Will Hillary be indicted? Should she?

It was never really started, and will never really happen. When is the last time one of the ruling elite paid for anything? Nixon?
Is it possible to have a rational discussion about this without resorting to conspiracy theories?
I find it interesting that you have the same information as the FBI that they rest of the world doesn't. You must be pretty high up on the food chain.

There is NO dispute that Hillary sent classified emails. That is settled as fact. They just haven't completed the entire investigation.
The FBI has also opened a corruption investigation on her. The FBI is investigating the intersection of Clinton Foundation donations in the disbursement of State Department contracts.
No one that is unbiased can look at this and think there isn't corruption involved. The only question is whether or not the Obama administration is willing to do the right thing and prosecute. But that would cost the Democrats the 2016 election something we know they are not willing to do
I hope so. It would be nice to see her and Slick both get put in the pen where the real slime belongs. Maybe they could take the canadian and the dumpster with them as well as the other cuban sleazebag.
No clue who PJ Media was just the first of many links and looked to be the most detailed.

Opinions on Hillary Clinton's chances in 2016 come in two forms with not much in between: "It ain't happening" and "Hillary's got it locked in." We may soon find out which one of those prognostications is right.

Washington insiders are saying that the evidence in the FBI's investigation into Clinton's "unique email arrangement" has reached "critical mass." The American Spectator's R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. joins former prosecutor Joe DiGenova in predicting that a decision to indict is coming soon.

The charges will consist of some of the following:

1. Improper disclosure or retention of classified information.

2. Destruction of government records.

3. Lying to federal agents.

4. Lying under oath.

5. Obstruction of justice.

There are those who have told me that the FBI has been engaged in a ruse. And that the Bureau will report it has come across nothing criminal. Then the whole imbroglio is expected to blow over.

But such cynics are in the minority. Most sources have told me the investigation is genuine, serious, and all but completed. One told me that it was completed two months ago. The Bureau has put together a case that as one source put it “is locked up. It is solid.”

In the past, as FBI agent I.C. Smith wrote in his book Inside: A Top G-Man Exposes Spies, Lies, and Bureaucratic Bungling Inside the FBI, the Clintons have benefited from a few corrupt agents, usually in Arkansas. But that was years ago, and in Arkansas. This is the FBI in Washington, at the top where there are plenty of utterly professional law enforcement officials. They believe truth matters and so does the pursuit of justice. “They have been building a case that is unassailable,” one source told me. “It is beyond the case against Petraeus.… It is about the violation of federal statutes.”

An indicted Hillary may try to brazen her way to the finish line, but she could be too damaged by scandal to get elected (even by an unscrupulous Democratic electorate). But if she doesn't make it to the finish line, that leaves the race wide open for all sorts of Democrat chicanery.
People have to realize that Billaries server was hacked by everyone. And I mean everyone, the Chinese, the Russians, criminals, and hackers that did it for fun. It was routinely shared among hackers worldwide. Obviously, this leaves Hillary open to blackmail from other world governments.
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The Benghazi investigation is not yet completed. I think you're getting an entire team of horses ahead of the cart here.
The FBI's investigation into the email mess is not yet complete either. To say she should be indicted for that is also getting the cart before the horse. The difference is that multiple investigations have been conducted into Benghazi, and found, basically, nothing. It is certainly more legitimate to say that the Benghazi investigation is a fraud, based on the previous investigations that have turned up nothing.
JFC. No, you won't. Even if you get a Republican President, Republican House, and Republican Senate, the ACA isn't going anywhere. And do you know why? Because the GOP can't come up with an alternative. They've have 6 years now to craft one. Where is it? Admit it. The GOP is good at bitching about stuff, but are lousy in finding solutions.

You're logic is bizarre, you want the GOP to replace Obamacare with GOPCare? THey are BOTH wrong. Why are you always looking for solutions elsewhere?
The FBI's investigation into the email mess is not yet complete either. To say she should be indicted for that is also getting the cart before the horse. The difference is that multiple investigations have been conducted into Benghazi, and found, basically, nothing. It is certainly more legitimate to say that the Benghazi investigation is a fraud, based on the previous investigations that have turned up nothing.

Her emails between herself and her daughter clearly revealed that Hillary lied to the American people for days.

She told Chelsea it was a terrorist attack but told everyone else it was a spontaneous protest caused by a video, and continued with the lie about it for days after having told her daughter the truth.

Hillary lied about Benghazi and the email investigation proved it.
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Is it possible to have a rational discussion about this without resorting to conspiracy theories?

There's nothing conspiracy about the truth, my friend. Has it happened since Nixon? Shouldn't that raise a red flag? The housing bubble happened and nobody from either the banks or the government got in trouble for it? In fact, the higher up you were, the bigger golden parachute you received. Nothing? It doesn't bother you at all?
Her emails between herself and her daughter clearly revealed that Hillary lied to the American people for days.

She told Chelsea it was a terrorist attack but told everyone else it was a spontaneous protest caused by a video, and continued with the lie about it for days after having told her daughter the truth.

Hillary lied about Benghazi and the email investigation proved it.

And that's just it. After YEARS of investigation and MILLIONS of dollars spent on investigations, the Republicans prove that politicians spin news that may be detrimental to their party. Oh the horror.
This isn't the 90s anymore where the MSM drove the narrative and protected the Clintons as much as possible. Folks have much more information available and the influence of the MSM has dwindled. You can't just go on 60 Minutes and explain things away to a sympathetic interviewer anymore. Also, in the 90s the Clintons had savvy people working and strategizing for them - Carville, Lanny Davis, etc.. Now Hill has "strategic giants" like Huma and Cheryl Mills insulating her at every turn and telling her how great she looks.

Not saying she will be indicted, especially given the increasingly political DOJ under Obama, just that the landscape has changed and I don't think HRC or her all-star staff is equipped to handle it. She will not be President and Dems will realize it too late.
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This isn't the 90s anymore where the MSM drove the narrative and protected the Clintons as much as possible. Folks have much more information available and the influence of the MSM has dwindled. You can't just go on 60 Minutes and explain things away to a sympathetic interviewer anymore. Also, in the 90s the Clintons had savvy people working and strategizing for them - Carville, Lanny Davis, etc.. Now Hill has "strategic giants" like Huma and Cheryl Mills insulating her at every turn and telling her how great she looks.

Not saying she will be indicted, especially given the increasingly political DOJ under Obama, just that the landscape has changed and I don't think HRC or her all-star staff is equipped to handle it. She will not be President and Dems will realize it too late.
Hope you are right but I guess I have much less faith in justice being served. The left is too deeply entrenched in winning this election at any and all costs. And the media will drag Hillary across the line

If they are willing to use the IRS to target civilians just for ideology then cover it up with help from the media, i have zero doubt they will go to any lengths possible to win an election.

Just look at what civilan liberals on this board are willing to do for their cause.
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There is NO dispute that Hillary sent classified emails. That is settled as fact. They just haven't completed the entire investigation.
The FBI has also opened a corruption investigation on her. The FBI is investigating the intersection of Clinton Foundation donations in the disbursement of State Department contracts.
No one that is unbiased can look at this and think there isn't corruption involved. The only question is whether or not the Obama administration is willing to do the right thing and prosecute. But that would cost the Democrats the 2016 election something we know they are not willing to do

You're logic is bizarre, you want the GOP to replace Obamacare with GOPCare? THey are BOTH wrong. Why are you always looking for solutions elsewhere?
Oh, no, I've got the Republican response to everything: Do nothing. It's your plan for healthcare. It's your plan for Climate Change. It's your plan for gun violence. You guys might as well put that on your bumper stickers: "Vote Republican. We'll sit on our dicks."
Oh, no, I've got the Republican response to everything: Do nothing. It's your plan for healthcare. It's your plan for Climate Change. It's your plan for gun violence. You guys might as well put that on your bumper stickers: "Vote Republican. We'll sit on our dicks."

I like that a lot better than, "Democrats - Never let a crisis go to waste"
We've had 6 concluded investigations, 13 concluded hearings, and have spent as much time on Benghazi as we did with all of 9/11 and yet Benghazi still somehow not completed? You can't seriously buy into that.
It's the never ending right wing obsession that if they just keep whacking away at themselves they'll reach satisfaction some day, no matter how flaccid things are right now.
Not for what is actually in the FBI investigation. Everything up until this point is pure speculation. The only people who know what the FBI is specifically finding is the FBI themselves.

Yeah, those anonymous sources are never right.
Conspiracy theories? lol

It's just not possible, or even likely, that people with like interests will act in a covert fashion without ever knowing one another!

People like Hillary Clinton are NEVER indicted, much less put in jail. It sucks when you're an average citizen who believes this place is run by the common folk casting votes... and you realize it's not.

This illusion of left and right guarantees that people who are the biggest criminals in history will never be held accountable. This party paradigm makes them literally impervious to any culpability.
Should she be indicted, yes.
Will she be indicted, yes.

From what I've read, there will be a riot with the ranks of the FBI if she isn't. After the latest batch of emails which indicated she advised Jake Sullivan to circumvent security measures with correspondence it's looking more and more likely that she will be indicted. Why do you think she all of a sudden shows up on Fact The Nation sunday?

Wake up people.
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Should she be indicted, yes.
Will she be indicted, yes.

From what I've read, there will be a riot with the ranks of the FBI if she isn't. After the latest batch of emails which indicated she advised Jake Sullivan to circumvent security measures with correspondence it's looking more and more likely that she will be indicted. Why do you think she all of a sudden shows up on Fact The Nation sunday?

Wake up people.
This is also pure speculation. Fact is that nobody outside the investigation knows how it's coming. Even the riot talk is coming from outsiders. I'll wait until the FBI releases its findings in a few months.
Does she deserve indictment? Absolutely. Multiple former federal employees are currently serving jail time and have served jail time for unintentional mishandling of classified information that would qualify as little more than clerical errors. Hillary has over 300 intentional mishandlings and the latest release of her emails shows that she was instructing others to alter classification markings. So this now shows mindset and intent. Not to mention that this same email release shows rules violations in regards to her dealings with the Clinton Foundation which is why it was just announced that the investigation is now looking into public corruption.

In my opinion the FBI will definitely be making a formal referral to the Justice Department recommending indictment. However, I don't see any scenario where Loretta Lynch actually indicts. Neither she nor Obama have the moral fortitude to undermine their own political party. Then you will see multiple career FBI agents resign out of protest and this will be a very public act during a time where the terrorist threat has increased and the FBI is already undermanned and stretched thin. That will be a political black eye for Obama, but he doesn't care.

The question then remains, will the simple fact that an indictment was referred to the Justice Department be enough to end her political career.
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The email in question is not speculative.

Four months later, she wrote another e-mail, also released last week, that is now the subject of some controversy. In this note, she expressed impatience that a set of talking points being sent to her was delayed due to trouble with a secure fax. She ordered staffer Jake Sullivan to circumvent the rules: “Turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure.” The subject of the talking points has been redacted from the e-mail, almost certainly because it involved classified or confidential material.

Read more at:

Also, the fact is after the email came out, she pops up on Face the Nation. A rare event.

Of course, it is my opinion that she will be indicted.
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Does she deserve indictment? Absolutely. Multiple former federal employees are currently serving jail time and have served jail time for unintentional mishandling of classified information that would qualify as little more than clerical errors. Hillary has over 300 intentional mishandlings and the latest release of her emails shows that she was instructing others to alter classification markings. So this now shows mindset and intent.

In my opinion the FBI will definitely be making a formal referral to the Justice Department recommending indictment. However, I don't see any scenario where Loretta Lynch actually indicts. Neither she nor Obama have the moral fortitude to undermine their own political party. Then you will see multiple career FBI agents resign out of protest and this will be a very public act during a time where the terrorist threat has increased and the FBI is already undermanned and stretched thin. That will be a political black eye for Obama, but he doesn't care.

The question then remains, will the simple fact that an indictment was referred to the Justice Department be enough to end her political career.
Sorry. None of this has been proven against Hillary.
Sorry. None of this has been proven against Hillary.

Once again showing your complete ignorance and intellectual inability to grasp what is going on. The instances of classified emails that were mishandled has been well documented and is an undeniable fact. The only question that remains is whether the Justice Department feels obligated to prosecute her or not.

I realize the you get 100% of your news from the Hillary Clinton Campaign website which is probably why you will never get it.
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Once again showing your complete ignorance and intellectual inability to grasp what is going on. The instances of classified emails that were mishandled has been well documented and is an undeniable fact. The only question that remains is whether the Justice Department feels obligated to prosecute her or not.

I realize the you get 100% of your news from the Hillary Clinton Campaign website which is probably why you will never get it.
Link to Hillary being charged with anything? Wait. I already know none exist. Keep digging, though.
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There's some weird stuff going on between Hillary and Sidney blumenthal also.

John R. Schindler writes...

Back in October I told you that Hillary Clinton’s email troubles were anything but over, and that the scandal over her misuse of communications while she was Secretary of State was sure to get worse. Sure enough, EmailGate continues to be a thorn in the side of Hillary’s presidential campaign and may have just entered a new, potentially explosive phase with grave ramifications, both political and legal.

The latest court-ordered dump of her email, just placed online by the State Department, brings more troubles for Team Hillary. This release of over 3,000 pages includes 66 “Unclassified” messages that the State Department subsequently determined actually were classified; however, all but one of those 66 were deemed Confidential, the lowest classification level, while one was found to be Secret, bringing the total of Secret messages discovered so far to seven. In all, 1,340 Hillary emails at State have been reassessed as classified.

John Schindler is a security expert and former National Security Agency analyst and counterintelligence officer. A specialist in espionage and terrorism, he's also been a Navy officer and a War College professor. He's published four books and is on Twitter at @20committee.
Link to Hillary being charged with anything? Wait. I already know none exist. Keep digging, though.

There's some weird stuff going on between Hillary and Sidney blumenthal also.

John R. Schindler writes...

Back in October I told you that Hillary Clinton’s email troubles were anything but over, and that the scandal over her misuse of communications while she was Secretary of State was sure to get worse. Sure enough, EmailGate continues to be a thorn in the side of Hillary’s presidential campaign and may have just entered a new, potentially explosive phase with grave ramifications, both political and legal.

The latest court-ordered dump of her email, just placed online by the State Department, brings more troubles for Team Hillary. This release of over 3,000 pages includes 66 “Unclassified” messages that the State Department subsequently determined actually were classified; however, all but one of those 66 were deemed Confidential, the lowest classification level, while one was found to be Secret, bringing the total of Secret messages discovered so far to seven. In all, 1,340 Hillary emails at State have been reassessed as classified.

John Schindler is a security expert and former National Security Agency analyst and counterintelligence officer. A specialist in espionage and terrorism, he's also been a Navy officer and a War College professor. He's published four books and is on Twitter at @20committee.
Lol. Ah, the only dirt the Republicans were able to uncover during their latest witch hunt. Sidney. Weak sauce, my friend. Weak sauce.
Link to Hillary being charged with anything? Wait. I already no none exist. Keep digging, though.

Nice attempt at deflection. I never said she has been charged. In fact if you go back to my original post I clearly state that I don't think she will. Anyone with a basic level of intellectual capability and intellectual honesty can see undeniable proof that she has multiple violations of the Espionage Act. I understand that this will never be something you comprehend because you have clearly shown you possess neither intellectual capabilities or honesty.
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