Will the Jim Harbaugh act change?


HR Legend
Gold Member
Dec 17, 2006
If I was him I'd reign it in. His act ain't gonna play too well with their record.

That seat be getting hot Jim? :D:D:D:D:D

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Forget OSU, Michigan isn't even the best team in their own state! Dantonio owns UM and they need to focus on that small hurdle first. He needs to worry more about Maryland and Durkin closing close behind him! He is currently not ahead of Urban, Franklin or Dantonio in the east.
I have a feeling that Ben VanSumeren cost himself a chance to play at the next level.

Enjoy the snake oil you'll be drinking Ben. I'm sure you'll acquire a taste for it someday.
I said in the VanSumeren flip thread that I hope Ben likes the tOSU fight song, as he’ll be hearing it A LOT the next 4-5 years. Probably could add Sparty’s and PSU’s to that play list as well, but Jimmy is without a doubt Urban’s beeyotch...
That Michigan QB sucks. S-U-C-K-S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pastel Blue Marshmallows :D:D:D:D

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Their QB was not good. I expected Harbaugh to coach high level QB's and that's where Michigan would excel at. Was wrong I guess. Will get hard to recruit blue chip offensive talent after that horrid offensive showing today.
Harbaughs behavioural artistry is not an act. He has some mixture of disorders that he can't control. In stark contrast to his brother, who has been in one coaching gig for an extended period of time, Jim has jumped around a fair amount. This is not just because the next rung up the ladder has opened up. He creates an environment that he himself becomes uncomfortable with and one that becomes dysfunctional. His intelligent antics will be his downfall.
Harbaughs behavioural artistry is not an act. He has some mixture of disorders that he can't control. In stark contrast to his brother, who has been in one coaching gig for an extended period of time, Jim has jumped around a fair amount. This is not just because the next rung up the ladder has opened up. He creates an environment that he himself becomes uncomfortable with and one that becomes dysfunctional. His intelligent antics will be his downfall.
Saw that Higden fumbled in the red zone- I get decommitments but his was on the 25th hour with no communication....not only that we ended up recruiting Eric Graham who washed out and then stirred the pot on twitter after words....anyhow hello Karma
Not intelligent in the sense that it helps his cause. He is highly intelligent but it does not translate to success. His psycholical profile is complicated and problematic to the future success of whatever organization he tries to lead.
Speaking of overpaid coaches. Those Iowa fans who bitch about Ferentz's salary, well it compares nothing to what Harbaugh gets for the same 8-5 record.

It would even be more ironic if Nebraska has the same luck with Frost. After all Harbaugh was Michigan's dream coach as is Frost for the Huskers.
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Thinking back to Harbaugh at San Fran, I recall his players saying he wore them out. The 49er players thought he'd be better in college because the players would only need to tolerate him for 4-5 years.

At first I enjoyed his antics. I even found him refreshing. But now? I look at his camps in Florida and trips to Italy as nothing more than distractions. His odd ball geek look has become nothing short of weird.

Another note, I see this as an indicator as to how fast the Row Your Boat act will be tolerated in Minneapolis.

Say what you wish about Mr. Ferentz, but I'll mark us down as lucky to have him.
It wont change, but he will get shoved to the back burner. Now w/Fleck & Frost in the Big Ten, these are the two young and upcoming coaches everyone is talking about. ESPN loves both Fleck & Frost and will be all over them. Jimmy will be lost in the shuffle and put to the back burner. Unless he wins a NC at Michigan next year.
Speaking of overpaid coaches. Those Iowa fans who bitch about Ferentz's salary, well it compares nothing to what Harbaugh gets for the same 8-5 record.

It would even be more ironic if Nebraska has the same luck with Frost. After all Harbaugh was Michigan's dream coach as is Frost for the Huskers.

That's the funny thing about Nebraska fans and other teams fans that say KF is fleecing the U of I but they don't take into account all the money their programs are spending to pay fired coaches and AD's.

Example: I'm sure Nebraska is paying $4 to 5 mil a year to Callahan, Pelini, Eichorst, and now Riley then add in the new coaches salary that hasn't coached a game at UNL but paying top three in the conference. I'll take Kirk's three BCS bowls, two conference championships, and one B1G appearance over their coaching failures any day at $4.5 million a year while helping fund all other sports at Iowa. Those rubes to the west aren't the best fans, more like dumbest.
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Frost is the real deal and a home run hire for the Fuskers

I'll wait to see how he does after four or five years in the B1G before calling him a real deal or home run hire. You were probdklt saying the same thing about Jimmy Jam at Meatchicken.
I do not understand why it is so important to have an alum for head coach. We had Bob Commings and how did that work out? Get the best coach you can that fits your budget.
So help me understand guys think Harbaugh is an awful coach after an
8-5 season in which he just had 18 players drafted(most in the Nation), and is 29-11 his first three seasons? But Kirk is great after an 8-5 season? In fact Harbaugh should be “fired” after 8-5 yet Kirk gets a $500,000 bonus for winning 8. Guess the Hawks are still insecure about your place in the college football world. Harbaugh is still building a powerhouse and you guys know it.
So help me understand guys think Harbaugh is an awful coach after an
8-5 season in which he just had 18 players drafted(most in the Nation), and is 29-11 his first three seasons? But Kirk is great after an 8-5 season? In fact Harbaugh should be “fired” after 8-5 yet Kirk gets a $500,000 bonus for winning 8. Guess the Hawks are still insecure about your place in the college football world. Harbaugh is still building a powerhouse and you guys know it.
I don’t think he should be fired but I do think he’s vastly overrated as a head coach. It’s really quite incredible that Michigan is essentially Iowa in terms of success since the turn of the century. Significant advantages that have went uncapitalized in almost two decades.
If you go 8-5 after three years at Michigan it definitely is worse than 8-5 at Iowa. KF isn't working with 4 and 5 star athletes. I really believe Jim has more time to win just because Michigan put so much time and reputation into his hire. Same can be said for Frost at Nebraska because with all of the build up where would they go from here. Would they fire and hire another AD and coach? That would look a lot like Iowa in the 60s & 70s.
Thinking back to Harbaugh at San Fran, I recall his players saying he wore them out. The 49er players thought he'd be better in college because the players would only need to tolerate him for 4-5 years.

At first I enjoyed his antics. I even found him refreshing. But now? I look at his camps in Florida and trips to Italy as nothing more than distractions. His odd ball geek look has become nothing short of weird.

Another note, I see this as an indicator as to how fast the Row Your Boat act will be tolerated in Minneapolis.

Say what you wish about Mr. Ferentz, but I'll mark us down as lucky to have him.
If you go 8-5 after three years at Michigan it definitely is worse than 8-5 at Iowa. KF isn't working with 4 and 5 star athletes. I really believe Jim has more time to win just because Michigan put so much time and reputation into his hire. Same can be said for Frost at Nebraska because with all of the build up where would they go from here. Would they fire and hire another AD and coach? That would look a lot like Iowa in the 60s & 70s.
If you go 8-5 after three years at Michigan it definitely is worse than 8-5 at Iowa. KF isn't working with 4 and 5 star athletes. I really believe Jim has more time to win just because Michigan put so much time and reputation into his hire. Same can be said for Frost at Nebraska because with all of the build up where would they go from here. Would they fire and hire another AD and coach? That would look a lot like Iowa in the 60s & 70s.
4 and 5 star athletes and a 3rd string QB...Michigan and Harbaugh will be just fine...oh, and I thought you said stars don’t mean anything? LOL
Their QB was not good. I expected Harbaugh to coach high level QB's and that's where Michigan would excel at. Was wrong I guess. Will get hard to recruit blue chip offensive talent after that horrid offensive showing today.

Ironically, the only good QB he coached was Rudock -- after he had three/four years of preparation at IOWA. The "talent" Harbaugh coaches up on his own seem to be, well, sucking. LOL!
Fleck has done nothing at Minnesota. Harbaugh has done nothing at Michigan. Frost has done nothing at Nebraska. Let these guys do something at THESE schools before annointing them.
So help me understand guys think Harbaugh is an awful coach after an
8-5 season in which he just had 18 players drafted(most in the Nation), and is 29-11 his first three seasons? But Kirk is great after an 8-5 season? In fact Harbaugh should be “fired” after 8-5 yet Kirk gets a $500,000 bonus for winning 8. Guess the Hawks are still insecure about your place in the college football world. Harbaugh is still building a powerhouse and you guys know it.
If you actually pay attention to what many have said, maybe you'll get a clue. First, I don't think he should be fired, but there's no question that Harbough was not brought home and given damn near 10 mil a year to have Michigan be the third or fourth best team in the east division, and thats were they are currently. I'm sorry, but Michigan has always recruited well enough that by year three Harbough should not be fielding a mediocre team, and thats what they are currently. He was also brought in to upgrade the QB situation at Michigan, and has failed miserably to this point. The issue most Iowa fans have is the amount of acclaim and ass kissing that goes on for the guy, when he's NEVER won a significant college game that would put him in the category of great coaches they try to associate him with. Kind of the cart before the horse, don't you think? Besides its not the Iowa fans you should be worried about, its the bubbling up of discontent among you own fan base and alums. Wait and see what happens when they finish third or fourth in the east again next year.
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