy while collecting $4.5M per year. Stop talking about peaks and valleys. Stop reminding us about how hard it is here. Go out and get it done. Recruiting needs to get on par with what Dantonio did at Michigan State. That's how we're going to string together another decent run and avoid future losing seasons. Ferentz knows how to coach and develop talent. The quality of player he's developing needs improve. We need to go on the greatest 3-4 year recruiting run of the Ferentz era, and that should be expected from the fan base. The media needs to start challenging any sort of comment Ferentz makes otherwise.

On a totally different topic, I'm so glad Wisconsin hired this guy. They better enjoy it while it lasts while the end of Beilema's and Anderson's recruits are exhausted. This guy is a huge step backwards. No enthusiasm and just doesn't seem that bright. He has a belch like facial expression as he has to think about what to say. Not near the recruiter as that of Beilema or Anderson. Wisconsin is going to drop off. Mark my words.

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The only difference I see is Beathard is hurt and can't/won't run and escape from pressure. Last year was not a fluke. Unfortunately they're scared to sit him because of 2015 contributions. At the end of the season you're going to hear how gutsy Beathard was for playing hurt all year. This decision to keep playing him has been a disaster for the program...
The only difference I see is Beathard is hurt and can't/won't run and escape from pressure. Last year was not a fluke. Unfortunately they're scared to sit him because of 2015 contributions. At the end of the season you're going to hear how gutsy Beathard was for playing hurt all year. This decision to keep playing him has been a disaster for the program...

I suspect the knee injury was a bit more complex than just a simple sprain. Either way, the decision to keep playing him has us at 5-3 with a loss by 1 point, 8 points in a game we scored 31 points, and a loss by 8 to one of the best defenses in the country. It also has us with blow out, excellent performances against Iowa State and @ Purdue.

12-0 for almost any team in any year is a fluke, and it certainly was a fluke for Iowa last year. Saying that doesn't mean the team isn't good. Iowa's 12-0 last year was the result of an extremely forgiving schedule with the ball bouncing our way in many, many situations. Its make up and story line pales in comparison to many 12-0 or 11-1 seasons that have been produced by other FCS teams in the BCS/Playoff era.
Before I get to your first post, I'll start here.....

I suspect the knee injury was a bit more complex than just a simple sprain. Either way, the decision to keep playing him has us at 5-3 with a loss by 1 point, 8 points in a game we scored 31 points, and a loss by 8 to one of the best defenses in the country. It also has us with blow out, excellent performances against Iowa State and @ Purdue.

12-0 for almost any team in any year is a fluke (Just stop.....), and it certainly was a fluke for Iowa last year. (Not really.) Saying that doesn't mean the team isn't good. (You're contradicting your argument?) Iowa's 12-0 last year was the result of an extremely forgiving schedule (I blame our opponents....) with the ball bouncing our way in many, many situations. (Not as many as some other seasons where we didn't go 12-0..........) Its make up and story line pales in comparison to many 12-0 or 11-1 seasons that have been produced by other FCS teams in the BCS/Playoff era. (Name names, why don't you.........btw it's FBS. Iowa lost to an FCS team in North Dakota State.......Nitpicking I know, but since you're gonna keep running with this, might as well know what you're talking about, right?)
The first couple of paragraphs were fair....but then you got a little big for yer britches....

But what I don't understand why so many people are surprised about this season or are surprised our offense looked terrible against Wisconsin. (I wouldn't say, susprised, so much as I'd say aggravated to the point of hysterics........) I'm guessing it's because so many of you thought last season's 12-0 was some sort of legitimate, FCS (FBS) level 12-0. (If it were an FCS level 12-0, we actually would've made a playoff without having to win our conference championship...............) Well it wasn't. Iowa was probably one of the worst 12-0 teams in the BCS era. (Funny story, I believe Iowa is the first, and only, Power 5 school to ever go 12-0 in a regular college football season...(12 wins in a season, keep in mind most teams played less than 11 or 12 games until roughly the '60s and into the '70s)...and have just one player taken in the NFL draft (a 7th rounder no less). So we got that going for us, which is nice.....) Throw in 11-1 teams to that mix too. Iowa is probably the worst or very close to being the worst 12-0 or 11-1 regular season finishers in the BCS era. (Another funny story, if this were still the BCS era, Iowa and Clemson would've played in the NCG.........If this were prior to the BCS era, Iowa would've had the one loss to Stanford and we'd be looking at last year like we do 1985 and this missed opportunity that was thanks to another Rose Bowl debacle.) And the fact that Ferentz (or his agent) leveraged last season's bogus 12-0 season to get this contract extension combined with the fact Gary Barta agreed to it is appalling. (Yes, the timing was f***ing awful, and truth be told, this deal never should've been done in the first place because it tells us all that Barta never learned his lesson.....or that they're just deliberately trying to both sabotage the Iowa football program AND troll Iowa fans at the same time. People will burn if that is ever found to be the case, but fortunately for them, it's not the case...........................................................but if it is?.....) 12-0 should be rewarded regardless if it was one of the most, if not the most, overrated 12-0 seasons in the BCS era. But it doesn't need to be rewarded with $4.5M through 2025. The $4.5M is perfectly fine. Through 2025 is asinine. (Last sentence is correct.)

If you think last season's 12-0 was actually legit, here's why you're wrong: (Can others play this game?)
  • They didn't play Ohio State, Michigan, Michigan State or Penn State in the regular season. (We played Michigan State in the BTCG and should've won if the refs would stop f***ing not calling holding penalties on teams playing Iowa, the stupid f***s..........yes, this is a real issue going back multiple years now. Blame the Big Ten for their "thing" against Iowa's coaching staff/Ferentz.)
  • They beat Wisconsin because of a very timely Wisconsin fumble on the yard line, and Wisconsin was without their best running back, Clement. (I thought they beat Wisconsin because they failed to convert on 4th down late in the game. Iowa also fumbled in Wisconsin territory late in the game and yet Wisconsin still lost. Excuses are for Nebraska fans. Don't be a Nebraska fan, stanzithemanzi12. It's unbecoming.)
  • They trailed an Iowa State that finished the season 3-9 until early third quarter when they tied it up. They remained tied with Iowa State until just over 2 minutes left in the 4th quarter. (Sorry, but this one is weak. Happens every year with numerous teams that have successful seasons. Last year's Ohio State team got challenged by Northern Illinois in Columbus. Northern Illinois is much better than Iowa State, but this is Ohio State we're talking about here. They had 30 f***ing players taken in the draft last year and were the greatest team to not win a national title if you ask their most ardent trolls........)
  • The led an Illinois team that finished the season 5-7 by just 3 points late in the 4th quarter. They kicked a fg to go up 6 with just 3:20 left in the game, and it was an untimely Illinois fumble that ended the game. (Forced by Iowa though. Not dropped, but forced.) Illinois had the ball late with a chance to win the game at Kinnick Stadium. (Not that late, though.)
  • They barely beat Minnesota, 40-35. A game that Greg Davis can be given a lot of credit for winning because it surely wasn't our defense. (Once Iowa got ahead by double digits for the first time, both teams decided to trade scores. Unfortunately, for Minnesota, the math to trading scores when down by double digits doesn't add up to a win. I also blame them for trying to score and not turning the ball over when the Iowa crowd was cheering in full force doing the I-O-W-A chant. Shame on them for not letting us have our moment. Shame. On. Them........................and fact is, they paid for it by losing again this year. Who Hates Iowa? Who gives a f***, Minnesota, you still lost to us. Deal with it.)
  • They were out gained against Purdue 405 yards to 387. This is a Purdue team that finished 2-10. The score of the Purdue game was just 20-13 late in the 3rd quarter before Beathard connected with Kittle for a touchdown. Purdue then drove all the way down to Iowa's 21 yard line on their next possession but turned it over on downs. Kept the game competitive though almost 3 and a half quarters. (Yeah, but, Beth Mowins called the game........................
"What does that have to do with anything?" you'll probably ask?....................It's Beth Mowins.....calling an Iowa game.....that we struggled in. Writing is on the wall, man.)

So then we come into this season, and one of our biggest question marks returning from last year's grossly overrated squad was wide receiver. Our best wide receiver went onto the NFL. Our best wide receiver coming back was Matt Vandeberg. Our second best wide receiver was arguably our tight end, Kittle. Both of these players didn't play against Wisconsin on Saturday. What do you expect the offense to look like when your two best passing options, on a team that was already challenged with legit passing options, don't even play? (Run heavy and successful at it?....................)

You want Greg Davis fired because we weren't able to produce against one of the top 5 defenses in the nation? (No, because Kirk can't be fired, and fans want somebody to pay.........) Michigan scored just 14 against Wisconsin. Michigan State just 6. LSU just 14. (And we could've scored more if we could've just gotten out of our own f***ing way........right, special teams blockers?)

If anything, want Greg Davis fired because of lack of recruiting. Want Ferentz fired because of lack of recruiting. But don't want Greg Davis fired because his offense struggled against one of the top 5 defenses in the nation. (Well, to be fair, we've struggled against more than just WIsconsin's top 5 defense.............)

We have the practice facility now so there shouldn't be any more excuses for anything other than top 30 classes. The pressure needs to be on Ferentz and recruiting. No more 50+ rated classes. There's no doubt about the contract in the near future. Go out and recruit athletes. We should have better depth at the skill positions. All the tools are there now. Stop saying we aren't sexy while collecting $4.5M per year. Stop talking about peaks and valleys. Stop reminding us about how hard it is here. Go out and get it done. Recruiting needs to get on par with what Dantonio did at Michigan State. That's how we're going to string together another decent run and avoid future losing seasons. Ferentz knows how to coach and develop talent. The quality of player he's developing needs improve. We need to go on the greatest 3-4 year recruiting run of the Ferentz era, and that should be expected from the fan base. The media needs to start challenging any sort of comment Ferentz makes otherwise.

On a totally different topic, I'm so glad Wisconsin hired this guy. They better enjoy it while it lasts while the end of Beilema's and Anderson's recruits are exhausted. This guy is a huge step backwards. No enthusiasm and just doesn't seem that bright. He has a belch like facial expression as he has to think about what to say. Not near the recruiter as that of Beilema or Anderson. Wisconsin is going to drop off. Mark my words. (We can only hope so.)

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