Wife's Co-Worker/friend Staying With Us threesomes YET. Keep the faith my man, start working that shit w some tiny hints, then one day walk out into the living room with no pants on while your wife and her live-in teacher friend are both present.

My guess is her and your wife are already scissoring and you just don't know about it so you might as well roll the dice.
He needs to the follow this advice. Just go for it.
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Okay I feel for the lady; but damn, grow a set already. The are 12 freaking years old, if you can't handle a 12 year old you shouldn't be teaching. Put your damn foot down already and stop being a victim. I had plenty of female teachers and I was more scared of them then the males. Them ladies were ruthless and didn't take no shit for nobody.
Okay I feel for the lady; but damn, grow a set already. The are 12 freaking years old, if you can't handle a 12 year old you shouldn't be teaching. Put your damn foot down already and stop being a victim. I had plenty of female teachers and I was more scared of them then the males. Them ladies were ruthless and didn't take no shit for nobody.
I’d give her a set if there was a PIC!!!!
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Here’s how you help out....


Everyone wins.
Back to the OP, I'm curious why the school had her jump from 3rd grade to 7th grade. I mean, that's an enormous leap - going from 8/9 year olds to 12/13 year olds is huge for those kids. They go from extreme to extreme at the drop of the hat.
Back to the OP, I'm curious why the school had her jump from 3rd grade to 7th grade. I mean, that's an enormous leap - going from 8/9 year olds to 12/13 year olds is huge for those kids. They go from extreme to extreme at the drop of the hat.
They liked how she used technology. She is also an excellent reading teacher.
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My wife is a teacher and has a co-worker that is being harassed by kids. She was a sweet 3rd grade teacher, but the administration moved her up to a 7th grade teacher before last school year She hated it. She is so sweet and the middle school kids ate her up. They treated her like crap. This year was no better. The kids even started to harass her at home by ding dong ditching, knocking on windows, prank phone calls, and some vandilism.
She hated being home anymore, especially on weekends. She was a very good third grade teacher and the admin thought she would be excellent for the 7th grade position. It has not worked out. She is just too nice and sucks at class management. The kids do not respect her. She is single, late 20's. She was freaking out so much being alone afraid that these bored kids would come to her house. She is now seeking a therapist and also takes anxiety meds. She asked my wife (no pic) if she could stay with us. So she is social distancing with my wife and I now (no kids). It is sad that a teacher has been bullied so bad by students that she does not want to be home anymore.

Teachers need to toughen up. She seriously going to let 12 year olds "bully" her as the teacher. I work kids everyday and you have to let em know who the boss is.
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She moved in with op who is posting about it to this group of degenerates.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire

Interesting assumption that it is boys bullying her. Girls are ruthless at that age
I see it every day. In many ways it is far worse today than when I was growing up. Back then if a kid disrespected a girl/ woman, their pops would straighten them out...and right now. I think everyone I grew up with had one of those parental moments with dad. It was part of growing up.
I see it every day. In many ways it is far worse today than when I was growing up. Back then if a kid disrespected a girl/ woman, their pops would straighten them out...and right now. I think everyone I grew up with had one of those parental moments with dad. It was part of growing up.

That was before schools criminalized everything that boys do as kids and shoved them onto Ritalin in vast numbers.

Now you better be watching out for your son as a parent.
That was before schools criminalized everything that boys do as kids and shoved them onto Ritalin in vast numbers.

Now you better be watching out for your son as a parent.
It is a "reap what you sow" type of situation. For years the school systems took power from the parents by implementing the "if your mom spanks you tell us and she will get in trouble" mentality in the kids. This type of behavior has created the disrespect they are dealing with now.
At many middle schools the kids are in charge, the adults are basically helpless, and the kids know it.

I got that feeling in MS as well.

The weird thing is that in HS it sort of felt like the teachers where in charge more. IDK maybe getting into those older teen years you start to get some what of a appreciation for the necessity of some sort of authority?
Keep em so busy they don't have time to get upset with you (and no, throwing a 6 page worksheet packet at them every day is not keeping them busy). Although I'm high school so I have the luxury of grades actually meaning something. In junior high/middle school, grades don't matter and kids move on anyway. In high school, you fail my class you don't graduate. I just have to be sure they were given every opportunity to earn a passing grade.

I didn't see this before I posted my earlier comment but would you suppose that would be the reason why it seemed like teachers in HS got more respect than teachers in MS? HS kids realized that they need to get decent grades to get out of HS and thought it best to be somewhat nice to the people giving those grades?
I didn't see this before I posted my earlier comment but would you suppose that would be the reason why it seemed like teachers in HS got more respect than teachers in MS? HS kids realized that they need to get decent grades to get out of HS and thought it best to be somewhat nice to the people giving those grades?

That's certainly part of it, but the biggest contributor is simply maturity. Many freshmen still try to act immature but, at least at schools with a good administration, they are dealt with swiftly and fairly. Either they figure it out or they are transitioned to alternative school programs because they can't be allowed to stay in rooms with students who do want to learn. Also, upper classmen tend to look down on freshmen who act stupid so that can help as well. Basically, there are a lot of reasons behavior improves in the high schools.

It should be said, though, if you have a weak administration that doesn't clearly communicate expectations and then hold students accountable to those expectations discipline in the schools collapses rapidly. If teachers do not get support from their administrators, they will stop holding students accountable. After all, if a parent is going to rake you across the coals for disciplining their child and the administration doesn't have your back, it's a hell of a lot easier and has far greater job security to just operate on the "make everybody happy" style of teaching. It usually doesn't lead to strong learning.
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That's certainly part of it, but the biggest contributor is simply maturity. Many freshmen still try to act immature but, at least at schools with a good administration, they are dealt with swiftly and fairly. Either they figure it out or they are transitioned to alternative school programs because they can't be allowed to stay in rooms with students who do want to learn. Also, upper classmen tend to look down on freshmen who act stupid so that can help as well. Basically, there are a lot of reasons behavior improves in the high schools.

It should be said, though, if you have a weak administration that doesn't clearly communicate expectations and then hold students accountable to those expectations discipline in the schools collapses rapidly. If teachers do not get support from their administrators, they will stop holding students accountable. After all, if a parent is going to rake you across the coals for disciplining their child and the administration doesn't have your back, it's a hell of a lot easier and has far greater job security to just operate on the "make everybody happy" style of teaching. It usually doesn't lead to strong learning.

K thanks. . . yeah I hadn't thought much about it til now but things seemed way more ordered and in control in high school. Kids still acted up on occasion of course but it seemed like the teachers and administration where in control at least. Middle school was a mess.

Could be partially due to my perspective though honestly. If I had to name one era of my life that was the worst time of my life I'd probably go with middle school. It's not entirely due to the environment because I was also having regular migraines in MS for example, but the environment was undeniably a huge part. Got to high school and everything just seemed to way better on so many different levels. I stopped getting bullied, actually made friends with some popular kids, the migraines stopped, I was sleeping better.

I started having seizures in High school but I didn't know what they where til much later and it only one time sent me to the hospital. No one really knew what it was at the time either and it was assumed that I had fallen and knocked my head, got a concussion and that's why I couldn't remember what happened. Wasn't til after college that I got diagnosed with a seizure disorder and I could look back on that and realize that incident was almost certainly a seizure.
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I got that feeling in MS as well.

The weird thing is that in HS it sort of felt like the teachers where in charge more. IDK maybe getting into those older teen years you start to get some what of a appreciation for the necessity of some sort of authority?
A lot of it is that grades actually count. You don't graduate from high school, generally, if you're a jerk and don't turn in your work.

Middle school is the exact opposite.

Kind of a long story - yesterday I found an OLD write up I did for documentation. I taught Middle School Behavior Disorders. One of my students got in trouble by another teacher in their room, so I put her on restriction in mine - restriction was basically you have to do what gen ed students do - sit in your seat. No games when you're work is done. No music. No spending your points, etc.

She was mad about it and purposely blew up to get suspended. In front of me she told the Associate Principal to shut the eff up. I said, "That was smart." She repeated it at me then. The principal got involved and suspended her, like the kid wanted.

I said, she'll be on restriction when she comes back because she isn't going to get out of a consequence with me and that's not how our program is run. Principal told me I was wrong and that you can't double punish. I said the suspension isn't a consequence to the kid. I'm holding her accountable for her behavior because that's what the goal is for these kids. She told me "If I was you I would do what you're doing but I will not support you if a parent complains."

That's just one example of how things are pretty crazy - and this story is 20 years old. It's FAR worse now at a lot of middle schools.
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I've got some ideas about the crazy axis. Could you give me some perspective on the hot axis.

A lot of it is that grades actually count. You don't graduate from high school, generally, if you're a jerk and don't turn in your work.

Middle school is the exact opposite.

Kind of a long story - yesterday I found an OLD write up I did for documentation. I taught Middle School Behavior Disorders. One of my students got in trouble by another teacher in their room, so I put her on restriction in mine - restriction was basically you have to do what gen ed students do - sit in your seat. No games when you're work is done. No music. No spending your points, etc.

She was mad about it and purposely blew up to get suspended. In front of me she told the Associate Principal to shut the eff up. I said, "That was smart." She repeated it at me then. The principal got involved and suspended her, like the kid wanted.

I said, she'll be on restriction when she comes back because she isn't going to get out of a consequence with me and that's not how our program is run. Principal told me I was wrong and that you can't double punish. I said the suspension isn't a consequence to the kid. I'm holding her accountable for her behavior because that's what the goal is for these kids. She told me "If I was you I would do what you're doing but I will not support you if a parent complains."

That's just one example of how things are pretty crazy - and this story is 20 years old. It's FAR worse now at a lot of middle schools.

That's exactly a type of administration that causes disorder in a school. Granted, it might not be their fault (these types of things almost always start with the school board), but discipline can't be maintained when teachers are undermined like that.

On the other hand, my response to the Principal would have been, "She's not being punished for this twice. She is still being punished for the misbehavior that got her put on restriction in my class in the first place. She's being suspended for telling both of us to eff off".
That's exactly a type of administration that causes disorder in a school. Granted, it might not be their fault (these types of things almost always start with the school board), but discipline can't be maintained when teachers are undermined like that.

On the other hand, my response to the Principal would have been, "She's not being punished for this twice. She is still being punished for the misbehavior that got her put on restriction in my class in the first place. She's being suspended for telling both of us to eff off".
I told her I disagreed with her and that was as far as I wanted to push it. She was vindictive. One para-educator pissed her off so she took ALL second desks out of the classrooms. She gave me the okay to keep doing what I was doing so I figured I'd fight that battle later!
Better late than never. Always Sunny is hilarious. I'll be glad to join in discussion as you start watching.
Binged about 8 episodes yesterday. Wow do they hits some touchy topics. I was laughing uncomfortably but laughing during the one where they decided their business model should be to serve teenagers.
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Binged about 8 episodes yesterday. Wow do they hits some touchy topics. I was laughing uncomfortably but laughing during the one where they decided their business model should be to serve teenagers.

They will get more uncomfortable for you. Worth it though. Always pushing it.

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