Will Biden?

I imagine @Chishawk1425 telling us how sad and pathetic the country is the day after Trump wins…never seeing that the pathetic part was the Democratic Party ignoring the obvious issue with their own candidate,
Not to mention gaslighting constantly about i“cheap fakes” and “behind closed doors the president is sharper than he’s ever been”.

On the bright side I don’t think we’ll hear much about “cheap fakes” anymore 😂
That post debate pep rally, where he is standing there lost and staring off into the distance and she is talking about how he answered all the questions, was disgraceful. This is a straight up case of elder abuse.
I agree. Most, not on here, can see that and extremely saddened by it and revolted. Trust me, I know lots of dems, who are now either not voting or voting for Trump or just some write in. The damage has been done. The Dem party doesn't care. They'll still be feeding at the trough of their donors. That's why DC sucks and the 2 party system is a farce. Lots of people on here are going to have a rough November. It's beyond bizzare to see an actual felon win re-election when he's a freaking pathological liar or worse. The Dems could even beat _that guy_.
I agree. Most, not on here, can see that and extremely saddened by it and revolted. Trust me, I know lots of dems, who are now either not voting or voting for Trump or just some write in. The damage has been done. The Dem party doesn't care. They'll still be feeding at the trough of their donors. That's why DC sucks and the 2 party system is a farce. Lots of people on here are going to have a rough November. It's beyond bizzare to see an actual felon win re-election when he's a freaking pathological liar or worse. The Dems could even beat _that guy_.
I still feel gut punched after Thursday. So I get why you're mad. You're pissed. You should be pissed. Dems never bothered to make a plan B. But here's what I also know. Pissed people vote. Pissed people pay attention. Joe belongs in a nursing home. But Trump belongs in prison. The more we can highlight this and the danger of Project 2025 the better.
I still feel gut punched after Thursday. So I get why you're mad. You're pissed. You should be pissed. Dems never bothered to make a plan B. But here's what I also know. Pissed people vote. Pissed people pay attention. Joe belongs in a nursing home. But Trump belongs in prison. The more we can highlight this and the danger of Project 2025 the better.

I'm pissed and I probably won't waste my time voting
I'm pissed and I probably won't waste my time voting

I’ll still vote for Biden if the democrats are stupid enough to keep him as our nominee. It will be a blowout loss. Young voters were already unenthusiastic about him. Independents by and large would vote for him because they oppose TRUMP. After Thursday night, many of them will not vote or will vote third party.

It doesn’t have to be this way. We can make a change at the convention but that would require a large number of elected democrats to let the WH know that it’s over. At the moment, none of them have had the courage to do so. The threat of punishment is real but what do you have to lose if you are going to get destroyed on election day if a change isn’t made.
You don't know anything of the Democratic Party, comrade.

Oh, don’t rely on me, Donna Brazil’s, the DNC chairman, explained it:

Did you really not know this?
I figured someone in Iowa with a little awareness to the political process would have heard about it.

Imagine if the Democrats had held an actual contest in 2023 and exposed this problem then. Electing a successor without allowing the incumbent to rig the process at the expense of the country.
I agree. Most, not on here, can see that and extremely saddened by it and revolted. Trust me, I know lots of dems, who are now either not voting or voting for Trump or just some write in. The damage has been done. The Dem party doesn't care. They'll still be feeding at the trough of their donors. That's why DC sucks and the 2 party system is a farce. Lots of people on here are going to have a rough November. It's beyond bizzare to see an actual felon win re-election when he's a freaking pathological liar or worse. The Dems could even beat _that guy_.
You know dems voting for Trump? I don’t think I have even heard of that. Anyone whom even considers voting for Trump is Moran as far as I am concerned. Never been a worse candidate.
It really is as simple as this. I wasn't happy Thursday and was down a bit yesterday but pull yourselves up by your straps and let's freaking do this. Trump was an absolute disgrace Thursday night , an evil pos and must be defeated. You can't replace a candidate at this stage it isn't possible based on simple thing known as facts in regards to certain state ballots etc. Also, see 1968.
That’s not what I am seeing:

It's 100% ego, which is surprising since y'all don't think his brain works. You can't have it both ways. When democracy starts to end next year I will blame the Democrats AND the American people for ignoring the fact that it was under attack from the Republican Party. I hope I am wrong but if more people think like many of you are, this is probably the last election where our vote means anything. We become Hungary. Well done. We will have the most corrupt human back as president, supported by people like Marjorie Taylor Greene - more corruption - not to mention a SCOTUS who has been bought and paid for. The great experiment is on its last legs, sadly.
So we can blame the end of Democracy on Biden’s f*cking ego then. We aren’t electing a president of the HOA ffs. The president of the USA needs to be a strong person and good communicator. I was as much as anybody hoping Joe would look good and put all the feeble dementia stuff to bed. I am more pissed that the dems aren’t taking this serious enough to get him to step down…
True. Like I said, the guy who stood there and lied for 90 minutes was the winner of that debate. Nobody is talking about that part, really. Crazy lying old man wins debate. Incredible.
Because the feeble old man couldn’t even speak to dispel the lies…ffs. What was the point of the debate if the guy can’t even speak? Why do it? Why could he speak fine the next day? Dementia floats in and out? Jesus this is frustrating ti the core.
Why the fvck can't any of you look at accomplishments and the administration that's doing the work?? Only Biden got hurt in that debate. Not the crazy old man who lied for 90 minutes. We're an insane nation. Old and trying to get things done for the country vs. old and only trying to enrich himself. America - we need to vote for the latter. Stupid stupid stupid.
Jeez, for the last time if it is Trump vs the vegetable I’m voting for the vegetable. But Biden IS going to lose against Trump. And you act like this is the only choice when Biden could do the right thing, the patriotic thing, the selfless thing and drop out for the good of the country. Hell, if he quits the race he would be a hero to many.

Why can’t you see he is personally incompetent? Yes he has a competent team, but Biden has slipped A LOT in the last few years. Our country deserves a president who is capable of being president. Not one that is led by his staff.
So we should just allow Trump and MAGA to take over with no fight?
We all want to fight MAGA. But you have to have someone at the top of the ticket capable of winning the fight. Do you really think those of us arguing to replace Biden want Trump to win? No, we see that Biden won’t win and that he is no longer capable of doing the job. The fact you can’t see this is really bizarre to me. Suggesting Biden should bow out IS fighting for our democracy.

Please wake up to the reality that Biden won’t win the independents he won in 2020, cause that’s who the Dems need to win over and Biden can’t. So let’s replace him with someone who can…like Whitmer.
Another sky is falling GoHox thread?! Dios mio. SCOTUS and judicial branch have to be a key part of the messaging for Dems going forward, like it was for Trump in 2016 where you're voting for ideology as much as the individual. It works because it makes sense, and the ramifications are being acutely felt now with Roe, et al.

Trump called Putin "genius" and "savvy" when he invaded Ukraine, that alone is enough for Trump to never be involved with foreign policy ever again.
Now if we could inly have an opposing candidate who can say that while under a spotlight…🤔
Dude, take a breather. I too wish Biden would step aside. But ultimately I will vote for whoever is on the ballot opposite to Trump. Joe is a Jill puppet. Fair enough. But Trump is a Putin puppet. Choice is still easy.
For some it is still easy. For others who don’t dive deep into politics and happened to catch that debate the other night maybe not so much….
It really is as simple as this. I wasn't happy Thursday and was down a bit yesterday but pull yourselves up by your straps and let's freaking do this. Trump was an absolute disgrace Thursday night , an evil pos and must be defeated. You can't replace a candidate at this stage it isn't possible based on simple thing known as facts in regards to certain state ballots etc. Also, see 1968.
Can you comment on your 3 convictions for DUI?
It really is as simple as this. I wasn't happy Thursday and was down a bit yesterday but pull yourselves up by your straps and let's freaking do this. Trump was an absolute disgrace Thursday night , an evil pos and must be defeated. You can't replace a candidate at this stage it isn't possible based on simple thing known as facts in regards to certain state ballots etc. Also, see 1968.
Which states won't allow a replacement for the guy who hasn't even officially been declared the nominee yet on ballots that haven't even been printed yet?
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Because Trump has his base of MAGAs. Clearly nothing at this point will deter them. That leaves Moderate Republicans, Independents, 3rd Party and unhappy Dems to evaluate their one and only choice to combat Trump. All of "us" not in the Trump camp are like, WTF!? We were literally tuning in to see just how bad Biden's gotten (we knew what we had with Trump).

This debate was really all about Biden.
Nailed it.

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