Long time reader, and first time poster. Hello everyone! I'm from Iowa, so I love the Hawks, no matter what! I just don't like the way that we are losing. Obviously there has been an evolution to wrestling that we haven't adapted to! We need to scramble better, and be more athletic. I hate to say it, but psu is fun to watch, we aren't. Time to swallow some pride, go back to the drawing board, and be willing to adapt to the way that college wrestling has changed. We wrestle like cavemen! It's boring, and it doesn't work...Time to stop worrying about recruiting "tough"guys like T&T, and start recruiting the most talented athletes that are available! These are kids that might not like camo, and relaxing with a chainsaw. Hell, they might even smile after they win....who cares! Times have changed, we need to change! I say all of this with peace, and love