Will Biden?

It's 100% ego, which is surprising since y'all don't think his brain works. You can't have it both ways. When democracy starts to end next year I will blame the Democrats AND the American people for ignoring the fact that it was under attack from the Republican Party. I hope I am wrong but if more people think like many of you are, this is probably the last election where our vote means anything. We become Hungary. Well done. We will have the most corrupt human back as president, supported by people like Marjorie Taylor Greene - more corruption - not to mention a SCOTUS who has been bought and paid for. The great experiment is on its last legs, sadly.
Shoot, my grandpa refused to give up his car keys until he went to the store 2 miles away and ended up 45 miles away.

If Trump wins I will blame the Bidens and his handlers for not anticipating this. And clearly lying about his condition.
It's too late to replace him, ballot deadlines have passed. I'm concerned as others are but how far off the deep end some people are right now is ridiculous. People on the ground disagree strongly as are the strong donations pouring in that say otherwise. Sorry these are facts.
No the deadlines haven’t past . . .you are literally spreading lies. In another thread I gave you the link to WI’s electoral calendar. This directly refutes some X post you found that is probably Russian propaganda.
True. Like I said, the guy who stood there and lied for 90 minutes was the winner of that debate. Nobody is talking about that part, really. Crazy lying old man wins debate. Incredible.
But he wasn't in a functioning democracy because a political party turned Fascist cult is 1 of our 2 parties.
The drooling debate performance likely sealed the deal on Trump getting elected. The cultists and uninformed (and dead people) will still vote blue no matter who, but the tide has turned on joe biden. A failed administration on all fronts.
It's 100% ego, which is surprising since y'all don't think his brain works. You can't have it both ways. When democracy starts to end next year I will blame the Democrats AND the American people for ignoring the fact that it was under attack from the Republican Party. I hope I am wrong but if more people think like many of you are, this is probably the last election where our vote means anything. We become Hungary. Well done. We will have the most corrupt human back as president, supported by people like Marjorie Taylor Greene - more corruption - not to mention a SCOTUS who has been bought and paid for. The great experiment is on its last legs, sadly.

If I sincerely thought democracy was ending and America was no more, I would simply start looking for jobs in other countries where I wanted to live. Where are you looking?
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It's 100% ego, which is surprising since y'all don't think his brain works. You can't have it both ways. When democracy starts to end next year I will blame the Democrats AND the American people for ignoring the fact that it was under attack from the Republican Party. I hope I am wrong but if more people think like many of you are, this is probably the last election where our vote means anything. We become Hungary. Well done. We will have the most corrupt human back as president, supported by people like Marjorie Taylor Greene - more corruption - not to mention a SCOTUS who has been bought and paid for. The great experiment is on its last legs, sadly.
This is EXACTLY what I hear MAGAs saying when they talk about Biden getting re-elected.

You all really think way too much of yourselves acting as if it’s YOU’RE enemy that’s gonna bring an end to democracy and our Republic. Our choices are terrible. Our democracy will be fine.

Most people, especially those with families, aren’t worried two shits about losing our democracy. They’re worried about their kid not getting shot when he goes out. Or being able to pay for diapers and milk and the electricity bill and gas for the car. That’s it. No one gives a shit about political science. They’re gonna look at life in 2018 and compare it to their lives in 2024 and make a decision on who they think helps them with those issues. Micro. Not Macro.
Fine…but why did the debate not hurt Trump? Also it’s been easily 10 to 1 about what candidate should drop out. Not the rapist felon.
Because Trump has his base of MAGAs. Clearly nothing at this point will deter them. That leaves Moderate Republicans, Independents, 3rd Party and unhappy Dems to evaluate their one and only choice to combat Trump. All of "us" not in the Trump camp are like, WTF!? We were literally tuning in to see just how bad Biden's gotten (we knew what we had with Trump).

This debate was really all about Biden.
My son a few weeks ago said no way is he voting for Biden at his age. My daughter who is pretty far left said “I cannot believe they are putting him out there again.” My wife thinks it’s disgusting what Jill Biden is clearly enabling.
You have a sane family. Some on here are in denial. Some form of ptsd not to recognize the facts at hand.
This is EXACTLY what I hear MAGAs saying when they talk about Biden getting re-elected.

You all really think way too much of yourselves acting as if it’s YOU’RE enemy that’s gonna bring an end to democracy and our Republic. Our choices are terrible. Our democracy will be fine.

Most people, especially those with families, aren’t worried two shits about losing our democracy. They’re worried about their kid not getting shot when he goes out. Or being able to pay for diapers and milk and the electricity bill and gas for the car. That’s it. No one gives a shit about political science. They’re gonna look at life in 2018 and compare it to their lives in 2024 and make a decision on who they think helps them with those issues. Micro. Not Macro.
Sigh. Project 2025. The Heritage Foundation. What do the Democrats have like these?

Only one party has an actual plan on how to never give up power. It’s mind-boggling that you continue to equate both sides. You think liberals are as wack as MAGA. If you think Democracy isn’t on the ballot I can’t help you. Everything the string pullers behind the scenes- group I already named- is trying to make this happen. Get your head out of the sand because we’re watching it happen live…and it sounds like you’re okay with living in an autocracy. Like MAGAs do. Freedoms are already being taken. Forced birth. Forced religious education in schools. You think these people are going to stop? That’s. Not. Freedom. It’s not what veterans fought and died for.
You're being very myopic. But that will cause the Dems a hammering not only for the presidential election but up and down the ticket. Supermajority for Trump!
What the hell is wrong with you? You’ve lost your mind since Thursday.
Sigh. Project 2025. The Heritage Foundation. What do the Democrats have like these?

Only one party has an actual plan on how to never give up power. It’s mind-boggling that you continue to equate both sides. You think liberals are as wack as MAGA. If you think Democracy isn’t on the ballot I can’t help you. Everything the string pullers behind the scenes- group I already named- is trying to make this happen. Get your head out of the sand because we’re watching it happen live…and it sounds like you’re okay with living in an autocracy. Like MAGAs do. Freedoms are already being taken. Forced birth. Forced religious education in schools. You think these people are going to stop? That’s. Not. Freedom. It’s not what veterans fought and died for.
I don't think any dem is disagreeing with you on your policy points. We all agree. I just think we can't get a cabbage re-elected. You know or should know, if Joe stays, it will be an embarrassing loss.

If I sincerely thought democracy was ending and America was no more, I would simply start looking for jobs in other countries where I wanted to live. Where are you looking?
4 years to retirement, my wife would never leave her kids, and I don’t believe you for one second.
Yes because they kept this shit _very well hidden_. I had to turn off the debate quite honestly. I thought he was going to need medical attention part way.
He was better as it went along. You guys sound like football fans who want to fire the coach after one loss. It was a bad night. But the other guy offered nothing. Sorry but I vote with the democrat platform over MAGA and that will never change.
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He was better as it went along. You guys sound like football fans who want to fire the coach after one loss. It was a bad night. But the other guy offered nothing. Sorry but I vote with the democrat platform over MAGA and that will never change.
That's the point Tom. Dem fundraisers are pulling out and that will hurt every dem running. You might want to see that. Dems are f'd. Badly. The white house should be held culpable.

I don't think I ever said that. Neither are the other people supporting you. All we have said is Joe needs to be replaced due to health. What if he had a brain tumor? Or heart failure? Would you still keep him on?
I’ve already said he needs to step away because people like you have no faith in him. You’re conceding to the worst of the country. Nothing will get me to not fight with my vote to what I believe is an absolute threat to American democracy. Project 2025 is that threat if Trump wins.
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That's the point Tom. Dem fundraisers are pulling out and that will hurt every dem running. You might want to see that. Dems are f'd. Badly. The white house should be held culpable.

I already asked about fundraising and Biden has out raised Trump since the debate. Fundraisers are not canceled across the country like you are implying. Most of us aren’t giving up beating Trump if Joe is the guy.
He was better as it went along. You guys sound like football fans who want to fire the coach after one loss. It was a bad night. But the other guy offered nothing. Sorry but I vote with the democrat platform over MAGA and that will never change.

Okay even if he did get better that night, do you think he can hold up for 4 years?
Sigh. Project 2025. The Heritage Foundation. What do the Democrats have like these?

Only one party has an actual plan on how to never give up power. It’s mind-boggling that you continue to equate both sides. You think liberals are as wack as MAGA. If you think Democracy isn’t on the ballot I can’t help you. Everything the string pullers behind the scenes- group I already named- is trying to make this happen. Get your head out of the sand because we’re watching it happen live…and it sounds like you’re okay with living in an autocracy. Like MAGAs do. Freedoms are already being taken. Forced birth. Forced religious education in schools. You think these people are going to stop? That’s. Not. Freedom. It’s not what veterans fought and died for.
Our current president kicked people out of the military for refusing a COVID shot while sneaking non-vetted illegals onto busses at 4am to head wherever they wanted to go. Then threatened states who thought it wasn’t a good idea to let grown men share a rest room with little girls. Then begged the soldiers he kicked out of the military to come back after he realized how stupid he was. Then flat out lied about the 13 soldiers who died during his disastrous pullout, the other night. Acting like they didn’t even exist. My head is on a swivel.
Oh and here's one from 2015. And here we are 9 years later, lol

Vice President Joe Biden, rumor has it, is considering running in 2016 with an asterisk: If elected, he'd pledge to serve only one term.
"[O]ne thing that I keep hearing about Biden is that if he were to declare and say, because age is such a problem for him if he does, I want to be a one-term president," Carl Bernstein (perhaps you've heard of him?) told CNN on Friday.
Shoot, my grandpa refused to give up his car keys until he went to the store 2 miles away and ended up 45 miles away.

If Trump wins I will blame the Bidens and his handlers for not anticipating this. And clearly lying about his condition.
My great-grandfather lost his keys at 96.
He used to drive into town (down a dirt road) almost every day before coming back with a dent he couldn't explain.

My brother then became the proud owner of a gold '73 Duster with snakeskin top:



Another sky is falling GoHox thread?! Dios mio. SCOTUS and judicial branch have to be a key part of the messaging for Dems going forward, like it was for Trump in 2016 where you're voting for ideology as much as the individual. It works because it makes sense, and the ramifications are being acutely felt now with Roe, et al.

Trump called Putin "genius" and "savvy" when he invaded Ukraine, that alone is enough for Trump to never be involved with foreign policy ever again.
Another sky is falling GoHox thread?! Dios mio. SCOTUS and judicial branch have to be a key part of the messaging for Dems going forward, like it was for Trump in 2016 where you're voting for ideology as much as the individual. It works because it makes sense, and the ramifications are being acutely felt now with Roe, et al.

Trump called Putin "genius" and "savvy" when he invaded Ukraine, that alone is enough for Trump to never be involved with foreign policy ever again.
Dude, I wish el Hefe Trump would never be elected but I'm afraid we gave him the keys on Thursday.
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Another sky is falling GoHox thread?! Dios mio. SCOTUS and judicial branch have to be a key part of the messaging for Dems going forward, like it was for Trump in 2016 where you're voting for ideology as much as the individual. It works because it makes sense, and the ramifications are being acutely felt now with Roe, et al.

Trump called Putin "genius" and "savvy" when he invaded Ukraine, that alone is enough for Trump to never be involved with foreign policy ever again.

I agree with all this. But you have a better chance with someone who can at least speak a complete sentence.
True. Like I said, the guy who stood there and lied for 90 minutes was the winner of that debate. Nobody is talking about that part, really. Crazy lying old man wins debate. Incredible.
Please list both candidates lies from the debate for comparison.

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